Lotus Notes - Refresh form after button click - button

I have a form which have a section. This section have a hide-when formula
#If(flag = " 1 ";#False;#True)
I created a button which has the formula: #Setfield("flag";"1") . But, the section doesn't appear immediately, it seems it needs a Refresh. I put right after #Command([ViewRefreshFields]) but I have the following message:
" .... not found in name & address book or any domino directory ".
The button doesn't have Refresh fields on keyword changes, like other design items.
Please help, I appreciate your time.

This Error Message comes from a property of one of your name- fields. This property is on the second tab and sais "Look up addresses on document refresh". It has nothing to do with you button and will most probably also appear when you simply press F9...


Botium Box crawler test case failing on Watson Assistant buttons

I am using Botium Box crawler on a Watson Assistant skill.
The bot's initial statement includes a greeting and seven buttons.
Botium is generating test cases for each of the buttons, but the button-press does not generate the right response in Watson Assistant.
A generated case is below:
BUTTONS Benefits|Badges, Explanation of Badges or Certificate of Completion|COVID-19|ID Cards - Order, View, Print, Return|Employment/Termination|Password|None of the above, enter search text
BUTTON password|Password
(responds as if Watson Assistant received the word "BUTTON" rather than the "password" value in "Password"-labeled button)
The dialog node has child responses using conditions like:
input.text=="password" or input.text.contains("password")
The expected behavior in Watson Assistant for a button press is that the button text (not label) is passed to the button. In the Watson Assistant Try it Out panel I click "Password" and it sends the text "password".
The only way I can replicate the Botium behavior in Try it Out is to pass the literal text "BUTTON". Even if Botium sent input.text=="BUTTON password|Password" my condition should fire.
Am I using Botium Box crawler wrong, or is there a bug in the crawler?
Update: Other button-driven prompts work, such as "yes/no" button prompts. I wonder if there is a parsing problem because the buttons have very long labels with some special characters and punctuation.
The issue has to be fixed with the next release of the crawler package.
If you need this fix now, then we can update directly your trial instance.
You can get more detailed log by set the DEBUG=botium-* env variable. So in commandline it should look like this:
DEBUG=botium-* botium-cli crawler-run --entryPoints 'hello'
In this case you will get a log and very detailed log. You can reduce its size with using exitCriteria (e.g.: --exitCriteria 'Benefits' 'Badges') to exclude those path which work correctly.
We will investigate the detailed log, just send us please.

Google Tag Manager tracking 404 page without unique URL

I'm trying to find a way to use Google tag manager to fire a tag only when a 404 page is reached. The problem is that the 404 pages do not have "404" in the URL because there is no redirect.
For instance, if you entered:
This is not a page on the website, and you see the 404 page telling you that the page could not be found. However, you aren't seeing www.example.com/404.
Since the URL could be anything, I need another way to get the tag to fire. I apologize if this question seems silly, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out.
I was wondering if I could possible track by H1 or title tag, which would include "404"
Yes, you can grab content from the page. Here is an example (looking at document.title):
Click on the tag to go to the Edit Tag screen.
On the right, under Firing Rules click on the + Add button.
Select Create new rule.
For Rule Name, name your rule something like "404 Page".
Under Conditions select "New macro..".
For Macro Name name the macro something like "404 title tag".
For Macro Type select "Custom Javascript".
In the Custom Javascript textarea, enter the following:
function () {
return (document.title.indexOf('404')!=-1)?'true':'false';
This will return a string value of "true" if the title tag contains "404", or "false" if not. You didn't specify what your title tag actually looks like, so you may need to adjust this to fit what you expect your title tag to contain.
Click Save to save the macro details, and you should now see {{404 title tag}} in the dropdown back on the previous screen where you are creating the rule.
Set the operator dropdown to equals and in the text field to the right, enter in "true" (no quotes).
Click Save to save the rule.
Click Save at the bottom of the Edit Tag page to save the tag settings.
On the top-right of the tag overview page, click Publish to publish the changes, and you should be good to go.

OnClick on ticketid need to open a details of ticket using birt report

I had a requirement to create a report based on individual user whom having SR waiting for approval, On click on Ticket id the URL's should redirect to SR detailed page where he can check request approve or disapprove.
using hyper link in birt properties unable to pass the ticketid by using below url's
Could you anybody help in this regards.
If the cell you made clickable contains the ticketId, go to Properties -> Hyperlink -> Edit...
Select hyperlink type URI, and click the dropdown to the right of 'Location' to go to the Javascript window.
If you're going to use it more than once, I would make the static part of your hyperlink a variable. Then add the ticketId by clicking "column bindings" in the left-lower column in the JavaScript window and selecting the appropriate cells in the middle and right columns. You'd get something like
vars["staticPartOfHyperlink"] + row[TICKETID]
If you'd rather not use a variable, you can hard-code the static part (don't do this, it's ugly and asking for trouble):
"http://google.com/maximo/ui/maximo.jsp?event=loadapp&value=asset&additionaleventvalue=" + row[TICKETID]

how do I get the upper text in a facebook open graph action story?

Take a look at the action link story examples in the Facebook documentation here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actionlinks/ . Note this isn't a question about action links, but rather about other aspects of the example on this page; I'm not using action links, just publishing open graph actions.
In the "Story with Action Link" example, there's a line of text between the action and the action object below; the line is "You have to give this a try! Delicious!" This line of text does not appear in the second example, "Story after Action Link Clicked."
How do I get that line of text to appear? I have action posts working, but I can only get the result in the second example.
I noticed in my Action definition that under "optional properties," there's a field called "message." I tried setting that, but it didn't come out. Is there something else I should be setting to use this extra text field? Is this text field only available if you are using action links, or can I use it without them?
The text set in "message" field comes up in activity the way you want on timeline as personalised message , but your opengraph action should be approved with "user messages" property.

How to create a read more link in Drupal views?

I am facing a problem in drupal views, i want to show the node body 400 character and add a read more link on after trimming. So I have trimmed the node body 400 character and put the "More link: Yes" on views. I can see the ellipsis(... after words) but not showing the link. What is the procedure to add a read more link? I am using drupal 6.22 version
Thanks in advance
A More link set to yes will send a user to a page view of that view. My typical approach to the more link is to add a field to the view for path. Then I set the path to be rewritten as More ยป.
Having the path field a the end of the view (Or at least after your body field) will give you the results you're looking for.
This is how I had done it.
In the edit of my view, I added a field node:link.
Then I removed the Label and left it empty and added "Read more" in Text to display
I checked the checkbox Trim this field to a maximum length, entered my maximum length in the textfield and checked the Add an ellipsis and Trim only on a word boundary options.
Click on Update button and save the changes. You are done!
