Set Default Button Enter - Master Page -

Hi everybody i have the next problem. I have to set a button as default when i press Enter. I can use DefaultButton in the Form because now all my pages inherits from Master Page and i have a Content from the Master Page and this isn't work. Somebody could give me any alternative to solve this please. Thanks

According to Enter Key - Default Submit Button:
ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a wonderful work around for this. By simply
specifying the "defaultbutton" property to the ID of the ,
whose event you want to fire, your job is done.
The defaultbutton property can be specified at the Form level in the
form tag as well as at panel level in the definition tag.
The form level setting is overridden when specified at the panel
level, for those controls that are inside the panel.
Also, the Event Handler for the specified button, fires thereby
simulating a true submit button functionality.
Like this
<form id="form1" runat="server" defaultbutton="Button1">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button1" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
Or you can achieve this by
Page.Form.DefaultButton = crtlLoginUserLogin.FindControl("LoginButton").UniqueID
or just
Page.Form.DefaultButton = LoginButton.UniqueID
This will work.

One way is through to recursively search through all your child pages controls and find the first button, get the id and set the default button of your form.
Although I have never tried this, I dont think its a very good idea as it is slow and error prone.
An alternative may be to do it through javascript/jquery, see this answer:
Submit form with Enter key without submit button?


Disable Validation controls in pages

My page has multiple text-boxes and DropDownLists that all have required-field validators.
My site also has multiple pages that you can move between with the click of a button. (All pages have all the buttons) When a page loads and decide I want to go to a different page without entering information into the form, I click a button to move to a separate page and the validation pops up and I can't change the page, it stops me every time?
Any ideas on how to stop this?
I know you already found a solution, but I just wanted to throw in another method for people to see.
When using validators it is common practice to use ValidationGroups. When a validator belongs to a ValidationGroup, it is only triggered by another control in the validation group. For example:
<asp:TextBox ID="NameBox" runat="server"/>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="NameVal" ControlToValidate="NameBox"
ValidationGroup="ValSubmit" runat="server"/>
//...More input fields and validators...
<asp:Button ID="SubmitButton" ValidationGroup="ValSubmit" runat="server"/>
Using this method any validators with the "ValSubmit" ValidationGroup will be triggered only by the SubmitButton and not by other controls. Now you don't have to put CausesValidation="false" on EVERYTHING else that causes a postback.
As everyone else had mentioned, set the CausesValidation property to false.
<asp:Button ID="MyButton" Text="Go Back" CausesValidation="False" />
This is straight from the Microsoft Help Page:
By default, page validation is performed when a Button control is clicked. Page validation determines whether the input controls associated with a validation control on the page all pass the validation rules specified by the validation control.
You can specify or determine whether validation is performed on both the client and the server when a Button control is clicked by using the CausesValidation property. To prevent validation from being performed, set the CausesValidation property to false.
You should set the CausesValidation property to false when you are using the PostBackUrl property to post back to a different page. You should explicitly check validation when posting back to a different page. For an example, see the Remarks section of the PostBackUrl property.
This property is commonly set to false for a reset or clear button to prevent validation from being performed when the button is clicked.
When the value of the CausesValidation property is set to true, you can also use the ValidationGroup property to specify the name of the validation group for which the Button control causes validation.
set property CausesValidation = "false" to the buttons where you don't want to trigger validation
CausesValidation="false" on the button ;)
<asp:Button CausesValidation="True|False" />
Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is performed when the Button control is clicked.
read more about Button.CausesValidation Property

Button not processing onClick method

I have a button on an ascx control that calls a method on the onClick event:
<asp:Button id="bUpdateText" onClick="FUpdate" ValidationGroup="Update" CausesValidation="False" Text="Update" cssclass="button" runat="server" />
Normally I use this control on it's own page and the button works. This time round however, I am loading this control into a Div that is present on the home page of my site (that way I can show the contents with a little bit of JQuery). However, when I bring the control in this way, the onClick event doesn't fire and I am not sure what could cause that.
Sorry I don't have any code sample but the nature of the site makes it difficult to provide any that would make sense.
In short, what would stop this event firing now?
p.s I have tried adding validation groups to all other buttons and validation controls on the page and there is only ONE form present on the page.
EDIT: I have only just added the validation stuff in to see if that does anything. By default it has been like this and still didn't work:
<asp:Button id="bUpdateText" onClick="FUpdate" Text="Update" cssclass="button" runat="server" />
As mentioned as well, this works when I use this control on it's own page (loaded directly into Default.aspx) so I don't think the case of onClick matters.
EDIT2: I have just noticed that when I click this button, other validation controls on my page are being triggered even though they have their own DIFFERENT validation group?! Taking these controls out doesn't help though.
I have found out what is causing the issue.
This control that I am now including is called on the Page_Finalize() and I am guessing that by this point the viewstate has forgotten it needs to do anything. Loading this control on the page load sorts it out.
Thanks for looking.
To start, if you set the 'causesValidation' property to false, you do not need a validation group.
Additionally, I believe that ASP cares about case when dealing with the OnClick command.
i.e. it should be OnClick not onClick
Yeah, annoying and small, but that might be your problem
You can use Firebug to see what happen in Update validationGroup. it looks like your page execute only client-side button click because of Update validationGroup. regularexpressionvalidator fires even when CausesValidation="false"

I have a regularexpression validator which validates a valid email. I have two buttons on my form. Submit and undo.
On undo, we are reverting the page state to default
submit has it validationgroup set while undo doesnot have any validationgroup and CausesValidation="false".
Now when i navigate to page and enter invalid emailaddress,i directly click undo. the validator fires and stops my page from posting.however if i press tab and navigate to other control and then click undo,the validator shows error message but posts back and furthur proessing is done.
This is very strange and i want the page to postback without any error message when i click to achieve it.
<tec:ThemedImageButton runat="server" ID="imgbtnSave" OnClick="imgbtnSave_Click"
<tec:ThemedImageButton runat="server" ID="imgbtnCancel" CausesValidation="false"
OnClick="imgbtnCancel_Click" />
These are normal image buttons with added themes.CustomerGroup is the validation group for my textbox and regularexpressionvalidator
Are you possibly clicking the undo whilst your focus is still within the email textbox? If so, perhaps the issue is that the initial blur event of the textbox is firing which in turn is calling the email validator and preventing the click / submission.
The first thing to try is to make sure you can enter an invalid email address, move the focus onto a completely different area of the page and then press undo to determine if this is the cause.
Double check your settings.
You might want to check the code behind to make sure you are not overwriting the control settings there. For example, in code, you might have the CausesValidation set to "True" or something like that.
Until you post more information you could do the following in your Undo button:
<asp:Button ID="btnUndo" runat="server" Text="Undo"
OnClientClick="Page_ValidationActive = false;"
OnClick="btnUndo_Click" />
I don't recommend this as it might solve your problem but really doesn't explain what is wired up incorrectly but the Page_ValidationActive = false; will disable all client validation on your page.

Can't change an asp page because of a required validator

On one of my pages I have a few textboxes and a required validator attached to them. Everything is ok with validation, but when I want to change page to another required validator doesn't allow it because I don't fill in a textbox :/
How to allowed change page without fill a validate textbox? I must create a condition in "exit page" (how is it named ?) event disabled required validation?
Please help ;)
If you're using some control to move to the next page, set it's CausesValidation property to False.
For example, if you're clicking a button that moves you to the next page, it would be like:
<asp:LinkButton id="myButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" .... />

Trying to self contain pop ups which use the AjaxToolkit ModalPopUpExtender

I have 3 different kinds of ajax popups that need to exist across my site. I was hoping that I could simply create a user control for each one and place the panel and modal popup extender inside each one but this doesn't seem to be working. Has anyone tried this before or do you have a recommendation as to how I can avoid duplicate code for each pop up on different pages? Thanks!
Ah I figured out my issue with the User Control I believe.
The ModalPopUpExtender requires the TargetID property to be set otherwise an error occurs. Since this is sitting in a UserControl I just created a dummy link button that doesn't do anything and I set the property visible to false.
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkBlank" runat="server" Visible="false" />
<asp:Panel ID="plContainer" style="display: none;" runat="server">
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="mpe" runat="server"
PopupControlID="plContainer" />
Apparently it doesn't appreciate that and the moment I set the visible property to true it started working. Not sure what the reasoning is for a TargetID since, I would think, most pop ups could be called from multiple links about the page. Perhaps I'm still not entirely clear on how this control is supposed to be used.
One option would be to write the popups in a user control (a .ascx page) and include that on the pages you need the popups. Have a public method in the ascx page that will show the popup, and call it from the parent page when you need to. If you already have a script manager on the parent page, you can't have a second one in the ascx page, but other then that there shouldn't be anything that would stop this from working. Hope this helps!
edit: here's what my modal popup extender control looks like...
in my code behind page, my method just calls mpeClassroom.Show();
The problem with hidden link as TrgetControlID is that; when u set its visibility as false, server doesn't render it as well. PopExtender then cannot find control on the page.
Instead of setting its visibility to false, try to apply a style with display:none. This should work !
