Wordpress blog display in Firefox browser - css

The blog or 'thoughts' page of this preliminary wordpress site seems to awkwardly display on top of each other when viewed on firefox.
Can anybody tell me of some general error that I might be making? If it is a more particular error then don't worry about it, I will find out on my own, I was just wondering if there was some general error that I was unaware of.

Your markup has some errors with the way you are using dl, dd and dt tags for the gallery. Fix those and see if Firefox displays better. Older versions of Firefox will be more problematic than newer versions.
See [Invalid] Markup Validation of joeldraws.com - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. Start fixing the code errors and revalidate.


Navigation bar disappears in Internet Explorer

I've recently completed my first custom-built Wordpress website, based on Automattic's Toolbox theme, and am in the process of testing it. I'm having some strange issues with IE 6-8 which I've not experienced before - the entire navigation bar, including the background colour, disappears leaving only the logo. None of the navigation links show up, nor does the button which triggers the menu dropdown on small screen sizes.
The website is http://fpsl.eu , and I'm pretty much stumped. I don't think it's a JS issue since it works fine in Firefox and Chrome without JS. An HTML5 shiv comes preinstalled with Toolbox so I don't think it's a compatibility issue in that respect...but maybe I'm wrong, and I don't know how to check!
(I'm using Browserstack to test and am actually wondering if its rendering is accurate - my portfolio website which I tested extensively a few months ago - www.dearjackalope.com - is now causing Browserstack's IE virtual machine to hang, despite my having made no major changes other than adding content - this is a separate issue I guess, but it makes me unsure as to whether all my sites are breaking at once or if it's just Browserstack being moody!)
I am checking your site(http://fpsl.eu/) in ie7,8 and 9. It's working properly.
1) Fix your markup code errors; they may not be the whole trouble, but fix them first: [Invalid] Markup Validation of fpsl.eu - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. Start fixing the code errors and revalidate.
2) You need native IE7+ - not Browsershots - to fully test IE. Find a Windows PC to test with and use F12 dev tools in IE to emulate other versions.
3) Forget IE6; it's dead.

WP Cufon not working in Firefox

I am using the plugin WP Cufon on my Wordpress website, however, the font is not displaying in Firefox. Chrome and Safari are working fine. Can't seem to figure out what the issue is. Looking at the source, it is loading everything, just not displaying...
Any help would be soooo appreciated! This is driving me batty.
Thanks in advance!
Cufón doesn’t work in Firefox, but works in other browsers
This issue is almost certainly caused by an empty stylesheet () in your HTML, which causes Cufón’s CSS load detection to fail. This has been happening in recent versions of Firefox only, and seems to occur a lot with purchased WordPress templates. Note that this snippet will cause your browser to load and use your front page as a stylesheet. It’s pretty much the same as href="/". Extra slowness for zero gain.
Search your HTML for empty stylesheets. Note that the markup on your site may differ from the example, but searching for href="" might save you some trouble. Also, make sure to use the actual HTML (e.g. View Source in your browser) while doing this, if you only go through your template files the issue might be very difficult to spot as the empty href can be masked by, for example, a variable that has an empty value or a function call that returns an empty value.

Unicode font not showing correctly on Chrome

I'm using local font Meera.ttf, MEERA0.eot on my current website which is Malayalam (a local language in India). Now the problem is the large posts showing some big fonts in Chrome, but it works perfectly in all other browsers. Other content works perfectly in both Chrome and other browsers. Attaching two screenshots. The first one is Chrome and the second is Firefox.
This happened on so many pages. But if the content is short, it works nicely.
For reference, the site is on Wordpress.
The W3C Markup Validator finds 101 markup errors on the page and additionally issues 10 warnings. The page structure is rather contrived, and it does some browser sniffing and tries to serve different style sheets for different browsers. It is very difficult to say whether these have something to do with the problem observed. It is probably a major effort to track down the cause of the problem, and having that many markup errors makes a page rather fragile.
I’m afraid the obvious answer “simplify the structure and fix the markup errors first” is not very realistic, but it might be the best advice you can get.

Wordpress menu breaking only the last 2 items in IE8

I have a site that for some reason is breaking in IE8 (fine in all other browsers) the last 2 menu items in the main navigation which in turn is messing up the whole page.
I cannot seems to find the source of the problem or anything on the web. The menu itself validates so it seems like it has something to do with jquery? I just can't find the problem.
Would appreciate any help!
Some validation errors in the menu: [Invalid] Markup Validation of finity.com.au - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. And Firebug shows a 403 and a 404 error, too.

how can i customize that suitable to IE?

I've tried with all I can to customize to look good in IE, especially IE6 and IE7 but does not work, I looking for help/ponters, especially on part of spray category and menu bar.
thanks in advance for your help.
I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but I'm guessing you have problems that your site isn't displayed correctly in IE.
Your first steps to correct this are:
A) Remove the XML prolog (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) from the beginning of you source code, because this puts IE6 in quirks mode.
B) Validate your page. It has several HTML errors: http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fscreenshield.co.nz%2F
