Can't Get a 3rd Party Symfony Bundle to Install - symfony

I'm trying to install a 3rd party bundle into my Smfony2 website. The web page for it is here. The documentation looked straight forward until I tried it. I found I needed to run composer.phar. When I ran "php composer.phar update", it updated a bunch of my bundles and completed without error, but didn't appear to install flickrapibundle. As instructed I add the line "ideato/flickr-api-bundle": "dev-master", to my composer.json file prior to running the command. Do I have to download the bundle and put it somewhere for composer to find it? I would think so, but the documentation makes no mention of it. When I tried to reload one my pages, I get the white screen of death. It's caused by an attempt to instantiate on object of the class.


Trouble Installing Certain Modules

I'm having issues getting some modules to install. I've been able to get mod-1v1-arena and mod-npc-free-professions working, but I haven't been able to get these other modules to work:
Can someone please confirm I have the correct workflow, or advise on what steps I'm missing.
Clone module folder from git to .\azerothcore-wotlk\modules
Run Git CLI: ./ docker build
Copy mod_learnspells.conf to .\azerothcore-wotlk\env\docker\etc\modules
I see instructions about rebuilding with CMake, is that necessary if I'm using docker build...? I tried CMake too and I got an error immediately with the software setup, so haven't pursued it further.
I'm also a bit confused by the .conf files, which folder does the server read them from?
.\azerothcore-wotlk\env\docker\etc\modules or .\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-learn-spells\conf
I would try to install without any modules to check for the core stability and then work up from there one by one.
This way, if there's a module that's currently not working due to recent PR's like the Autobalance and possibly mod-learn-spells you can report an issue and work without it until It's back up.
AzerothCore Continuous Integration build with modules is currently failing aswell if you check the Readme notes where it says

How to install vendor bundle WITHOUT composer (corporate network)

First of all, I can't use composer because Im under a corporate network. I tried everything to get composer working :
HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, HTTPS_FULLURI ... Nothing is working. Composer diag gives an OK status for http packagist but FAILS for https connectivity. The error it gives me is:
SSL : Handshake timed out.
But that's not my question, I spent to much time trying to get composer working (But if you got a solution, you'll make my day )
My real question is the following : How to install bundles manually
I want to install this bundle :
What I did to try installing the bundle :
Registering the bundle in appKernel.php :
new \CS\MenuBundle\CSMenuBundle()
Tried to add it in the autoload.php :
$loader->add('CS', __ DIR __.'/../vendor/CS/CSMenuBundle.php');
(Dont know how to add php code properly ... )
But it doesn't work, got the following error :
Attempted to load class "CSMenuBundle" from namespace "CS\MenuBundle".
Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?
And then, even if it is not a good practise, I tried to add it to autoload_namespaces.php and did a dump-autoload after that :
'CS\MenuBundle' => array($vendorDir. '/CS/')
I still have an error, but not exactly the same one :
Attempted to load class "CSMenuBundle" from namespace "CS\MenuBundle".
Did you forget a "use" statement for "CS\MenuBundle\CSMenuBundle"?
Now I'm a bit frustrating, I saw many posts (not on Stack) where people scream because we have to use composer to manage dependencies. I totally agree with that, but I can't, so I'm trying to find another way, and as I can't find any clear tutorial which explains how to install vendors without composer, here I am.
Note that I commented on the problems I see with your approach on your question directly.
However, I looked at the package you want to use to see if there would be ANY chance installing it somehow (preferring Composer). I don't think it is possible or feasible.
composer require customscripts/menubundle:dev-master - this would be the easy command for Composer to do everything. However there are problems:
The package you want to use is not registered on, so there is no way to simply use Composer on a machine properly connected to the internet, grab the packages, zip them and transfer them to the place you need it.
To work around this, you'd manually add the repository to the composer.json file - this might actually work (however it takes way too much time on my VM). You'll end up with code that was last edited in the year 2012!
The dependencies of that code will likely not work anymore. The composer.json of that package lists "require": {"knplabs/knp-menu-bundle": "dev-master", "symfony/framework-bundle": ">=2.0,<2.3-dev", "jms/di-extra-bundle": "1.1.*"} - even the first "knplabs/knp-menu-bundle" will never work. Remember that the code of this package is from 2012 - now we are in 2016, so "knp-menu-bundle" has seen four years of development on the master branch. There simply is NO WAY of knowing which commit had been used of this package. You'd have to reverse-engineer this lost information.
Additionally, you see why Composer is awesome and doing it manually is bad: In addition to your wished package, you have to download the three additional packages mentioned here.
But detecting packages that have to be added is a recursive task: knp-menu-bundle has a dependency on knp-menu (with no further dependencies) and symfony/framework-bundle (already added). symfony/framework-bundle itself has a dependency on 9 more Symfony packages and doctrine/common... and so on. You have to detect every single package of this and download the correct version manually if you cannot use Composer.
Skipping your original package because that installation wasn't finishing while I was typing my answer, I tried to install knp-menu-bundle to see how many packages would be installed. Composer installed 20 packages, some of them using Symfony in 2.8 (it SHOULD be compatible with Symfony 2.2 stuff, shouldn't it) - and I simply ran composer require knplabs/knp-menu-bundle:1.1.1 to grab a similarly old version of knp-menu-bundle from 2012.
The strength of using Composer is that it supports rapid development by allowing updating quickly, downgrading reliably (if you commit your composer.lock file and always use tagged versions), and simply allowing to add new packages instantly. Not being able to use Composer is a very severe limitation for you as a PHP developer. Talk to your boss or team lead about your company's situation with the HTTPS proxy, and find a solution to use Composer. The alternative is to develop everything from scratch on your own or waste plenty of hours trying to fiddle with manual downloads that don't fit together easily.

Composer misses to install certain files (app/console, AutoLoader.php, app_dev.php, etc.)

I am developing a web application with Symfony 2. The code of my own bundle that forms the heart of my application and some configurations files for application-wide settings are controlled by Git (mostly the directories, src/MyCompany/MyBundle, app/Resources/config, etc.) The rest is under control of Composer (the framework, 3rd party bundles, etc.)
Up to now, I ran a ./composer self-update && ./composer.phar update once in a while, pushed or fetched source code from the origin of my repository and everything has been working well.
Today, I started a new fresh working directory and experienced some odd problems.
I performed
git clone <my git repo url> www
cd www
composer.phar install
The composer.json is part of my repository, hence it normally suffices to excute Composer in order to install the framework and all required bundles to get a fully working copy of my web application.
But today, composer.phar install stopped prematurely complainig about missing files. Luckily, I still had my old working directory, so I could copy over the missing files manually, and restart composer.phar. I had to repeat these steps several times until I ended with a fully working application.
The files that were missing are
I thought that these files are part of the Symfony framework and expected them to be installed by Composer. Fot this reason they are not under control of my revision control system.
I found this related question. The answer is very generic und not particularly helpful. All it says is that for example app/console should be included into revision control, because it is not installed by Composer (any longer) and that there is a change in the directory structure due to the transition from Symfony 2 to 3. But I know for sure that app/console was installed by Composer in the past. Hence, something changed.
This leads me to the following questions
Is there any complete, up-to-date and official documentation
what should be included in the repository
what should be in .gitignore
what is managed by Composer?
Is there any documentation how to do the transistion from the old directory structure to the new one in preperation of Symfony 3?
I thought I read all, all release information and everything in "Living on the Edge" of the Symfony site, but somehow I missed this.
The clean way to install Symfony2 from scratch with composer, is to use the following command:
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition my_project_name
This will ensure that all basic structures are created. After that, you can still insert your customisations from the previous project.
Then you can add everything – except app/config/parameters.yml as well as the contents of vendor/, app/cache and app/logs – to your repository.
About transitioning to SF3, I guess there’ll be an upgrade path as soon as SF3 is stable enough to create such a document.
1.1. that depends how you want people to be able to fetch your bundle
1.2. I share with you my own .gitignore: beware I use git for my own use to have a security for my files, not to allow people to get my bundle:
# Cache and logs (Symfony2)
# Cache and logs (Symfony3)
# Parameters
# Managed by Composer
# Assets and user uploads
# PHPUnit
# Build data
# Composer PHAR
1.3. everything that is in composer.json

Adding an bundle in Appkernel on symfony2

I have a requirement for which i need to install Zetawebmailbundle in the vendor page, I tried to make an entry in the AppKernel file, but its showing error as class not found.
new SimpleThings\ZetaWebmailBundle\SimpleThingsZetaWebmailBundle()
FatalErrorException: Error: Class 'SimpleThings\ZetaWebmailBundle\SimpleThingsZetaWebmailBundle' not found in /home/check/Projects/Webparse/app/AppKernel.php line 30
The bundle that you are trying to use doesnt seem to have a composer friendly repo. This means that you have 2 options.
1) You can follow their install instructions here:
or 2) You can fork their repository and create your own composer.json
with option 2 you will need to download the ez Components which you can find here: and add that to your forked repository and your composer.json. This option will probably take a lot more time and maybe even some trial and error. I recommend that you just follow the install instructions in option 1.
Edit: Scrapped my original answer for this one.

Symfony 2.0 bundle installation

So I am a new to doctrine, but I am not able to install a bundle at all. I am following the guide, but the "error" which I am getting is very unusual.
Anyhow, I add this lines into deps file:
Then I do:
./bin/vendors install
And I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Your project seems to be based on a Standard Edition that includes vendors.
Try to run ./bin/vendors install --reinstall
So on this standard way I am not able to install it at all. Can somebody explain me what is the problem, because to me it looks like, the symfony vendors script doesnt recognize changes in deps file at all.
This happens when you've downloaded the Symfony2 Standard Edition from the website. The vendor install script checks to see if the vendor directories are git repositories, and if not, will throw this error. You can fix the situation in one of two ways:
you can either run the command that it suggests: php bin/vendors install --reinstall
or, you can remove the vendors directory, then run php bin/vendors install, which amounts to about the same thing
No need to install that. Just follow the steps in the url :
