Google bot return error 500 -

Is there a way to check if a page returns a 500 error? Google has just dropped 3000 of our pages from index. Implemented some fix, but need to check if it worked. It is only going to crawl the site again next week.

Google Webmaster Tools has a crawl statistics menu, where it will display crawl errors. It requires you to sign up, verify the site and then waiting until Google has crawled the site.
However, it has a 'view as googlebot' function which might help you as well.
I'd start there personally.

Monitor all the things!
Apache log4net
Enable Trace Logging for Failed Requests (IIS 7)
Hope this helps (I know you need to verify it now that your fix works, so my answer is more of a future recommendation).


Google crawler is drawning resources from my wordpress website by scanning a huge quantity of unexisting pages

Recently i give a look to my search console after a notification of my provider.
It told me that google is crawling a huge quantity of unexisting web pages (that result in 404 errors).
I see on my search console reported 325.599 unindexed pages (all with 404). The website is really simple with a little number of pages/posts (about 200).
These pages are not really existing and i don't know how the crawler is getting them.
Here are some example addresses:
All those link are unexisting and google is not reporting a referral, so i cannot know the source.
Also i searched on the internet to see if those are referred somewhere, i found nothing.
Have anyone got my same issue?
It there a tool that can help me to scan my WP installation to find this broken links?

LinkedIn sharing doesn't work as expected

I'm looking for an easy way to share through LinkedIn without all that hassle with OAuth 2.0 which I don't see required when I see other pages that use this kind of sharing (and they didn't required anything from - I can straight out share).
Straight to the issue:
this one works:
this one doesn't:
Seems like beyond main domain I can't get sharing working. For instance from other site a link that goes deeper and is still shareable:
I also tested with and without source and summary query params. Anyone had that issue?
LinkedIn uses the Open Graph protocol ( to determine how pages are shared in LinkedIn.
You may also use the LinkedIn Post Inspector ( tool to debug how various pages would be shared in LinkedIn.
I decoded your URL so I could get a cleaner look...
So, let's try to visit your URL: . The webpage you are sharing DOES NOT LOAD.
Is your site down for everyone? Yes, your site is down for everyone.
In order to share a URL on LinkedIn, you must fulfill the following minimum requirements:
The URL must load.
If you just want to test out the API, try using or as test pages.
Surprisingly, the old URL by itself works fine in LinkedIn, but that could be from some internal cache, from way back in the day when the page once did work. It certainly does not do so anymore.

How do I fix: Lighthouse returned error: FAILED_DOCUMENT_REQUEST

I have been actively trying to redesign, increase page speeds and other things for my workplaces website. (Built by a previous employee using a custom Wordpress theme) I had been notified that this error has been starting to come up when testing our page speeds now. The scores we had been getting originally were appalling anyway so it's not really much of a surprise to me to be seeing errors haha.
Could this be because of broken links to google analytics? Or that The webpage is just so slow it wont test it?
Any information on this issue would be really helpful.
while I was testing my site where I used self-signed SSL certificate, I got the error. I switched the site to http instead of https, then I got Lighthouse loading the page and showing score. Hope this helps someone.

Service Unavailable Server currently undergoing maintenance. Webmaster: please contact support. Error 503

I've been using Hostgator hosting for a while but suddenly Hostgator started to close some website with " Service Unavailable" and It's because CPU resources is high, so Hostgator provide me some steps to optmize my wordpress ( Updating my wordpress , reviewing my pluggins, also I Limit WebCrawlers and Bots with robot.txt, google and bing and I have a Super Cache and wp-optimize ). Well After that I told Hostgator to review them to take out the restriction they put them back up after 2 or 3 days Its very frustration I don't know what It could be .? any help will be appreciate it.
Also I just notice in my google console there are some errors and I trying to delete but I can't find it.
Thank you in Advance
google console results
how much visitors do you have per month? And did you look in your account on hostGator, there is a point that show the ressource usage. Look at it.
A good solution could it be, to install a caching plugin, like w3 Total Cache Plugin or WP Super Cache Plugin. That should help a lot by saving resources.
The point in your image is a list of elements that couldn´t be delivered. The server had to much to do with other stuff, so he wasn´t able to complete the requests, as result you see the 503 Error code.

Google listed a blog post with https and I don't know why?

Two days ago we posted a new blog on a site with the aim of being picked up for the search term "live comedy in chippenham". It’s been indexed by Google and we’re now 2nd in the results for the search query. The bad news is that for some reason the post has been indexed as a https URL so all browsers give a warning when the link is clicked.
Firefox gives this error:
The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
The host has confirmed that it's not a server config error and we have other posts and pages on the site that are being indexed correctly. We're using WordPress and the Yoast plugin. I can't see anywhere in Webmaster Tools that could be causing the problem.
Can anyone offer any advice please? If you search Google for "live comedy in chippenham" you'll see the issue (it's the link
It's a really strange one but something I've experienced before.
It has mostly likely been caused by an external link to the page using https protocol which Google has followed before indexing the page. Google are very keen to index https pages at the moment so we might start seeing this kind of issue more often.
There's not a lot you can do other than wait for Google to realise their mistake and list the correct URL in the SERPS. You can help speed this along with a canonical link (which I can see is there), XML sitemap (which you've got) and a server level redirect of https to http.
Do not try to remove the page in Webmaster Tools as this won't have the desired effect and will stop Google reindexing the page properly.
Hope this helps.
