Not getting expected file result using awk - unix

delete_file () {
for file in processor_list.txt currnet_username.txt unique_username.txt
if [ -e $file ] ;then
rm $file
ps -elf > processor_list.txt ; chmod 755 processor_list.txt
awk '{print $3}' processor_list.txt > currnet_username.txt ; chmod 755 currnet_username.txt
sort -u currnet_username.txt > unique_username.txt ;chmod 755 unique_username.txt
while read line ; do
if [ -e $line.txt ] ;then
rm $line.txt
grep $line processor_list.txt >$ ;chmod 755 $
awk '{if($4 == "$line") print $0;}' $ > ${line}1.txt ; #mv ${line}1.txt $line.txt;chmod 755 $line.txt
done < unique_username.txt
I'm a beginner of unix shell scripting. please suggested, i am not getting expected results in ${line}1.txt.
For example, I have two UID like kplus , kplustp. what is my requirement is find "kplus" string from ps -elf command and create a file as same name like kplus.txt and redirect or move the data whatever found data using grep command.
But I am getting kplus and kplustp data in kplus.txt file. I need only kplus value based on UID column from ps –elf in kplus.txt file.

This is wrong way to read variable using awk
awk '{if($4 == "$line") print $0;}' $
awk '{if($4 == var) print $0;}' var="$line" $
Or shorten to
awk '$4==var' var="$line" $
default action is {print $0} if no action is specified.
If you need to search for the text $line escape the $ in regex
awk '$4==/\$line/' $
or in text it should work directly
awk '$4=="$line"' $


awk change shell variable

I would like to modify several shell variables within awk:
echo "$LINE_IN" | awk '/pattern1/ {print $0; WRITTEN=1; REC=$REC+1}' >> $FILE1
I tried to put eval, but still does not work:
eval $( echo "$LINE_IN" | awk '/pattern1/ {print $0; WRITTEN=1; REC=$REC+1}' >> $FILE1 )
Any suggestion?
I would like to use k-shell script, thanks!
Count the hits when you are finished:
echo "${LINE_IN}" | grep -E 'pattern1' > "${FILE1}"
REC=$(wc -l < "${FILE1}")
if (( REC > 0 )); then
When you really want to use awk, you must let awk write the results to stdout and parse stdout:
echo "${LINE_IN}" | awk '/echo/ {print $0 > "x3"; WRITTEN=1; REC++}
END { print "WRITTEN=" WRITTEN; print "REC=" REC}'
And when you want the variables really set, wrap it:
source (echo "${LINE_IN}" | awk '/echo/ {print $0 > "x3"; WRITTEN=1; REC++}
END { print "WRITTEN=" WRITTEN; print "REC=" REC}')
Note: Get used to using lowercase variable names like written, file and rec.

unix command to redirects output to a file

I am trying to write a unix command which will write/redirects the output to a file i.e. create a file if there is difference in 2 files else it will not create the file.
I am using the below command but it always creates a file(of 0B if no diff), no matter there is any difference in file or not.
diff -u -w a.txt b.txt > diff.tmp
I am trying to write a single unix command that will create file "diff.tmp" if "a.txt" is not equal to "b.txt" else "diff.tmp" will not be created.
Thanks in advance,
In bash you could remove it afterwards:
diff -u -w a.txt b.txt > diff.tmp && if [ -f diff.tmp ] && [ ! -s diff.tmp ]; then rm diff.tmp; fi
-f: to check if the file exits (-e to check if a file, directory, etc. exists)
-s: to check if the file is non-zero
However can will work for text files can use cmp command as well.
cmp a.txt b.txt > cmp.tmp && if [ -f cmp.tmp ] && [ ! -s cmp.tmp ]; then rm cmp.tmp; fi
you can check return code of diff. From man page:
Exit status is 0 if inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble.
So I would write something like:
diff "$1" "$2" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];then
echo "No diff found!"
echo "Diff saved in file "$3
diff $1 $2 > $3
And then you call it like
./ a.txt b.txt diff.tmp
Hope it helps!

awk passing a variable

I am struggling with an awk problem in my bash shell script. In the below snippet of code i am passing a variable var_awk for regular expression in awk. The idea is to get lines above a regular expression but the below echo is not displaying any data
echo `ls -ltr $date*$f* | /usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg=$var_awk '/reg/ {print $0}'`
I am unable to reg for regex though when i do print reg it is printing but when not doing regex as expected.
if [ $GE == "HBCA" ] || [ $GE == "HBUS" ] || [ $GE == "HBEU" ]; then
for f in `ls -ltr $date*GEN*REVAL*log|grep -v LPD | awk '{split($9,a,"_")}{print a[3]}'`; do
echo $f
echo $var_awk
echo `ls -ltr $date*$f* | /usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg=$var_awk '/reg/ {print $0}'`
You cannot use variable in regex that way. You need to do:
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg="$var_awk" '$0~reg{ print $0 }'
or simply
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg="$var_awk" '$0~reg'
Inside / / your variable reg will be used as a literal word.
Quote your shell variables.
try this:
...whatever you had already..|awk -v reg="$var_awk" '$0~reg'
it is better to wrap shell variable with quotes, e.g. if your var has spaces.
/pattern/ in awk is called regex constant. It cannot be used with variable, that's why it is called constant. We need to use dynamic regex here in this example.

to grep a pattern from file compare contents with another file and replace

I want to grep version number in one file and replace it in another file. I want to grep in file 1 and replace it in File 2 at I have the below command to get the number , but how can I cut/replace it in second file??
File1 :
App : (or) App:
File2: Before editing
File 2 : after editing (Desired Result:)
If $VERISON in File is WITHOUT the word SNAPSHOT then in file 2
If $VERSION has SNAPSHOT then line in file 2 should be
VER=$(awk -F: '/^App/{sub(/ .*$/, "", $2); print $2}'/path/file1.txt)
echo $VER
if ($vER ~ /SNAPSHOT/)
/usr/bin/ssh -t -t "sub("=nexus:", ":=nexus-snapshot") /path/file2" && sub(/[^\/]+\/tar\.gz/, $VER"/tar.gz") /path/file2
Something like this is all you need:
awk -F': +' 'NR==FNR{v=$2;next} {sub(/[^/]+\/tar.gz/,v"/tar.gz")} 1' File1 File2 > tmp && mv tmp File2
This awk script can do the job (this is an enhancement of above answer from #EDMorton):
Splitting the command in 2 as per OP's request
VER=$(awk -F' *: *' '/^App/{print $2}' file1)
awk -v v="$VER" '{
split(v, arr, "-");
sub(/[^\/]+\/tar\.gz/, arr[1]"/tar.gz");
if (arr[2] ~ /SNAPSHOT/)
sub("=nexus:", ":=nexus-snapshot")
}1' file2 > tmpFile
mv tmpFile > file2
You can try with this:
VERSION=($(grep -r "App:" /path/File1| awk '{print ($2)}'))
sed -i "s/$VERSION/" File2
it will look for "" and change by value in $VERSION. File2 will be updated with this change.
If you want the file to keep the same, delete the flag -i:
sed "s/$VERSION/" File2
You will get the result in stdout.
As indicated in comments, is not like this every time. Adapted for format X.Y.Z.W:
sed "s/\/[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]\(\/tar.gz\)/\/$VERSION\1/" File2

Unix script to delete file if it contains single line

Consider I have a file abcde.txt which may contain one or more lines of text. I want a script that will DELETE the file if it contains single line.
Something like, if 'wc -l abscde.txt' = 1 then rm abscde.txt
My system : Solaris
Here's a simple bash script:
LINECOUNT=`wc -l abscde.txt | cut -f1 -d' '`
if [[ $LINECOUNT == 1 ]]; then
rm -f abscde.txt
delifsingleline () {
if [ $(cat $1 | wc -l) = "1" ]
echo "Deleting $1"
echo "rm $1"
Lightly tested on zsh. Should work on bash as well.
This is (mostly) just a reformat of Ben's answer:
wc -l $PATH | grep '^1 ' > /dev/null && rm -f $PATH
