How can I do an SVG Path drawing animation when the stroke has a dasharray? - css

Looking to animate the below SVG, which I have got working initially. However, I want it to 'draw' the second SVG in the opposite direction, WITH the dots i've defined.
Is there any way I can do this? Effectively drawing my shape from left to right with the dots.

The normal dash offset animation trick really only works with solid lines.
This is the closest I managed to get using CSS animations.
Unfortunately the dashes crawl because you have no control over the step rate of the stroke-dashoffset. If you could make it step by 10 at a time, the dashes wouldn't move.
So I think the only way around it is to use Javascript.
var path = document.querySelectorAll("svg path").item(0);
* Animates the given path element.
* Assumes the path has a "5 5" dash array.
function animateDashedPath(path)
var pathLength = path.getTotalLength();
var animationDuration = 2000;
var numSteps = Math.round(pathLength / (5+5) + 1);
var stepDuration = animationDuration / numSteps;
// Build the dash array so we don't have to do it manually
var dasharray = [];
while (numSteps-- > 0) {
// Animation start conditions
path.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", dasharray.join(" "));
path.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", -pathLength);
// We use an interval timer to do each step of the animation
var interval = setInterval(dashanim, stepDuration);
function dashanim() {
pathLength -= (5+5);
path.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", -pathLength);
if (pathLength <= 0) {
Demo here
It looks like there is an issue with in FF. If you create the "right" number of dashes for the path length, it doesn't quite reach the end of the path. You need to add extra.
A version of the demo that works properly on FF is here


ViewModel.setLookAtData() does not animate if using only bounds

I am attempting to zoom into a clicked shape or group of shapes. The actual move works, but the property to tell it to animate does not.
bounds: boundingBox
}, true);
This does move and zoom correctly but without animation. If I add a specific zoom level it animates as expected, but part of what I need it to figure out is the zoom level for me.
I can probably fake it if I can work out any reliable way to calculate what the zoom level should be manually, but that is less than ideal. For what ever reason, using only bounds breaks the feature that allows animation. Any work around for this?
Map instance methods such as setZoom(), setCenter() and setViewBounds() accept a second argument indicating whether an animated transition should be applied.
We recommend not to create your own zoom animations as shown in the snippet below:
// Assumption: 'map' is initialized and available.
var currentZoom = map.getZoom();
var endZoom = currentZoom + 3;
// Update zoom level on each animation frame,
// till we reach endZoom:
function step() {
currentZoom += 0.05;
(currentZoom < endZoom) && requestAnimationFrame(step);
// Start zoom animation
Instead, call the method setZoom() with an optional second parameter to perform an animation:
/** * Assumption: 'map' is initialized and available */ // Call
getZoom() with an optional second parameter, // indicating that an
animation is to be performed: map.setZoom(map.getZoom() + 3, true);
Possible Workaround: seems to work if you pass the bounds centroid:
let data = {bounds: bounds, position: bounds.getCenter() };
map.getViewModel().setLookAtData(data, opt_animate);

How to change styling of a SVGCircleElement object?

In my scatterplot I'd like to change the styling(opacity/color) of a circle on mouseover and also for all other circles which, share the same className.
But groupList[i].style("opacity", .6); seems not to be the correct way.
var mouseOver = function() {
var circle =;
var highlitedGroup = this.className.baseVal;
var groupList = document.getElementsByClassName(highlitedGroup);
// The styling for the circle which mouse is over it.
.duration(800).style("opacity", 1)
.attr("r", 16).ease("elastic");
// For the all other circles which have the same className do this styling
for (var i=0; i<groupList.length; i++) {
// List of SVGCircleElement objects
groupList[i].style("opacity", .6); //??
Because you are already putting D3.js to use, I recommend sticking to it throughout your code whenever possible. In this case your function boils down to basically two statement where the first one is manipulating the main circle while second one will take care of all circles having the same class.
var mouseOver = function() {
// The styling for the circle which mouse is over it.
.duration(800).style("opacity", 1)
.attr("r", 16).ease("elastic");
// For the all other circles which have the same className do this styling
d3.selectAll("." + this.className)
.style("opacity", .6);
Please note, that this will only work if there is only one class assigned to the main circle. If there is more than one class assigned to this element, this.className will contain a space-separated list of class names breaking the selection.

Three.js rotate camera to specific position

I have an sphere with divs using CSS3DRenderer. When I click to one of the divs I'd like to position/rotate the camera so the element displays in the center of the screen.
I've tried several examples and I've read other answers but still I cant get it to work.
At the moment it moves the camera but the sphere gets repositioned in different places
What I'm trying to do is the following:
Gets the HTML element's class. Then loop through an array of THREE.CSS3DObject to get its position, then use that to position the camera.
function moveCamera(element) {
for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; i ++ ) {
var object = objects[ i ];
if(object.element.className == element.className) {
position = object.position;
rotation = object.rotation;
found = true;
if (found) {
camera.rotation = rotation;
found = false;
} }
What I'm I doing wrong?
Here's the example
You were close. You just have to move the camera to the right place.
camera.rotation.copy( rotation );
camera.position.copy( position ).multiplyScalar( 4 );
Updated fiddles: or
Be careful about going behind-the-back of TrackballControls and modifying the camera properties yourself. This appears to work, however.
three.js r.65

Rotate background-image in a rotated div?

I have a div shape with before: and after: so it looks like a cross shape (Rotated).
But now my problem is, that the background is logically also rotated. I'd like that the background image isn't rotated and the image should be the size of the div.
I already tried to add a transform rotate to the place where I added the background but it didnt rotate back. Also for the size I tried background-size to adjust it, didnt work either.
Here is my jsbin:
thanks in advance!
Well, I tried for a while to get a version working with pure CSS and HTML, but I was unable to do so. I believe that double pseudo selectors, aka ::after and ::before, would allow it to be possible, but I don't think that you can do it in pure CSS in one object currently.
With that being said, the way I accomplished it using one element is the much more common way - by using a canvas. With canvas it becomes pretty simple. Hopefully the comments make it easy to understand
Live demo here
// Gets a list of all the canvases to create an X for
var canvases = document.getElementsByClassName('profile');
// Allows the X to be drawn on multiple canvases without being redrawn
var tempCanvas = drawX();
// Gives the canvases a background image (the person's profile)
// If you wanted different images for each you could easily create an array
// and iterate through it for each canvas
var background = new Image();
background.src = "";
// Once the image has loaded, apply the Xs
background.onload = function() {
// Do it for each canvas
for(var i = 0, j = canvases.length; i < j; i ++)
// Gets the current canvas and context
var canvas = canvases[i];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Allows the portrait only to be shown through the generated X
context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
// Draws the profile picture
context.drawImage(background, 0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
// Cuts out everything that is not within the X
context.drawImage(tempCanvas, 0, 0);
// Creates the X to use as the cut out
function drawX() {
// Creates a hidden canvas to draw the X on
var offscreenCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var offscreenCtx = offscreenCanvas.getContext('2d');
// The width/height of the original canvas, not sure why "canvas.width" doesn't work here...
var size = 200;
offscreenCanvas.width = size;
offscreenCanvas.height = size;
// Creates the rectangles sloped positively;
offscreenCtx.translate(3 * size / 4, 3 * size / 4);
offscreenCtx.fillRect(-size/2, -size/2, size * .3, size);
// Loads the state before the first rectangle was created
// Creates the rectangles sloped positively
offscreenCtx.translate(3 * size / 4, 1 * size / 4);
offscreenCtx.fillRect(-size/2, -size/2, size * .3, size);
// Returns the canvas with the X
return offscreenCanvas;
You can't rotate a CSS background independently of the element it is attached to.
The only way you're going to be able to do this is to have the rotated content in an additional element inside your existing one, and only rotate the inner element.
<div> <-- background applied to this element
<div>....</div> <-- but this one is rotated
Now your background will remain static while the content inside it rotates.
If you can't have any extra markup, you could still achieve this without changing the HTML, by using CSS the :before selector to create an additional pseudo-element behind the main element. Apply the background to that instead of the main element; after that it's similar to what I described above with the extra markup.
Hope that helps.

Image Rotate 3D in Flex, but display another image on back of this image?

i want to rotate 3D an Image called img1 in Flex. I want to rotate it around y axis 180 degree. I can do this by using 3D effect already built in Flex but i want to do a bit more different.
I want during rotating, there's another image called img2 appear on back of img1 (in default case, the image appear on the back is img1) and when rotating finish, the image will be img2.
How can i do this ?
Thank you.
If you need no perspective effect, it's quite easy to do. A rough implementation (not tested!):
// Event.ENTER_FRAME event listener
void on_enter_frame(event:Event):void
// m_angle is a member of the class/flex component where on_enter_frame is declared
// ANGLE_DELTA is just a constant
m_angle += ANGLE_DELTA;
// Angle clamping to the range [0, PI * 2)
m_angle %= Math.PI * 2;
if (m_angle < 0)
m_angle += Math.PI * 2;
// If we currently look at the front side...
if (m_angle < Math.PI)
img1.visible = true;
img2.visible = false;
img1.scaleX = Math.cos(m_angle);
img1.visible = false;
img2.visible = true;
// If you omit negation, the back-side image will be mirrored
img2.scaleX = -Math.cos(m_angle);
So every frame we increase the rotation angle, clamp it to the range [0, PI * 2). Then depending on the value of the rotation angle, we hide/show the pair of your images, and then perform x-scaling of the visible image.
Thank you, now i found a solution. Please check it here, it's very easy to do.
