Interrupt winProgressbar - r

Do you guys know, if there is any way, to interrupt a winProgressBar?
I tried to press Escape, but it would not stop the progress bar during calculations.
Thanks for any help

You can press Alt + F4 , just like you would close any program in Windows.


How to interrupt process in Rstudio elegantly?

Maybe it's because I'm too careless and often write the wrong code when dealing with big data. I tried to click the stop button(the red one in Rstudio), ctrl + c, ctrl+z, none of them can interrupt the process, and in the end I have to terminate the ```rsession`` and Rstudio in the terminal. Is ther anything else I can do? (I am using dplyr)
You can press esc and wait the until job is cancelled

autohotkey remap surface volume button

I have a surface pro 4 but the physical buttons has a hardware problem where the buttons press them self or when you move or touch the corner of the screen.
I was hoping to remap the buttons to "nothing" but it seems to be remapped to Shift, Ctrl, Alt.
Am i missing something?
Here is the code:
Force SetBatchLines, -1
Is that the entire code?
Since there is no return, it's going to continue on with the script. In other words, if I wanted AHK to type "help" anytime I pressed "y" or "e", I could do this:
SendInput help
Try changing the hotkey to something like this and see if it makes a difference:

Check if window has focus with AutoIt

I wonder if it is possible to check to see if a window has focus in AutoIt. I have checked and not found much. I have tried using WinSetOnTop but this didn't seem to do anything so then I considered using WinActivate but this didn't seem to do what I need.
The reason I want to do this is because I have this application I am writing as a prank and I do not want the co-worker on whom I'm playing the prank to just ignore the window when it starts automatically. I am wanting to put a shortcut to it in the startup folder and we have several applications that run on startup and so I want mine to either always be on top or audibly shout rude words at the user if they try and ignore the application.
Is this possible and, if so, can you help me out because I am out of ideas.
Regardless of your motives, you may try WinWaitActive.
WinWaitActive ( "title" [, "text" [, timeout = 0]] )
Example that may be useful to try it out:
Func Example()
; Run Notepad
; Wait 10 seconds for the Notepad window to appear.
WinWaitActive("[CLASS:Notepad]", "", 10)
; Wait for 2 seconds to display the Notepad window.
; Close the Notepad window using the classname of Notepad.
EndFunc ;==>Example

What exactly does the stop button in R do?

Does the stop button (or esc key) in R stop a loop after a completion?
and I hit stop before the loop ends... will the loop break at the end of a repeat, or will it break in the middle?
Does anyone know where to find documentation on this stop button?
The "stop button" is actually a GUI feature so its documentation should be consulted. The keyboard ctrl-C or 'esc-key' should do the same. The commentary I have seen is rather non-committal about how soon an interrupt will be handled. It says something like: "well written code will handle interrupts promptly."
> x=1:1000000
> i=2
> repeat{
+ x[i]=x[i]+3
+ x[i-1]=x[i]+1
+ i=i+1
+ if(i>length(x)){break} } # esc key hit promptly
> i
[1] 15128
You should read the help page for:
The 'R for Mac OS X FAQ' says: "However, if the executed code does not check for interrupts (using `R_CheckUserInterrupt') there may be no way of stopping R. In that case it may be worth alerting the maintainer of the package to allow interruption (if appropriate)."
This search will let you page through postings to R-devel that mention that internal mechanism by name:

How to move the cursor in SML/NJ's REPL in terminal on Mac?

In the terminal of Mac OSX, I open SML, if I type something wrong, I wish to move my cursor to that place to modify something or add/delete something, but once I hit <- (the left arrow ) on the keyboard, the REPL gives me
Yes, that ^[[D thing.
So how do I move the cursor?
Yes, the REPL of SML/NJ does not support arrow keys. You can use the rlwrap tool to fix this. That allows you to use the left and right arrow keys to navigate within a line and the up and down arrow keys to recall lines you've entered earlier.
If you're using Emacs to write your SML files, you can also run SML in an Emacs buffer.
