Does any one implemented latest Google Analytics with iOS - google-analytics

I used step by step instruction here :
But still my hit is not being recorded. I can see in the debugging window its say something about dispatching number and start tracking again.
My another concern it what they assigned to tracker and then never used it.
Am I missing something. Someone please shed some light.
I have looked over the internet, there are all old and referring to old google analytics library which is having only two files. GANTracker.h and libGoogleAnalytics.a
New library got bunch of files hence the way they have implemented.
Code is pretty straight forward I dont know what it is not tracking the hits.
And Yes I have created tracking ID and I am familiar with the Google Analytics as I used it in past to track my websites and blogs.
I would appreciate if someone can give me some right pointers. Thanks.
As log window was having quite a lot info I have created a "paste"


How to find people nearby and add both to conversation at the same time in flutter

I'm trying to make an app chat that allow people to find stranger by distance, but i have no idea how to do this, only thing i know is show distance from two stranger using Geolocator , I'm very stuck and don't know what to do, I have no idea even though I've searched whole internet for few days. Two people from firebase database, and if they're both looking for stranger, and they are close to each other, bring them both into the conversation, like normal chat app for stranger, but with flutter, there are so little source to do this.
Please light me the way, thank you a lot!
You can use this package. I have used this to build real-time location-based image sharing before and it works really well

Measurement Protocol events in Google Analytics do no appear

I'm currently adding some tracking in my app with the Measurement Protocol. When I use it in dev/staging, it works like a charm, however when I am targeting production, it doesn't work anymore.
I've already try a bunch of tests and I know for sure that the problem isn't in my code: When I test with my old id (UA-xxx-1) it doesn't work, but when I create a new app (UA-xxx-2) it does work.
That's why I suspect I may have misconfigured something on the Google Analytics side.
Does anyone has an idea about what it could be?
I don't want to use a new web property since I already have a large amount historic data in the old one.
I've finally found the origin of the missing data: I had an old filter removing all the requests without Browser Size filled in.
Thx for the help.

Apigee is not showing analytic numbers

When initially evaluating Apigee it was showing pretty up-to-date analytic numbers on the API Proxy dashboard. Now that we're doing a trial run in production (and hitting it hard), the dashboard shows all zeros.
When I set up traces for the proxies, there is definitely traffic coming through.
Please help! Thanks! Organization:verba
Two things -- first, make sure you're looking at the right environment. The dashboard reports have a dropdown menu in the upper right hand corner for prod or test. By default your work gets deployed to"test" ( but it seems to switch sometimes from test to prod without specifically being set.
The other thing is that Analytics often take longer to get processed and show up in the free Developer product (which I assume you're using to evaluate Apigee). It's a multi-tenant environment which a huge amount of data that's being digested before being available in the reports.
Hope that helps
Sorry for the inconvenience. We have fixed the issue. Would you please check the reports and let us know if the reports are generated.

Google analytics tracking dynamic data

First off, sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask this type of question. If it is, please feel free to put me straight.
Is there a way to track a single bit of dynamic data using google analytics.
EG. I've got a used car website that dynamically pulls vehicle details. Although not part of the URL variables, one of those bits of information is the vehicle registration. Can I somehow include that in the analytics code so it's tracked on their stats.
Sorry if this is a quite broad question.
Yes, that is what event tracking is for:

Is there built-in alternative to google analytics in Liferay

I'm looking for a portlet like-solution that would collect and report usage analytics in Liferay... but google analytics is not an option, unfortunately.
Stats by community, group, session tracking, apart from the usual bounce and exit rates, referrals, origin, etc. I know I'm kind of asking the reinvention of the wheel, but there are plenty of usage data that can be collected by Liferay that google can't. I've already checked PiWik, and it looks very impressive.
Any suggestions? TIA,
As of 2015 there is Audience Targeting plugin, which (at least for Liferay 6.2) comes bundled with analytics-api / analytics-hook modules, which collect some useful analytics data. Mind now:
So far it doesn't look like there is any standalone use for them as they were introduced, I believe, to enable the content visited, page visited and other such rules in the Audience Targeting itself; you can't see the raw events in any of the provided portlets
The events are stored as rows in a SQL database, so I would be concerned about it's performance in the long run (with thousands of clicks every minute etc.), although I say this purely theoretically as I haven't done any tests myself nor checked if there are some performance enhancing measures implemented
What you can do, however, is to put together your own portlet which would create some graphs etc. based on the data stored in CT_Analytics_AnalyticsEvent table.
Right now, I dont think there is any out of the box feature available for this, you might need to create this. There can be 2 things
1) You need to create a javascript library if you need realtime/web analysis (this is same like creating google analytics lib)
2) This option is quite easy. Liferay stores everything in db, you can have a report portlet which will show the report based on the data. We did this for one project where we were tracking the session ids/ip and logged in user details for portlets.
To achieve point 2) you can create new Liferay service, which will be used to store these data and retrieve.
Hope this helps
You already mention Piwik, which is similar to google analytics. You probably have your own theme (almost everybody changes the appearance to look like their own site) and it's quite appropriate to place the relevant piwik-stats-snippet in there.
You can also, as Felix suggests, mine your log files. Liferay stores some data, your webserver access logs also are quite worth to mine. And, of course, you can change your theme to log even more for every page access, just take care that you don't create a performance bottleneck by writing too much during one page request.
So, coming back to your question: Built-in like google analytics: No. Easily integrateable (like Piwik): Yes, of course. Completely customizeable: Yes, of course.
Edit: It just happens that David has created and documented an integration that makes using Piwik even easier
