When a presentation state has created for a image will it creates a new image? If it creates a new image then adding a PS should increase the image count by +1?
A new presentation state object should be created in it's own series within the same study as the image(s) being referenced.
What "image count" are you referring to? If you are referring to (0020,1208) VR=IS Number of Study Related Instances or (0020,1209) VR=IS Number of Series Related Instances, then yes, since this is a new instance, it affects instance related counts.
Good Afternoon,
So I have built a State Map in Report builder that is separated into Counties. I have been pretty successful, however there is one thing I cannot figure out. When I click on the county, is it possible to pass the county name that I clicked to a chart on the same report. I can pass it to another report via go to report, but I would like to have it on the same document.I also kept getting a Subreport not found when I attempted that method. Any help is greatly appreciated.
A basic rule of SSRS is that with very few exceptions, you cannot change the content of a report unless you refresh the report.
Bearing this in mind, you have a couple of options..
Call the same report again as a subreport.
Assuming you only want your map and a single dynamic chart.
Add a parameter to the report that defaults to specific value such as 'none'. Then you can decide what do show in your chart when the parameter = 'none' or you could choose the hide the chart if the parameter is 'none'.
In your map go to the map's polygon properties and assign an action.
Set the action to be Go to Report
Choose your report (so we get the report to call itself)
Add a parameter, choose the parameter you added a few steps earlier as the name and select the field that contains the state name or ID etc as the value.
Your Chart's dataset can then be updated to use the new parameter in the dataset query.
Create a chart for every State
The other option is to create a chart for every state, you can do this using a table or list control and a subreport containing your chart, so you design will not have to have lots of charts individually placed.
Each Chart can have a bookmark set (most objects have a bookmark property) that is the name or ID of the state it represents.
Then in your map, set the action properties in the polygon properties to 'Go to bookmark' and then use the state name or ID as the bookmark expression to go to.
I am trying to create a Kanban view based on several relationships between datasources.
The case
I have:
- Tasks datasource
- Task_Stages datasource (e.g. To Do / Doing / Done)
- Tasks many-to-many relationship with Tasks as in Master Task / Sub-Tasks
The Issue
I am trying to use grid-layout and its grid-cells as the typical "List" in a Kanban. Where lists are representing the Stages
Within a grid-cell I am trying to set a List-layout widget to represent a typical Kanban item.
If I set the grid's datasource to Task_Stages, each grid-cell would represent a state, e.g. To do / doing / done. In this case, the list-layout widget would show absolutely all Task records.
I am struggling to set it to show only Tasks, which are related as Sub-Tasks to a selected Task.
What I tried
I've tried a large number of relationship combinations using several layers of panels, but all fail.
e.g. I set up a Main-Panel as Task:Sub-Tasks, then the grid as Sub-Task:Stages - in this case it shows only 1 grid cell that represents the stage of the first sub-task record.
This is how it looks with the above example:
*Only one Stage is shown, instead of showing all stages as different "lists"(grid-cells)
*The tasks visualized in the cell do not bear the relationship with the master task and are just tasks that have that stage type selected
Is there another way I can achieve this?
In order to get this working correctly you will probably need to do the following:
Set your main panel datasource to Stages.
In your Stages datasource make sure you don't apply any filters, so
that all stages will show as in 'To Do/Doing/Done'.
Still in your Stages datasource set a prefetch for Tasks, then use
the 'Advanced' option under prefetch settings to prefetch
Back to your main panel, drag in a new Grid or make sure your
existing grid datasource is set to 'Inherited: Stages'.
For reference purposes drag in a label and set the binding to
#datasource.item.YourStagesName, so it will reflect your correct
stage in each panel. Drag in a list widget into the grid cell and
set the datasource to 'Stages: Tasks (relation)'.
Drag in a list widget into the list row and set the datasource to
'Tasks: SubTasks (relation)'.
Relatively speaking this should correct your issue but may require some additional testing. I did not test this setup myself but have successfully implemented something similar. The secret here is to prefetch all relations even if they are multiple levels deep by using the advanced prefetch option. Also keep in mind that the more tasks you have the more this process of prefetching multiple relations deep can slow down the performance of your app.
I'm having a problem regarding the scores in my game, My game is about answering questions using jumbled letters and when the player gets one correct answer, the game should add +1 to the game score and move to the next level (which is in the next room) and will generate another question, and keeping your last score which is 1. My problem is, the score just keeps on resetting to a value of 0 when moved into the next room. I want it to continuously add +1 even when I go to the next rooms. Thankyou in advance.
There are many solutions.
1) Set your score controller object as persistent
This is the best, as you don't need to do anything else, and in fact, it's a good rule to have one object as a persistent controller.
2) You can save your score to the file and load it each time this object (that stores the variable) is being created
This requires save\load manipulation, and in some cases (e.g you don't want to have ANY persistent objects) can be better, but I highly doubt.
You are not giving enough details about how are you storing the score value.
That may be cause by many issue in the way you are making the game, so im going to try to give all solutions to all possible scenarios:
1) Storing Score in Object Variable
This way may have two different sub scenarios:
a) Going to Next Room after Right answer
b) Restart the same room
This completly reset the variable on the object because the object is destroyed and then created again initilizing again the variables it hold when the room is created.
For this the solution is simply: set persistent true, you can do it from the form object properties (the interface that pop up when you open a object) or using gml on the create event of the object:
object: CREATE event
persistent = true;
This will make the object even if is repeated on the room created to no to create it again, so the event CREATE will no be never repeated again.
2) Storing the Score in variable of the room using Room Creation Event
In this scenario happeng the same that above, its just a local variable the room but exists only for the room and will only exists during the room until its restarted or leaved.
In this case the best is to transform this variable to a global instance in the following way:
global.points = 0;
And this is the best way to store score for you game.
Just remember no to put it in a create event of a not persistent object or it will be reseted to ZERO everything that object is created.
In that case you can check if the variable exists and then if not initializing it:
if (variable_global_exists("points") == true) {
global.points = 0;
Now if you want to save it you need to use file functions which is another question.
We have multiple e-learning modules under one domain.
We want to know how many new users start each module over a set period of time e.g.
trainingDomain.com/module01 > 4 new starts
trainingDomain.com/module02 > 2 new starts
trainingDomain.com/module03 > 5 new starts
The metric that seems to best fit new starts is new users by module.
We have tried various approaches but no success so far. I suspect we are misunderstanding something conceptual.
Each page in a module saves a moduleID to a custom dimension i.e. click scope. If we create a custom report with new users as the metric and moduleID as the primary dimension, only the first module visited registers in the report.
Does anyone have a suggestion of a better way we can approach this or a way to tweak the current approach to work? I'm really struggling to get my tiny brain around this...
Many thanks!
Actually, custom dimension is redundantly for your purpose.
Create a page content group with your modules. Then create a custom report with the new users as metric, page as a dimension and filter by your content group.
I am trying to read an CADSR file I get an various marker from "Graphics Data Tag" I want to show only those marker over the Dicom file that are necessary so let me know what criteria is required to showing up the necessary marker over dicom image
This is the actual output that shown in below image
but I get such kind of Image opuput which is wrong
In the wrong O/P Image there are multiple markers at specific location I want to combine that marker and show single marker as Star for this.Also one marker is not required that display the out of scope of image that marker I don't want to display so how it can be handle from dicom tags or any things required to do.
You are drawing everything that has a graphic data type. So you are showing the centre of the breast and the nipple.
The cluster of marks is a calcification cluster. A calcification cluster contains multiple calcifications each with their own graphic data type.
Look at the documentation for the R2 Server. You are interested in three objects Malcs, Calcs and Mass. A Malc contains a Mass and a calcifiation cluster which you will need to take account of.