Replay Mode for Google Map [closed] - dictionary

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a "replay" mode for google map? Namely I want to see:
1) markers,
2) if there are multiple markers, show them in order based on some criteria such as time,
3) if possible control play back speed

Never heard of that. Would'nt be to difficult to roll your own in JavaScript. You'd iterate through the markers in a loop triggered by a timer (setTimeout() that you control the speed of) and add (or just show) the markers as appropriate.


GA snippet for same family domain [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have to a GA account and have to add GA snippet for each site. There are 5 websites e.g. domain names are
Agency suggested since all domains belong to the same mysite.* family they may use the same GA snippet, with different country code.
Is it possible to use one GA snippet in above scenarios ?
You can use one snippet. In this way the data ends up in only one Property and at that point you can create a View for each country.

How to make high score based on collected coins? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Iā€™m creating small 2d platformer on Unity. The core is that you have 30 sec to spend on a level + plus an enemy chasing you. You have to act fast and aggressive to get those coins. So, actually how to make the score go up after I touch a coin? And how to make it disappear after that? I thought I could make a trigger, but I want the coin to be driven by physics, because it looks cool when it falls from midair on the ground.
insert this sample on your coins and add Coillder + trigger it
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if(other.gameObject.tag == "yourplayertag"){
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("yourCoin", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("yourCoin") + 1); // if your coins stored in playerprefs
and advice, you need to learn more about unity and this is not here on Stack, your question is very basic, do some research first and try many times, tutorials and unity manual will help

Fully customizable GUI for R? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My research team has a series of "relatively" standard analyses that they run for different experiments, but need slightly different analysis procedures. I want to give them the freedom to analyze their own data, despite being programming naive. I would like to create a GUI that asks them a series of questions that will lead them to the right script (which I will have written, and have available on the back end) so that they can just push "run" and have their analysis spit out.
Any ideas on how to create a GUI that will lead them to the right script would be fantastic. Even better would be a GUI that allows them to input variable names, which then amend the code so that the outputs are a little more custom.
If you have access to a web server (intranet or internet), Shiny can do what you want. It is a web application layer on top of R.

How to implement a gamification system in ASP.NET Web Application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm building a Web Application using ASP.NET MVC and I'd like to implement a Gamification system to make the user experience more exciting.
I'd like to start with a simple score for each user and as they progress and get more points they get badges and unlock new features for themselves, something similar to how Stackoverflow does it.
What appears challenging to me is how to check in the entire application, whether a user has reached a score that can recieve a badge. I don't want to duplicate my code and perform this check in every place that I'm incrementing a user's score.
I'd like to know how can I start implementing such a system. I know it's a broad question but I'm just looking for some starting ground and some good practice to begin.

How to implement this UI using QT? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How to implement this UI using QT?
1) There are values in the x, y axis.
2) we can move vertical and horizontal scroll-bars. And the x, y values will change
3) when mouse move to a pointer, its (x,y) values will be shown.
is there any examples I can study to achieve this UI?
QCusomplot download A Thirdparty library will be useul to solve your problem, but it has many featues too. extracting your requirement code is bit challanging. QCustomPlot is derived from QWidget, with pixmap rendering effectively. So it is fast. default license is GPL too.
