biztalk Outbound Logical not shown in biztalk Admin on deployment - biztalk

Biztalk "Outbound Logical Port" not shown in biztalk Admin on deployment.
Hi, I am trying to deploy an application where there is a receive and Send. When I deploy this application, receive port is shown (i.e "Inbound Logical Port"), but Send Port (i.e "Outbound Logical Port") is not shown.

This might occur if your logical port uses Direct Binding. In this case, there is no facility to configure it in the admin console because the message goes straight to the message box!


Accessing localhost API endpoint from different machine

I have a pressure sensor plugged into my computer, and the only way to collect the data is through a localhost API endpoint, meaning right now only that machine can collect data. Is there any way to receive data from the localhost API on a different machine? I also need to ping the API 20-40 times a second if that matters.
There are couple of ways I can think of, I am assuming both the machines are on same network
Use localhost API to collect the data in database and create a GET endpoint inside same application for fetching the data according your parameters. You can access GET endpoint from different machine by hitting network ip address of your local machine. Which you can check using ifconfig command in your terminal, check en0 type where you will find something like 192.168.X.X. From other machine you can hit http://192.168.X.X:<port>/getData, where <port> is the localhost port.
If you don't want to use database, then you can use publish subscribe mechanism which is real time. see
How publish subscribe works ?
You will have to make your localhost machine a publisher (server) which will publish events or sensor data in your case (real time). The other machine will be subscriber (client ) which will listen to the events from your server and do necessary processing.
Its uses WAMP (Web application messaging protocol) for communication. The sample code for basic publisher and subsriber can be found here.
Follow steps:
1 : Download ngrok,
2 : Go to the path where ngrok.exe file present and open that path in cmd.
3 : Connect your account.
paste : ngrok authtoken1pA6advIt950uA4y2Rixgc8rdx9_23MSDokKjWhbPUW3NSrZK
4 : Replace your port no including bracket.
paste : ngrok http {9003} -host-header="localhost:{9003}".
5 : copy forward line and paste in other system to check.

Receive Port is not showing up in the list of Activation Subscriptions

I'm troubleshooting a very generic BizTalk error that is resulting in transmission/routing failures (see below). Even though my receive location is started, it does not appear to be listening for anything. When I run a query for all Activation Subscriptions, the receive port is not showing up in the list. I cannot figure out why it is not subscribing to my send ports.
The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found. This error occurs if the subscribing orchestration or send port has not been enlisted, or if some of the message properties necessary for subscription evaluation have not been promoted. Please use the Biztalk Administration console to troubleshoot this failure.
One Way Receive locations don't have Active subscriptions, only Orchestrations, Send Port Groups and Send Ports do. For a One Way your Send Port should be listening to your Receive Port rather than your Receive Port to your Send Port.
If it is a Request / Response port then see section below
One Way Receive Location
A Receive Location picks up from an external location and it goes via the associated receive port and publishes into the message box.
As your error clearly indicates that the message has been published to the message box the receive port is obviously working (although maybe not correctly) or it has been published back from a send port or orchestration.
What you have to check is
The context properties on the suspended message using BizTalk Administrator
The Subscription belonging to the Send Port / Orchestration that you expect to handle the message
Compare the two and see what does not match
The possibilities are
Your Receive Port is not promoting the properties you expect. Check the receive pipeline and promoted properties on the schema. If your pipeline is set to pass thru, only some of the standard promoted properties will be there and no message type or promoted properties from the schema, if you need those promoted properties set your pipeline to XMLReceive or a custom pipeline with either a XML Disassembler or a Flat File one.
Your Send Port / Orchestration are not in an Enlisted state, if they aren't enlisted then no subscriptions are published for them. Enlist or Start them.
Your Send port/Orchestration subscription is wrong (does not match the message context properties), correct them so that they match.
Request/Response Receive Port
For a Request Response Receive location/port it creates an Instance Subscription for a message which looks for BTS.EpmRRCorrelationToken (which contains details of the hostinstance, port and a GUID) and BTS.RouteDirectToTP == True
It works out of the box if you either have a Request/Response Send port subscribing to a Request/Response receive port, or if you use a Request/Response Port in an Orchestration. If you use separate Receive Send Ports in the Orchestration you need to set the above properties in your message construct shape manually.
See Messaging-only request-response correlation
Thanks for the clarification on receive locations. I'm new to BizTalk, as I have recently inherited the role of supporting it. The problem ended up being an incorrect reference in an endpoint behavior extension in the receive location.

Oracle binding not showing in send port

I have a very simple BizTalk application that is polling the records from a SQL server and does some transformation then save it to the Oracle DB. I used BizTalk 2010, SQL server 2012, Oracle 11g each is hosted on their own separate server. BizTalk was setup properly and has been working fine.
I have attached the orchestration diagram for clarity. Nothing fancy, I have set up the sending and receiving port successfully (can connect to all the database, and I used typedpolling for inbound and insert operation for the outbound. The project can be compiled and deployed successfully.
I have imported the bindings to BizTalk Admin Console and can see both bindings on the receive port and send port. The following image shows the bindings for send port is there.
However, when I tried to configure the Orchestration, I can only see the receive Ports in the selection but the send ports information is not available for me to pick.
From my limited exposure to BizTalk in the past, I can select the send port once I have imported the bindings to the console. I wonder what I have done incorrectly this time?
Usually a table operation such as an insert will be a request (the insert) and the response which shows it has succeeded (with an array/list of ID's of the new records). If you look the port that was created from the bindings you will see both a Send pipeline and a Receive Pipeline. Just make the port in the Orchestration a Request/Response, and consume the response (even if you don't do anything with it). Then you can bind the logical port the the actual port one as the logical port will then match the port.

BizTalk - Exception Handling and Send Alert to System Administrator

In Microsoft BizTalk Application when exception occurred then Services or port will goes to in suspended mode and need to manually start application or port.
What i want is when any exceptions occurred during message processing should send one email alert to system administrator and details of exception should be stored in separate database for further process.
Anyone have any better suggestion how we can do it.
To handle the message failure secnario see using Failed Message Routing. As far as monitoring ports when they shut down you can either use MOM (expensive) or write a script to do what you want. There are many posts here in stackoverflow that address this... here is one such post.
To get an email alert sent for any messaging failures (i.e., a failure in a send or receive port)
For each send or receive port for which you want to track failures, edit the port properties and check the box for "Enable routing for failed messages"
For send ports, you'll find this option under "Transport Advanced Options".
The option for receive ports is under the General section of the port properties.
Create a new Send Port (perhaps in a separate "Exception Handling" BizTalk application) that uses the SMTP adapter to send the emails.
To send out all failed messages using this new port, create a filter on the send port with the Property ErrorReport.ErrorType == FailedMessage. That will evaluate as true for all messages that error on a send or receive port for which you enabled Failed Message Routing.
If you need to route messages differently, at a more granular level, then have a look at the properties on the Failed Message Routing page referenced by ChrisLoris.
To track exceptions for failed messages in a separate database, I would start with the Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit Exception Management Framework, as it includes a database for this purpose and the mechanism to push exception/failed message data into that database (build atop Failed Message Routing). It even includes a web site to enable users to interact with the failed messages, which you can customize as you see fit or throw away altogether.
The instructions to install the just the Exception Management part of the ESB Toolkit are available at Microsoft's guide to using the ESB Exception Management is worth a review too and is here.

Use a fake biztalk send port as configuration

I am using a BizTalk orchestration to kick off an SSIS package. This package is essentially doing transformation on behalf of BizTalk on a very large volume of data. I have run into a problem as to the best way of specify in the drop location for SSIS use after the transformation. If this were a 'normal' BizTalk orchestration it would be easy to set up a send port. I would like to make a fake send port in BizTalk so that the admin could configure the send location from BizTalk and then have BizTalk pass that value into SSIS. However, if you configure a send port without actually attaching a connector to it, then it will not show up as an available binding in BizTalk admin.
Is there a way to get around this and force the admin to bind it before starting the orchestration? Any other ideas to allow for an easy configuration of this round-about process?
What I ended up doing was creating a decision shape that was true on one side so it never would go down the false branch. In essence I tricked BizTalk, so I could attach a connector to the send port that I am interested. Earlier in the orchestration I retrieved the value of the file location for the 'config' send port, so I can could send it to SSIS.
