Stop ASP.NET button looking like it's been selected -

I have a button in my webform app which looks like it's selected (has a thin black border applied) even on page load. It's not a huge issue but it's quite evident as it's sitting next to a FormUpload control with a browse button (see screen shot):
All other buttons on the page don't have this issue. No css styling is applied (or any other).
I thought it might be that somehow the Upload button has focus on load but giving focus to another control does nothing. In addition, clicking another button doesn't remove the border on the Upload button.
In addition it's not like the css from another part of the page is effecting it as nothing has a black border surrounding it.
I know I could probably apply a specific bit of css to the button to make it look normal but this seems unnecessary, plus I would like to know why this is happening.
Any thoughts?


nz-popover - nzPopoverPlacement, target another element for centering

I was wondering if there was a way to get the nz-popover to center on another element.
I basically have a text input followed by two buttons in a div, I would like to center the popover on the div rather than on the button that triggers it.
I found that i could add the popover to the actual div and then use the nzVisible to trigger it but then i loose the ability to close the popup when the user leaves the area (prob when they hover over the mask or click it). I tried many ways to close it once the popover looses focus etc but that would cause the popover to close if the popover contains a menu or datepicker (when they are used).
Anyone got any ideas? (i used to use angular material and i believe they had something similar (think it was called target or something).
Thanks in advance,
For anyone who is interested in this, we have submitted a PR to provide this feature. You would be able to use this in 9.x (and future) versions.

WP8 + HTML5: Flickering between page changes

i'm developing an app for Windows Phone 8 with HTML5, CSS, JS, ...
Looks like the default background color of the browser is always white.
So it flickers every time when i click on a link to another (HTML) page (all my pages have black background).
I know i could just use one page and put all other pages into own divs and switch between them with JS, but i would love to use singles pages instead.
Any ideas?
Setting the background-color to black does not work?
I've faced this problem quite often myself, but only on the initial loading of the control. The best solution I found until now is to set a negative margin to the webBrowser control and register to webBrowser_Loaded event and then set the margin correctly. Do this for every navigation and you won't experience the white flashing.
Unfortunately, only setting the visibility property does not work, because rendering the webBrowser-control also makes it flash white.
If you still experience a slight white flash, you may want to set a small wait of about 50ms.

hover state disappears in ie8

I have a bit of a IE8 problem (sound familiar?)
I have a button. when you hover over the button the hover state produces a larger box that has html inside. in this particular case, it's a small music player.
so it goes like this, when you hover over the button it produces a small music player with clickable links and some text. you can move your mouse anywhere inside this box, but as soon as you leave the box/music player, the hover state goes away again.
sorry but I don't know how else to explain it.
this all works a treat except for IE8.
in IE8, the hover state disappears as soon as the mouse leaves the original small button. so navigating around the music player becomes impossible.
now I have noticed that when there is no html in the hover box, it works fine, but when there is html (in this case an iframe) it loses the hover as soon as I touch any html inside the hovering box. so it looks like the problem is not the hover box, but the code inside the box that makes it lose focus
what I would like to know is, is this a known issue in IE8, or could it just be bad coding from my side. in which case i can post the css.
I've had problems with :HOVER states in IE8 too and I noticed that the same CSS (even pointing to the same external CSS file) worked on some pages but not others. The solution for me was to consistently add a DOCTYPE to the top of all pages (above the starting HTML tag).
It seems obvious now, but sometimes (especially when editing old sites) the DOCTYPE is not always specified.
I hope this helps!
Your problem doesn't seem to lie in hover itself. Firstly you assume some window height and your project just look weird if the height is different. Assuming you did some very exact calculations on such assumptions your problem is probably the box model problem. box-sizing:border-box might help, but you would have to recalculate everything.
Also you can use timeout before the elements gets hidden/drop down so that micro mouse movements don't shake elements and maybe allow to "catch" them.
Having both things in mind all hovering problems should be fixable.
EDIT: For iframe hover have a look at: Iframe hover not working in IE (all versions).

how can I make google +1 button hover message be transparent

How can I edit the styling of these part of google +1 button? kinda hard for me to explain the detail in english. so I make this picture
I know it's located inside an iframe, some says that we couldn't edit the styles inside an iframe which sourced from other domain. but apparently, I have successfully styled my facebook like button to be looking good (transparent on the border). And also, I saw some other sites which have a nice looking google +1 button (without those blocking solid white background)
Edit: possible solution:
Looking at the markup and css on the page below it looks like somewhere in your css you must be setting the background-color of the div that the bubble is contained in to white or #fff. Try something like:-
.pls-container {background-color:transparent}
Do you have a link to this page, or a site that has a +1 button which has the same rollover so people can experiment? It would be easier to give a definite solution then...
Edit: just had a look here at the +1 buttons (at the top of the post and in the sidebar at the right) these both appear to be transparent borders - so there must be something different about your page. You could try looking at that page as an example and see where you've gone wrong, but without the code to your page it will be very difficult to give a solution to your problem directly.

Flex : Styles vanishing when opening multiple HBoxes and appears back on scrolling down

My Flex application contains a set of Hbox,Vbox combination that is shown/hidden depending on users actions. There is an option provided to show all these containers as open(from their previous hidden state). At that point, the styles used in my page vanishes! The page becomes really lengthy and when I scroll down a bit, the styles reappear. If I scroll up again to a threshold point, all styles are lost and the page looks plain white! To bring the styles back, I need to scroll down again a bit...
Anyone knows why this is happening? Please provide your answers.[EDIT]
Without style
with style
The transition from image1 to image2 happens with a mild scroll down!
It sounds like the rendering of the style information is lagging behind the rendering of the data. That's why it 'catches up' if you wait but disappears again if you scroll.
