Background image stops working when uploaded to server (website) - css

I'm new to all this and I'm having a pretty annoying issue.
My site works fine when I open it from the folder on my PC but when I put my site online all the images stop working. I have uploaded the image folder and all the images I made sure.
I'm using bootstrap and bootstraps basic template.

The image file names had capitals in them and obviously the FTP server is case sensitive where as Windows is not.
Thanks though guys.


CSS Changes Not Showing In HTML site

My CSS changes are not showing once I upload to FTP. HTML changes show just fine. This is the web page in question:-
Activ Physiotherapy
Hosted with 1and1 and recently had an SSL certificate installed. I think it is an APACHE SERVER.
I have tried caching, deleting history and cookies and no luck with that. I deleted css file from root and the website still had all the css styled correctly as if the css file was still in the root.
I think something is wrong with my FTP but I do not know what to be able to fix it. It is like it is getting uploaded to the wrong webspace.
I should also mention that the changes work just fine locally in all browsers, just nothing when uploaded via FTP.
I just wanted to offer an update in case anyone goes through the same thing. It is a caching issue however the hard refresh and clearing cookies etc was useless for me.
Therefore in the end I added a string to the html tag in the . Like so:-
This has forced the cache immediately.

Live code sync for a remote FTP site?

I develop on a remotely hosted site that I push files to via SFTP. I would like to set up my site so that I can see any CSS and HTML changes reflected immediately without the need to manually refresh my browser. I've looked at using mixture and browser sync for this but they appear to only work on locally hosted sites. Any suggestions on how to go about setting this up on remotely hosted project?
You might want to try "Emmet LiveStyle", this is a plugin for Chrome and for Sublime Text editor that lets you live code CSS (not HTML) and changes are reflected immediately without the need to refresh the browser.
Then you can use "Sublime SFTP" package for Sublime Text to automatically upload CSS files on save.
I use this setup and it works perfectly.

css and images not loading

i have uploaded my 4 web forms site to my testing server. all the database connectivity issue is resolved and its working perfctly but i am having problem the css and the images are not showing neither localy on the server nor if i try to access it from the external link.
i am using master pages. (if this help in anyway )
i have tryed to hard code the styles into a page. they have appeared i think there is something with the path on server i have to create
i have double checked the css path and the images path they are correct but still they are not showing. any idea?
Thank you 4 the help
I had the same problem two minutes ago. Here's the solution.
All you have to do is run ‘optionalfeature’ command and make sure ‘Static Content’ option is checked.

HTTP 403 - Image does not show in IE but shows in all other browsers

I have a 2.0 app.
It is using its own application domain.
My application has an image on the following page:
There is an image on the following page on the bottom right which DOES NOT show in IE. But it shows in other browsers..
Here is the image:
I am stuck. I changed the application pool in IIS7 windows server 2008 web edition to use network service identity but it is still not working.
I use my own CMS to upload this image. The image is saved to a folder.(dynamicdata/images).
Any suggestions.
Your image is in CYMK color space. Some browsers can load CMYK images, but many cannot, IE included. Convert it to RGB, and you're good to go. You can use Photoshop or GIMP for this.
Here is a converted version for you, resized to the size you need it:
You shouldn't use 700k images on your site. That's a ton of bandwidth. This version is 14k.
Perhaps the file is corrupt. I had similar issue before.
Try downloading the file, opening it with your favorite picture editor (photoshop/paint/ifranview), then upping it back to the server. It did the trick for me.

not getting images displayed after uploading application

i am getting the images in my localhost.But when i am uploading my project the images are not displayed.
I am saving my images in "~/App_Themes/darkOrange/images/button_line.jpg".
Is their is another method for giving image path in ASP.Net.
please help.
thank you.
Yes - check what is actually getting rendered out in the "src" attribute for the images. See if you can physically get to that file, if you cant, means the webpage cant. Have you confirmed the images have been deployed to the web server (not local - the server you uploaded to).
If not, make sure the "Build Action" for the images are set to "Content" in the properties window in Solution Explorer.
I faced a similar problem once. But, that was just a static website. Where the images were displayed in localhost but when I ftp files to the server, the images wouldn't show.
Later, I found out that it was becasue of the different case. For e.g - The image file name was "Image.JPG" and I had used "Image.jpg" in my code
Just check if this helps.
