setindex! error in Julia - julia

I have been writing scripts in Julia recently, and have run across a problem using the setindex! function that I cannot find an answer to in any documentation (I have also searched stackoverflow, but could not find an answer - my apologies if my search was not good enough and I am repeating a question).
I am getting a MethodError relating to set index with code similar to the following (the error also appears in this code, which is altered simply to make it simpler):
a = 0:0.01:1
a = 2 * pi * (a - 0.4)
a[abs(a) .> pi] += - sign(a[a .> pi]) * 2 * pi
I realize that in the above code I could achieve a similar effect by simply changing the initial expression used to generate a so that it is never greater than pi in magnitude, but in the original code this would be much less readable due to intermediate steps that are not included - additionally, regardless of whether that is possible with this particular problems, there will be other instances using setindex! similarly which I would like to have a solution to.
I have tried using integer indexes instead of logical indexes and have tried storing the logical or integer index as another value. Neither has worked. I would guess this is coming from a fairly basic misunderstanding on my part, but thought this would be a good resource for help.
If this post is not-standard for stackoverflow in any way, I apologize, this is my first (and I did read the guidelines, but may have perfectly implemented them).
Thanks in advance

You haven't materialized the FloatRange into an Array, so there aren't really any indices to play with yet. It's just a rangelike object:
julia> a = 0:0.01:1
julia> a = 2 * pi * (a - 0.4)
julia> dump(a)
start: Float64 -251.32741228718345
step: Float64 6.283185307179586
len: Float64 101.0
divisor: Float64 100.0
Compare with:
julia> a = [a]
101-element Array{Float64,1}:
after which
julia> maximum(a)
julia> a[abs(a) .> pi] += - sign(a[a .> pi]) * 2 * pi;
julia> maximum(a)
It's the difference between
julia> 1:2:9
julia> [1:2:9]
5-element Array{Int32,1}:


Failure to report number that is too small

I did the following calculations in Julia
z = LinRange(-0.09025000000000001,0.19025000000000003,5)
d = Normal.(0.05*(1-0.95) .+ 0.95.*z .- 0.0051^2/2, 0.0051 .* (similar(z) .*0 .+1))
minimum(cdf.(d, (z[3]+z[2])/2))
The problem I have is that the last code sometimes gives me the correct result 4.418051841202834e-239, sometimes reports the error DomainError with NaN: Normal: the condition σ >= zero(σ) is not satisfied. I think this is because 4.418051841202834e-239 is too small. But I was wondering why my code can give me different results.
In addition to points mentioned by others, here are a few more:
Firstly, don't use LinRange when numerical accuracy is of importance. This is what the range function is for. LinRange can be used when numerical precision is of lesser importance, since it is faster. From the docstring of range:
Special care is taken to ensure intermediate values are computed rationally. To avoid this induced overhead, see the LinRange constructor.
julia> LinRange(-0.09025000000000001,0.19025000000000003,5) .- range(-0.09025000000000001,0.19025000000000003,5)
Secondly, this is a pretty terrible way to create a vector of a certain value:
0.0051 .* (similar(z) .*0 .+1)
Other's have mentioned ones, etc. but I think it's better to use fill
fill(0.0051, size(z))
which directly fills the array with the right value. Perhaps one should use convert(eltype(z), 0.0051) inside fill.
Thirdly, don't create this vector at all! You use broadcasting, so just use the scalar value:
d = Normal.(0.05*(1-0.95) .+ 0.95.*z .- 0.0051^2/2, 0.0051) # look! just a scalar!
This is how broadcasting works, it expands singleton dimensions implicitly to match other arguments (without actually wasting that memory).
Much of the point of broadcasting is that you don't need to create that sort of 'dummy arrays' anymore. If you find yourself doing that, give it another think; constant-valued arrays are inherently wasteful, and you shouldn't need to create them.
There are two problems:
Noted by #Dan Getz: similar does no initialize the values and quite often unused areas of memory have values corresponding to NaN. In that case multiplication by 0 does not help since NaN * 0 == NaN. Instead you want to have ones(eltype(z),size(z))
you need to use higher precision than Float64. BigFloat is one way to go - just you need to remember to call setprecision(BigFloat, 128) so you actually control how many bits you use. However, much more time-efficient solution (if you run computations at scale) will be to use a dedicated package such as DoubleFloats.
Sample corrected code using DoubleFloats below:
julia> z = LinRange(df64"-0.09025000000000001",df64"0.19025000000000003",5)
5-element LinRange{Double64, Int64}:
julia> d = Normal.(0.05*(1-0.95) .+ 0.95.*z .- 0.0051^2/2, 0.0051 .* ones(eltype(z),size(z)))
5-element Vector{Normal{Double64}}:
Normal{Double64}(μ=-0.083250505, σ=0.0051)
Normal{Double64}(μ=-0.016631754999999998, σ=0.0051)
Normal{Double64}(μ=0.049986995000000006, σ=0.0051)
Normal{Double64}(μ=0.11660574500000001, σ=0.0051)
Normal{Double64}(μ=0.18322449500000001, σ=0.0051)
julia> minimum(cdf.(d, (z[3]+z[2])/2))
The problem in the code is similar(z) which produces a vector with undefined entries and is used without initialization. Use ones(length(z)) instead.

What is the inplace version of A\b in Julia?

Long story short, A\b works well, it just takes too much memory. What's the inplace option? Is there an inplace option?
I need to solve A\b lots, and the number of allocations is giving me memory problems. I've tried gmres and similar solvers, but I'm not getting as accurate solutions. I've tried playing with the relative tolerance, but my solutions aren't working well. Note that A is a linear operator... if A doesn't get too ill conditioned, and it is fairly sparse.
LinearSolve.jl is an interface over the linear solvers of the Julia ecosystem. Its interface internally uses the mutating forms (which are not just ldiv!, but also lu! etc. as well, which are not compatible with sparse matrices, etc.) for performance as much as possible. It connects with multiple sparse solvers, so not just the default UMFPACK, but also others like KLU and Krylov methods. It will also do other tricks that are required if you're solving a lot, like caching the symbolic factorizations, which are not necessarily well-documented. It does all of this for you by default if you use the caching interface, and the details for what this entails in all of the sparse scenarios with maximum performance is basically best described by just looking at the source code. So just use it, or look at the code.
Using LinearSolve.jl in this manner is fairly straightforward. For example you just define and solve a LinearProblem:
using LinearSolve
n = 4
A = rand(n,n)
b1 = rand(n); b2 = rand(n)
prob = LinearProblem(A, b1)
linsolve = init(prob)
sol1 = solve(linsolve)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
and then you can replace b:
linsolve = LinearSolve.set_b(sol1.cache,b2)
sol2 = solve(linsolve)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
or replace A and solve:
A2 = rand(n,n)
linsolve = LinearSolve.set_A(sol2.cache,A2)
sol3 = solve(linsolve)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
and it will do the right thing, i.e. in solving those 3 equations it will have done two factorizations (only refactorize after A is changed). Using arguments like alias_A and alias_b can be sent to ensure 0 memory is allocated (see the common solver options). When this is sparse matrices, this example would have only performed one symbolic factorization, 2 numerical factorizations, and 3 solves if A retained the same sparsity pattern. And etc. you get the point.
Note that the structs used for the interface are immutable, and so within functions Julia will typically use interprocedural optimizations and escape analysis to determine that they are not needed and entirely eliminate them from the generated code.
Finally found it. LinearAlgebra package: ldiv!
One would think that would show up more readily in a google search.

Julia - Alternate fieldnames for types

If I have a type called Measurements
type Measurements
where x represents width, y height and z depth
However in some cases, meaning in the case of other types, may not be so clear. Is there a way to make it so that I could call both
julia> m = Measurements(10,5,12);
julia> m.x
julia> m.width
f.x like so
julia> Base.getfield(m::Measurement, width) = m.x
which returns the error
ERROR: cannot add methods to a builtin function
The comments suggest a few ways to get better looking field access, and #DNF's suggestion to use accessor functions (setters/getters) is a good encapsulation pattern. Another option allowed by Julia language is to define:
Base.getindex(v::Measurements,s::Symbol) = s==:width ? v.x : s==:height ? v.y : s==:depth ? v.z : throw(BoundsError(s))
m[:width], m[:height], m[:depth]
work. Is this simple enough? In the same way, more aliases can be added. There might be some minor runtime cost involved, so hot loops should use . based access.

1-element Array to scalar in Julia

Multiplying a row and a column vector, I was expecting the result to be scalar, but it is a 1-dimensional, 1-element Array:
julia> [1 2 3] * [4; 5; 6]
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
Question 1: What is the rationale behind this?
Question 2: Accepting this as a quirk of Julia, I want to convert the 1-element Array into a scalar. Taking the first element with [1] is an option, but not very readable. What is the idiosyncratic way to do this?
Every expression could be acted on, so you can use
([1 2 3] * [4; 5; 6])[1]
to get the first (and only value out).
There are major performance reasons for this: type-stability. Basically, in a compiled language you cannot change your types around without doing a bunch of conversions. Julia is a bit smarter, though if you do a bunch of conversions, then your code will be slower since the compiler will have to keep around a lot of "kruft" just in case you have the wrong type. Thus by ensuring type-stability, the compiler can know in advance what the type will be, and do a lot more optimizations. This is one of the performance tips. Indeed, Julia is fast and reaches C speeds BECAUSE of multiple dispatch and type-stability, and so it should be respected.
Array * Array gives out an array. In order for that to be type-stable, it must always give out an array. Otherwise the compiler needs to put extra code to check if that variable is an array or not... at every place where the output is used! So then you should use * with arrays to get arrays out. If you want to get a scalar out, the easy answer is use the dot function:
Of course I could've just said that, but it's good to know the "why" since type-stability is such an important idea for performant code.

linspace() not giving any proper result in Julia

I want to create an linearly spaced array of 10 elements between 0 and 1 in Julia. I tried the linspace command.
julia> linspace(0.0,1.0,10)
This is the output I got.
I thought I was supposed to get an array as the output. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I use Julia v0.4.3 from the command line. I tried the same thing from Juno IDE and it worked fine there.
Actually, that is an array-like object! It just displays itself a little strangely because it generates its values on-the-fly as you ask for them. This is similar to ranges, wherein 1:1000000 will simply spit 1:1000000 right back at you without allocating and computing all million elements.
julia> v = linspace(0,1,10)
julia> for elt in v
julia> v[3]
The display of linspace objects has changed in the developmental version 0.5 precisely because others have had this same reaction, too. It now shows you a preview of the elements it will generate:
julia-0.5> linspace(0,1,10)
10-element LinSpace{Float64}:
julia-0.5> linspace(0,1,101)
101-element LinSpace{Float64}:
