7zip command line - recursively unzipping all zipped files - recursion

I have 7zip on my desktop computer, at: c:\program files\7-zip\7z.exe. I also have 2 mapped drives that have similar structures, drive X and drive Y. Below is an example of the source.
Drive X
The destination folder structure would be as follows:
Drive Y
Y:\DestFolder\Thing1\Folder1\[file1.zip contents and subfolders]
Y:\DestFolder\Thing1\Folder1\[file2.zip contents and subfolders]
Y:\DestFolder\Thing1\Folder2\[file3.zip contents and subfolders]
Y:\DestFolder\Thing1\Folder3\[file4.zip contents and subfolders]
The folders on Drive Y (DestFolder\Thing1\Folder1, 2 & 3) are already created. Some of them may already have other files & subfolders in them.
I can run the following command line and unzip the contents:
for /R %i IN (*.zip) DO "c:\program files\7-zip\7z.exe" x "%i" -o"Y:\DestFolder\Thing1\Folder1"
However, what happens is that on my mapped drive, I see a NEW structure out there that is exactly what I had in the second set of quotes in the command line, even if those folders already existed. Thus far, I've only tested it on empty folders, as I am concerned it might corrupt any existing files that would be there. I can navigate between them, and can cut & paste the files into the correct folder.
Why is 7zip "creating" the duplicate folder structure to extract the files into? I know the -o switch allows you to specify a destination directory, but it doesn't say in the help file that it creates it or what happens if it already exists.
Should I be using another command line parameter to extract these zip files into the proper folders? Thanks!


WinSCP script to synchronize directories, but exclude several subdirectories

I need to write a script that synchronizes local files with a remote machine.
My file structure is:
I need to synchronize everything, but:
completely ignore .git folder
ignore files in input and output folders, but copy the folder
So far my code is:
open sftp://me:password#server -hostkey="XXXXXXXX"
option batch abort
option confirm off
synchronize remote "C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\MY FOLDER\Python Projects\ProjectFolder" "/home/MYNAME/py_proj/ProjectFolder" -filemask="|C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\MY FOLDER\Python Projects\ProjectFolder\.git"
First question: it doesn't seems to work.
Second question, how to add mask for input and output folder if I have spaces in file paths?
Thanks to all in advance.
Masks for directories have to end with a slash.
To exclude files in a specific folder, use something like */folder/*

Manipulating multiple files with same name

I am trying to move about 1000 files that all begin with "simulation." into one directory entitled "simulations." I am using a remote server, and the files are currently in my home directory on the server. I need to move them to a separate directory because I need to, ultimately, append all the "simulation." files into one file. Is there a way to either append only the files in my home directory that begin with "simulation." or move only these files into a new directory?
Thank you.
Assuming you can change directories to the desired path on the remote server... and the simulations are located in /currentPath ... then....
cd desiredPath
mkdir simulations
mv /currentPath/simulation* simulations
(to futher answer your question... if you wanted to append all the files together, you could type cat simulation* > allSimulations.txt

Unix File naming conventions

I am in process of doing a remote to local copy using rsyncand the file list is picked up from a txt file which looks like below
/a/b/c test1.txt
/a/x/y test2.txt
/a/v/w test1.txt
The FILE_PATH is the same for remote and local servers. The Problem is, I need to copy the files to a Staging area in the local first and then need to move it to the FILE_PATH, so as to make sure Integrity.
If I simply copy all the files to the Staging area, test1.txt will get overridden. So I thought I can go with clubbing the FILE_PATH and FILENAME, thus it gets unique. To do so, I can not create the file as /a/b/c/test1.txt in my staging area.
So I thought to replace / with special chars that support Unix.
Tried with - _ : ., I got conflicts with all this.
How I can achieve copying files to the same Staging directory though the file names are of same but supposed to reach different directory
your thoughts pls.

how deeply can the source path in windbg be nested?

If I have multiple binaries whose sources are scattered in various subfolders of an overlaying folder, would windbg have access to them if only the topmost folder was included in Source Path? As opposed to having to reference each project folder of each relevant binary separately.
Assuming, of course, that the sources are unique in the mentioned folder structure, i.e. there are no multiple versions of one and the same project, source, etc.
If you specify the parent folder for the source files in source path then it should traverse through the subdirectories to find the source files.
Note that it will perform a signature match against your source files, in the same way that Visual studio will complain that the source files are different to the loaded dlls.
The relative locations of the source files must match the original locations so if your source files are located in a different structure then you will need to do a manual load/browse to specify the location of the source files.
Can’t answer exactly, but I often have 3 top (parent) directories, and each have approximately 4-5 levels of sub directories. No problems. However nothing beats using a source server
Short answer: NO.
From windbg's help:
For each directory in the symbol path, the debugger looks in three
directories. For example, if the symbol path includes the c:\MyDir
directory, and the debugger is looking for symbol information for a
DLL, the debugger first looks in c:\MyDir\symbols\dll, then in
c:\MyDir\dll, and finally in c:\MyDir. The debugger then repeats this
process for each directory in the symbol path. Finally, the debugger
looks in the current directory and then in the current directory with
\dll appended to it. (The debugger appends dll, exe, or sys, depending
on which binaries it is debugging.)
You can move all projects' .pdb files to one folder or change projects properties and setup the linker to create the .pdb file in a specific folder so you have to reference only one.
I've been doing a bit of debugging on this myself. From what I can tell, the relative path of the file found from the SourcePath needs to match part of the end path of the path embedded in the PDB. For example:
I have a file on disk at:
The path of the file embedded in the PDB is:
✔ This SourcePath, and any below it, correctly finds the file:
❌ This SourcePath, and any above it, does not find the file:
Notice how with the failure case, the relative path to the file would begin with library\. The library path component is the first part of the path that is not found in the embedded path. I assume it does a path check for every relative address, recursively:

unzip all files and save all contents in a single folder - unix

I have a single directory containing multiple zip files that contain .jpg files.
I need to unzip all files and save all contents (.jpgs files) into a single folder.
Any suggestions on a unix command that does that?
Please note that some of the contents (jpgs) might exist with same name in multiple zipped files, I need to keep all jpgs.
unzip '*.zip' -o -B
as by default these utilities are not installed
see http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-can-i-zipping-and-unzipping-files-under-linux.html regarding installation
read about -B flag to realize its limitations.
