Wordpress menu breaking only the last 2 items in IE8 - wordpress

I have a site that for some reason is breaking in IE8 (fine in all other browsers) the last 2 menu items in the main navigation which in turn is messing up the whole page.
I cannot seems to find the source of the problem or anything on the web. The menu itself validates so it seems like it has something to do with jquery? I just can't find the problem.
Would appreciate any help!

Some validation errors in the menu: [Invalid] Markup Validation of finity.com.au - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. And Firebug shows a 403 and a 404 error, too.


Wordpress blog display in Firefox browser

The blog or 'thoughts' page of this preliminary wordpress site seems to awkwardly display on top of each other when viewed on firefox.
Can anybody tell me of some general error that I might be making? If it is a more particular error then don't worry about it, I will find out on my own, I was just wondering if there was some general error that I was unaware of.
Your markup has some errors with the way you are using dl, dd and dt tags for the gallery. Fix those and see if Firefox displays better. Older versions of Firefox will be more problematic than newer versions.
See [Invalid] Markup Validation of joeldraws.com - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. Start fixing the code errors and revalidate.

css elements not showing up in chrome and IE9

I have a small wordpress & css related problem regarding some elements that are not showing up properly or at all in IE9 and Chrome (latest version). However, in Firefox they appear ok.
On this page: http://next.lab501.ro/foto/sony-nex-3/3 in the sidebar (lower right) I have two elements (boxes), one is called lab501.ro (it's an RSS widget) that is not listing the items (their should be 10 items listed in that box) an below this one another box called Syndication that is not showing up at all.
This problem appears only on pages where I have a Gallery (standard wordpress not a plugin). If I remove the gallery the page renders correctly.
What am I missing?
I'd suggest checking (and fixing) the HTML is valid before doing anything else: the w3c validator is a good place to start. There seem to be quite a few issues, including two opening <body> tags. The first one is followed by some lines with // at the start - maybe some PHP has been incorrectly commented?
Your html ends abruptly right after the syndication box (there are no closing tags for the divs and body/html). This means you have a PHP error, which should be be debugged on a testing environment with php errors enabled.

Wordpress menu issue on IE!

So I am building a site for a client. The problem is the menu I made doesn't work on IE. Here's the site: http://robertnogueira.com
You'll see that the topmost menu isn't where it is supposed to be..
I know this could be a very simple problem to fix. But since I am new to web development I really can't find a way to fix it...
Please help me figure it out..
Use CSS conditional comments to target IE and change ul#page-menu css.
You should work on getting the right margin-top for ul#page-menu
First thing to do is fix your code errors, like the broken <div id="header" "> tag that's probably the cause of the menu problems. See your [Invalid]Markup Validation of robertnogueira.com blog - W3C Markup Validator report. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.

Sidebar Behaves Differently on Wordpress Archive Pages

I am stuck on this one...
I have modified the default theme to a design my client came up with. All my modifications seem to be working okay, except the pages selected from the archive dropdown menu. Here's a link to an example page where the problem exists: http://mtrainierphotos.com/blog/?cat=15
Everywhere else the sidebar looks as it should.
Someone told me to look for a missing tag but I can't track it down.
Any suggestions?
I find that using the W3C Validator helps when trying to locate missing tags and may other html errors:
[Invalid]Markup Validation of mtrainierphotos.com blog ?cat=15 - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.

ASP.NET Menu Control getting padded with white space on IE8

If you have used the ASP.Net menu control on your website and recently updated your browser to IE8, you will probably have noticed your menu no longer renders properly. You may also have noticed this in Firefox as well. The menu will probably look just fine in IE6 & IE7.
So why is the ASP.Net menu being padded with space and why don't the drop downs render in IE8?
First of all let me explain I am not claiming this as my solution but I thought I would post the question and solution here because it took me a while to find it.
After a bit of searching it turns out there are two problems. One is a problem with .Net2.0 on your server and the second to do with the menu control adding some rubbish into your menu.
(1) Down load and update your server with MS hotfix KB969612
HotFix Link
(2) Read up on how Sakyad found the solution of adding this property to your menu control
Sakyad solution
(3) Happy Rendering!
