Apigee is not showing analytic numbers - apigee

When initially evaluating Apigee it was showing pretty up-to-date analytic numbers on the API Proxy dashboard. Now that we're doing a trial run in production (and hitting it hard), the dashboard shows all zeros.
When I set up traces for the proxies, there is definitely traffic coming through.
Please help! Thanks! Organization:verba

Two things -- first, make sure you're looking at the right environment. The dashboard reports have a dropdown menu in the upper right hand corner for prod or test. By default your work gets deployed to"test" (yourorg-test.apigee.net) but it seems to switch sometimes from test to prod without specifically being set.
The other thing is that Analytics often take longer to get processed and show up in the free Developer product (which I assume you're using to evaluate Apigee). It's a multi-tenant environment which a huge amount of data that's being digested before being available in the reports.
Hope that helps

Sorry for the inconvenience. We have fixed the issue. Would you please check the reports and let us know if the reports are generated.


Gamelift Matchmaking times out after match found

Hoping to get some insight into the behavior I am seeing while trying to use GameLift Matchmaking.
I have my configuration setup as such that it does not require player acceptance, as such:
Type: AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingConfiguration
AcceptanceRequired: false
When I go to the GameLift console and into the configuration I see that it was correctly set as well that it does not require acceptance.
This is where I am confused, because now I have it working where it places 2 users in PotentialMatchCreated and I get this event from GameLift. Then 30 seconds later, I get more events stating that these placements timed out and searching again.
The configuration documentation states that AcceptanceTimeoutSeconds is only required if AcceptanceRequired is true, which it is not for me.
the acceptance documentation states that you only call this When FlexMatch builds a match, all the matchmaking tickets involved in the proposed match are placed into status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE
Which its not, its in PotentialMatchCreated.
So my question is, what do I have to do to confirm a placement once GameLift places 2 users into a match? I am a bit surprised because I thought that the fact that it doesn't have to be accepted would mean that its automatically accepted match.
Also theres very little documentation I found regarding what to do in this situation, given the nature of this service not being as known as others I totally expected that but really hoping someone can help me on what to do next.
Any insight or help is greatly appreciated.
Additional information: I do not need to utilize GameLift fleets or builds at all. We have a browser game we are building and just want to utilize the matchmaking feature. So we dont have any game servers or anything like that, its just on our website where they would play the game and use our api's/websockets that puts the matchmaking on the server and notify the client when a match has been found with all the subsequent details.
To confirm my suspicions I decided to actually try to use the accept match endpoint and see what happens. Just as the documentation states, you can only accept a match if it requires acceptance. I get an error stating that I cannot accept a match that is not in REQUIRE_ACCEPTANCE state. Guessing this is a bug on AWS's side, I don't see any other endpoints that I can hit for being in state PotentialMatchCreated.
Figured out the issue. It has to do with the FlexModeMatch on the GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration. For my use case, just needing matchmaking, STANDALONE is the correct implementation because we aren't having GameLift actually create game servers/sessions for us. I had mine using WITH_QUEUE which is why I believe I was having issues. Seemingly working correctly now.

Editing the cooldowns of spells and spell like effects

I am trying to reduce the cooldown on the hearthstone and inscription research spell-like effects. I have identified the hearthstone item template and imported the hearthstone spell into spell_dbc. I have set the spell category cooldown to 1 second, but I am experiencing a strange issue. On use, the hearthstone is set to a 30-minute cooldown and not useable during this cooldown, but on logging out and logging back in, the correct cooldown is displayed and the item is useable once the cooldown has expired. I suspect that the client is tracking the cooldown of the hearthstone independently of the server. But I have no clue where to begin looking to fix this. Has anybody successfully made a change to spell cooldowns, and would you be willing to point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
Not a solution to your problem, but I'm pretty sure that what you are experiencing is actually an intended behavior to discourage hacking.
I think what is really going on is your login credentials are being used to create a secret that is then passed into the rest of their program, which is then used as a reference point for debugging.
Because they know the intended behavior of their own game, they can check to see if the results of arguments sent from your machine are within expected parameters.
And because your modifications fall outside of those parameters, what the developers decided to do was to change the cooldown to something sufficiently annoying to detect who keeps on manually logging out and logging back in again.
I studied programming in college, and I'm telling you that if you know enough to change the cooldowns locally, you should try doing something more productive. Either find another game to play at the same time, or just do something completely different from gaming altogether.
Hope somebody double checks what I have said here for accuracy, because I am curious to know if I am correct about my assessment.
The solution is to delete the client cache.

How to specify gender in Google Cloud Translation API

I am using Google Cloud Translation API in one of my projects. I want to specify the gender for the translation. I am unable to find about this in Google Cloud Translation. I have also searched a lot on the Internet but not found any way to do this. I know how to specify the gender in Google Text to Speech API using the SSML, but I need it for the translation. Any help will be highly appreciated.
After much searching I have discovered that there is currently no way to do this.
I have made a feature request along these lines at the invitation of GCP support.
The documentation indicates that feature requests are prioritised by how often an issue is starred, so for now my best answer is to star the issue here so that they know how many people are interested in this.
Looking for the same...
As it is NMT (Neural Machine Translation), it reacts to context.
I tried many combinations and found that this works well so far (says, not 'to', not 'talk').
Examples are EN > ES
However, sometimes its effect doesn't reach far in the translation.
So you have to stick the 'prefix' before each sentence.
Sometimes you get irregular behavior (see lower case "estoy"). And when you change something irrelevant (to you, but not to the model) ... buala!
So the final version (for now) is:
I guess the point is:
Understanding how it works (Machine Learning Language Models)
The Model (Algorithm) they use is evolving, so you need to keep an eye, as what works today may break tomorrow.
Once you get the response you will have to filter out you 'prefix', but that is not too difficult.
Please comment if you find better ways (or the API gets updated).
Related info: https://ai.googleblog.com/2018/12/providing-gender-specific-translations.html

Does any one implemented latest Google Analytics with iOS

I used step by step instruction here :
But still my hit is not being recorded. I can see in the debugging window its say something about dispatching number and start tracking again.
My another concern it what they assigned to tracker and then never used it.
Am I missing something. Someone please shed some light.
I have looked over the internet, there are all old and referring to old google analytics library which is having only two files. GANTracker.h and libGoogleAnalytics.a
New library got bunch of files hence the way they have implemented.
Code is pretty straight forward I dont know what it is not tracking the hits.
And Yes I have created tracking ID and I am familiar with the Google Analytics as I used it in past to track my websites and blogs.
I would appreciate if someone can give me some right pointers. Thanks.
As log window was having quite a lot info I have created a "paste"

Is there built-in alternative to google analytics in Liferay

I'm looking for a portlet like-solution that would collect and report usage analytics in Liferay... but google analytics is not an option, unfortunately.
Stats by community, group, session tracking, apart from the usual bounce and exit rates, referrals, origin, etc. I know I'm kind of asking the reinvention of the wheel, but there are plenty of usage data that can be collected by Liferay that google can't. I've already checked PiWik, and it looks very impressive.
Any suggestions? TIA,
As of 2015 there is Audience Targeting plugin, which (at least for Liferay 6.2) comes bundled with analytics-api / analytics-hook modules, which collect some useful analytics data. Mind now:
So far it doesn't look like there is any standalone use for them as they were introduced, I believe, to enable the content visited, page visited and other such rules in the Audience Targeting itself; you can't see the raw events in any of the provided portlets
The events are stored as rows in a SQL database, so I would be concerned about it's performance in the long run (with thousands of clicks every minute etc.), although I say this purely theoretically as I haven't done any tests myself nor checked if there are some performance enhancing measures implemented
What you can do, however, is to put together your own portlet which would create some graphs etc. based on the data stored in CT_Analytics_AnalyticsEvent table.
Right now, I dont think there is any out of the box feature available for this, you might need to create this. There can be 2 things
1) You need to create a javascript library if you need realtime/web analysis (this is same like creating google analytics lib)
2) This option is quite easy. Liferay stores everything in db, you can have a report portlet which will show the report based on the data. We did this for one project where we were tracking the session ids/ip and logged in user details for portlets.
To achieve point 2) you can create new Liferay service, which will be used to store these data and retrieve.
Hope this helps
You already mention Piwik, which is similar to google analytics. You probably have your own theme (almost everybody changes the appearance to look like their own site) and it's quite appropriate to place the relevant piwik-stats-snippet in there.
You can also, as Felix suggests, mine your log files. Liferay stores some data, your webserver access logs also are quite worth to mine. And, of course, you can change your theme to log even more for every page access, just take care that you don't create a performance bottleneck by writing too much during one page request.
So, coming back to your question: Built-in like google analytics: No. Easily integrateable (like Piwik): Yes, of course. Completely customizeable: Yes, of course.
Edit: It just happens that David has created and documented an integration that makes using Piwik even easier
