I have one Biztalk receivelocation, which will validate all the *.xml using the XMLReceive pipeline component.
I have already deployed the corresponding schema with multiple root elements referring to those incoming *.xml files.
As those *.xml are with different root elements, how can I specify those root elements in DocumentSpecName inside the XMLReceive pipeline setting?
I can set x.xsd+roota and it is ok to validate xml with "roota" as the root element. However, this setting cannot be used to validate xml with "rootb", "rootc" as the root element.
Therefore, I would like to know how to set the DocumentSpecName to handle multiple root elements?
First, do you really need to set the Document Schemas/DocumentSpecName properties or can you rely on the automatic schema resolution?
To asnwer your specific question, you can specify multiple schema, multi or single root, at either Designtime (Pipeline Designer) or Runtime (BizTalk Administrator).
At Designtime, it's simply a matter of adding multple schemas to list in the picker dialog.
At Runtime, you enter the list as a Pipe '|' delimited string.
For a multi-root schema, the Type name must have the Root qualifier denoted by the '+'. For example:
Use format for both local and fully qualified names.
I am working with a framework written in .NET and I do not know .NET. I just need to change this one line where it checks to see if a variable exists, and I need to change it to instead just check on the server to see if the file itself exists.
Here is what is there now:
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.DrawingLink2){
Is this the correct code to change it to check if the file exists instead?
#if (File.Exists(/Portfolio/#(Model.FileNumber)/Images/Large_#(Model.FileNumber)_1.jpg))
You need to map that file, relative to the root of the web application, to the physical file system. You can use HttpServerUtility.MapPath for that. You also need quotes around string literals. The process running the code also needs read access to the directory (very likely the case, just mentioning it to be complete).
#if (File.Exists(HttpServerUtility.MapPath("/Portfolio/#(Model.FileNumber)/Images/Large_#(Model.FileNumber)_1.jpg"))
I have broken down the horribly unwieldy web.config file into individual files for some of the sections (e.g. connectionStrings, authentication, pages etc.) using the configSource attribute.
This is working fine, but the individual xml files that hold the section 'snippets' cause warnings in VS.
For example, a file named roleManager.config is used for the role manager section, and looks like this:
<roleManager enabled="false">
However I get a blue squiggle under the roleManager element in VS, and the following warning: The 'roleManager' element is not declared
I guess this is something to do with valid xml and schemas etc. Is there an easy way to fix this? Something I can add to the individual files?
P.S. I have heard that it is bad practice to break the web.config file out like this. But don't really understand why - can anyone illuminate me?
Searching a workaround to this matter using Custom Config Files, I found this solution. Dont know if is the correct one.
The problem is that VS cant find a schema to validate your .config (xml). If you are using "native" configuration elements or when you create your custom .config files you must set to every xml document a schema.
By default (in VS9 for example) all xml files use \Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Xml\Schemas\DotNetConfig.xsd
but you can add more schemas to use.
Before assigning a schema you must create it.
To create a new Schema based on your own custom.config:
open your custom config file
in menubar XML->Create Schema
save it
To assign your schema:
open your custom config file
in properties panel: click on the browse button [..]
set the 'Use' column to your recently created schema
you can assign as many you want. or have one schema for all your different custom .config files
(Sorry, but my English is not so good)
I think that you get the blue squiggles since the schema of your web.config file doesn't declare these custom config sections that you've 'broken out' into individual files.
In investigating this, I see that some of my solutions have the same issue, but the config sections that are provided from microsoft DON'T have the squiggles. eg: we have extracted the appsettings and connectionstrings out into their own files, and they don't get the squiggles, but our custom ones do.
I tried to view the microsoft schema at schemas.microsoft.com/.netconfiguration/v2.0, but I get a 404 when trying to download it.
What I'm trying to say is if you get a copy of the MS schema and alter it to include your external config files, you should be able to get rid of the dreaded squiggles!
What is the simplest way to remove the header row from a flat file in BizTalk? I have implemented this by creating a separate schema for the header row (and one for the body) and then set the HeaderSpecName property in the 'Configure Pipeline' dialog to the header schema I've just created and then the PreserveHeader property to false. My problem, however, is that with this solution I need to create a schema that does nothing other than it needs to exist so I can remove the header row.
I believe what you stated is the recommended way to do what you are asking. I just had to do this on a project i am working on and chose to have the extra schema.
Another option would be to write your own custom pipeline component for the Disassemble stage that executes before the flat file dissassembler. The Decode stage would work too, but it seems that the disassemble stage is made for this type of work.
This second option would make the removing of the header row more generic and could be used across many different schemas so you wouldn't have to create a separate header schema for each flat file schema.
i recommend doing this through the flat file schema wizard; define your first record as a singular record and then your other records as repeating records. then in whatever map or transformations you're working with you can just ignore the header record. you could also ignore the header record when going through the FF wizard by ignoring it altogether, but i prefer to have everything defined in my schemas...
check out the help and microsoft tutorials, also there's a decent article on the code project that incorporates identifying header records. note that if you know the absolute position of the header record (like: "always the first line") you don't need to mess with record tagging.
You could always just parse the header row and not map it.
The schema exists for many reasons. One such reason is to capture the structure of the message generated by a party which effectively means the agreement. So it is good to capture the schema as it is even though you may not use the fields.
I don't think PreserveHeader acts as you may expect. This property simply determines whether or not values from the header are promoted into the context of the XML message that comes out of the disassembler.
I am going to add file upload control to my ASP.NET 2.0 web page so that users can upload files. Files will be stored in the server in the folder with the name as of the user. I want to know what is the best option to name the files when saving to server. Needs to consider security, performance, flexibility to handle files etc.
Options I am considering now :
Upload with the same name as of the input file name
Add User Id+Random Number +File name as of the input file name
Create random numbers +Current Time in seconds and save files with that number. Will have one table to map this number with users upload
Anything else? What is the best way?
NEVER EVER use user input for filenames. Don't use the username. User the user id instead (I assume your users have an unique id).
NEVER use the original filename. Use your solution number 3, plus the user id instead of the username.
For your information, PHP had a vulnerability a few years ago: one could forge a HTTP POST request with a file upload, and with a file name like "../../anything.php", and the php _FILES array, supposed to contain sanitized values, didn't detect these kind of file names, so one could write files anywhere in the filesystem.
I'd use a combination of
User ID
A random generated string (e.g. a GUID)
Example PDF file name: 23212-dd503cf8-a548-4584-a0a3-39dc8be618df.pdf
This way, the user can upload as many files as he/she wants, without file name conflict, and you are also able to point out which files belong to which users, just by looking at the file names.
I don't see the need to include any other information in the file name, since upload time/date and such can be retrieved from the file's attributes.
Also, you should store the files in a safe location, which external users, such as visitors of your website, cannot access. Instead, you deliver the file to them through a proxy web page (you read the file from the safe location, and pass the data on to the user). For this solution, a database is needed to keep track of files, their location, etc.
This also makes you able to control which users have access to which files through your code.
Update: Here's a description of how the solution with the proxy web page could be implemented.
Create a Web Form with the name GetFile.aspx
GetFile.aspx takes one query parameter named fileid, which is used to identify the file to get. E.g.: http://www.mypage.com/GetFile.aspx?fileid=100
Use the fileid parameter to lookup the file location in the database, so that it can be read and sent to the user. In the Web Form you use Request.QueryString("fileid") to get the file ID and use it in a query that will look something like this (SQL): SELECT FileLocation FROM UserFiles WHERE FileID = 100
Read the file using a System.IO.FileStream and output its contents through Response.Write. Remember to set the appropriate content type using Response.ContentType first, so that the client browser handles the requested file correctly (see this post on asp.forums.net and the MDSN article which is also referred to in the post, which both discuss a method of determining the appropriate content type automatically).
If you choose this approach, it's easy to implement your own simple security or custom actions later on, such as making sure a user is logged into your web site before you send the file, or that users can only access files they uploaded themselves, or logging which users download which files, etc. The possibilities are endless ;-)
Take a look at the System.IO.Path class as it has lots of useful functions you can utilise, such as:
Check which characters are invalid in a file name:
Get a random file name:
Get a unique, randome filename in the temporary directory
I would go with option #3. A table mapping these files with users will provide other uses down the road, it always does. If you use the mapping, the only advantage of appending the user name or id to the file is if you are trying to debug a problem.
I'd probably use a GUID instead of a random number but either would work. The important things in my opinion are
No username as part of the filename as any part of the stored file
Never use the original file name as any part of the stored file
Use a random number or GUID to ensure no duplicate file
Adding an user id to the file will help with manual debugging issues
There is more to this than meets the eye...which I am thinking that you already knew!
What sort of files are you talking about? If they are anything even remotely big or in such quantity that the group of files could be big I would immediately suggest that you add some flexibility to your approach.
create a table that stores the root paths to various file stores (this could be drives, unc paths, what ever your environment supports). It will initially have one entry in it which will be your first storage location. An nice attribute to maintain with this data is how much room can be stored here.
maintain a table of file related data (id {guid}, create date, foreign key to path data, file size)
write the file to a root that still has room on it (query all file sizes stored in a root location and compare to that roots capacity)
write the file using a GUID for the name (obfuscates the file on the file system)..can be written without the file extension if security requires it (sensitive files)
write the file according to its create date starting from the root/year{number}/month{number}/day{number}/file.extension
With a system of this nature in place - even though you won't/don't need it up front - you can now more easily relocate the files. You can better manage the files. You can better manage collections of files. Etc. I have used this system before and found it to be quite flexible. Dealing with files that are stored to a file system but managed from a database can get a bit out of control once the file store becomes so large and things need to get moved around a bit. Also, at least in the case of windows...storing zillions of files in one directory is usually not a good idea (the reason for breaking things up by their create date).
This complexity is only really needed when you have high volumes and large foot prints.
Part of my application maps resources stored in a number of locations onto web URLs like this:
The resources location is modelled after file paths and as a result there can be an unlimited level of nesting. Is it possible to construct an MVC route that matches this so that I get the path in its entirety passed into my controller? Either as a single string or possibly as an params style array of strings.
I guess this requires a match on the files keyword, followed by some sort of wildcard. Though I have no idea if MVC supports this.
A route like
will get the path as a single string. The * designates it as a wildcard mapping and it will consume the whole URL after "Files/".
For more information on ASP.NET's Routing feature, please see MSDN:
And for the "catch-all" parameters you want to use, see the section under "Handling a Variable Number of Segments".