I use apprequests in an Facebook Canvas application. Most of the time, it works fine.
But for some people, only between specific senders and recipients (always the sames), it doesn't. In those cases, I don't have any response send to callback function not even an error message. If I change the sender (using another facebook account) or the recipient, it work. But it can also concern several recipients for a same sender.
FB.ui({"method":"apprequests","title":"Send energy","message":"sent you Energy","to": XXXXXXX,"data":"eyJyZXF1ZXN0IjoyLCJmcm9tIjoiMTA3NDQ5OTk2NCIsImNoYW5uZWwiOiIxIiwiYmFjayI6dHJ1ZSwidHlwZSI6IkdJRlQifQ=="}, function(response){console.log(response)} )
I am creating a server using Go that allows the client to upload a file and then use a server function to parse the file. Currently, I am using two separate requests:
1) First request sends the file the user has uploaded
2) Second request sends the parameters to the server that the server needs to parse the file.
However, I have realised that due to the nature of the program, there can be concurrency problem if multiple users try to use the server at the same time. My solution to that was using mutex locks. However, I am receiving the file, sending a response, and then receiving the parameters and it seems that Go cannot send a response back when the mutex is locked. I am thinking about solving this problem by sending both the file and the parameters in one single HTTP request. Is there a way to do that? Thanks
Sample code (only relevant parts):
Code to send file from client:
handleUpload() {
const data = new FormData()
for(var x = 0; x < this.state.selectedFile.length; x++) {
data.append('myFile', this.state.selectedFile[x])
var self = this;
let url = *the appropriate url*
axios.post(url, data, {})
.then(res => {
//other logic
Code for handleParser():
let parserParameter = {
SourcePath : location,
ProjectName : this.state.projectName
// fetch the the response from the server
let self = this;
let url = *url*
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(parserParameter),
}).then( (response) => {
if(response.status === 200) {
//success logic
}).catch (function (error) {
console.log("error: ", error);
The question is not really about Go or reactjs or any particular software library.
To solve your problem you'd first need to understand how HTTP POST works,
hence I invite you to first read this intro on MDN.
In short:
There are multiple ways to encode the data sent in a POST request.
The way the receiver should deal with this data depends on how it's encoded by the sender.
The sender has to communicate the encoding with its request — usually via the Content-Type header field.
I won't go into the details of possible encodings — the referenced introductory material covers them, and you should do your own research on them, but to maybe recap what's written there, here is some perspective.
Back in the 80s and 90s the web was "static" and the dreaded era of JavaScript-heavy "web apps" did not yet come. "Static" means you could not run any code in the client's browser, and had to encode any communication with the server in terms of plain HTML.
An HTML document could have two ways to make the client rendering it to send something back to the server: a) embed an URL which would include query parameters; this would make the client to perform a GET request with these parameters sent to the server; b) embed an HTML "form" which, when "submitted", would result in performing a rather more complex POST request with the data taken from the filled in form.
The latter approach was the way to leverage the browser's ability to perform reasonably complex data processing — such as slurpling a file selected by the user in a specific form's control, encoding it appropriately and sending it to the server along with the other form's data.
There were two ways to encode the form's data, and they are both covered by the linked article, please read about them.
The crucial thing to understand about this "static web with forms" approach is that it worked like this: the server sends an HTML document containing a web form, the browser renders the document, the user fills the form in and clicks the "submit" button rendered by the browser; the browser collects the data from the form's controls, for entries of type "file" it reads and encodes the contents of those files and finally performs an HTTP POST request with this stuff encoded to the URL specified by the form. The server would typically respond with another HTML document and so on.
OK, so here came "web 2.0", and an "XHR" (XMLHttpRequest) was invented. It has "XML" in its name because that was the time when XML was perceived by some as a holy grail which would solve any computing problem (which it, of course, failed to do). That thing was invended to be able to send almost arbitrary data payloads; XML and JSON encoding were supported at least.
The crucial thing to understand is that this way to communicate with the server is completely parallel to the original one, and the only thing they share is that they both use HTTP POST requests.
By now you should possibly see the whole picture: contemporary JS libs allow you to contruct and perform any sort of request: they allow you to create a "web form"-style request or to create a JS object, and serialise it to JSON, and send the result in an HTTP POST request.
As you can see, any approach allows you to pass structured data containing multiple distinct pieces of data to the server, and the way to handle this all is a matter of agreement between the server and the client, that is, the API convention, if you want.
The difference between various approaches is that the web-form-style approach would take care of encoding the contents of the file for you, while if you opt to send your file in a JSON object, you'll need to encode it yourself — say, using base64 encoding.
Combined approaches are possible, too.
For instance, you can directly send binary data of a file as a POST request's body, and submit a set of parameters along with the request by encoding them as query-parameters of the URL. Again, it's up to the agreement between the client and the server about how the latter encodes the data to be sent and the former decodes them.
All-in-all, I'd recommend to take a pause and educate yourself on the stuff I have outlined above, and then have another stab at solving the problem, but this time — with reasonably complete understanding about how the stuff works under the hood, and how you intend to wield it.
When implementing the post-redirect-get pattern in a web application, it is common for the final step in your server code to look something like this (pseudocode):
if (postSuccessful)
That is, the redirect URL has some kind of success parameter in the query string so that you know when to display a nice looking "Your form has been submitted!" message on your page. The problem with this is that the success=true persists in the query string when it's only needed to initialize the page. If the user refreshes the page or bookmarks it, they will receive a false success message even though no additional POST has taken place.
Is there an elegant solution to this that doesn't involve using JavaScript to eliminate success=true from both the query string and the browser history? This solution works, but definitely adds complexity to a page's load process.
You can use server side technology to implement this feature, without any JavaScript. The stes are listed below:
When post is successful, redirect to /some-page with current timestamp information:
if (postSuccessful)
When server receives GET /some-page?success=true×tamp=1559859090747 request, compare the timestamp parameter with the current timestamp, check whether it is within the last 3 seconds (or you can change this number according to the network environment).
If the timestamp parameter is within last 3 seconds, then it means this GET /some-page?success=true request is a result of server redirect. If not, then it's more like a result of "user refreshes the page or bookmarks it".
In server code that handling GET /some-page, render different HTML according to the result of step 3. Display the success message only when current access is a result of server redirect.
I am working on setting up a basic network system in Processing:
import processing.net.*;
Server myServer;
Client myClient;
However, I'm having trouble with my server and client side communication set up. My client is interpreting all incoming messages as Strings, and the issue is that whenever multiple messages are sent from the server in the same frame, they become added into a single string, which my program cannot interpret. After testing, I found that sending multiple messages from a single client to the server are given the same treatment.
My client reader looks like this:
while (myClient.available() > 0) {
String dataIn = myClient.readString();
As of now, I don't know if the problem is in the reader (combining the strings), or in the fact that I'm using write() multiple times in a single frame (and the data is being sent as a single string).
I am wondering if the messages can somehow be sent/read separately or, if not, there is some method to test if a message has already been sent (that works for both the client and server side) so that I can set up a queue to keep track of messages to be sent.
Well, I decided to forgo the idea of checking if a message had already been sent as I did not see any functions that would be able to help do that. Instead, I went ahead and created an arrayList of strings for the server called serverQ to act as a queue for messages to be sent:
ArrayList <String> serverQ = new ArrayList<String>();
I also added a function writeSQ(String) that would place any input string into the queue:
void writeSQ(String s) {
I then proceeded to replace every usage of myServer.write(String) with writeSQ(String s). At the end of my ServerUpdate function, I added a section that would empty the queue, sending the next string to all clients, one frame at a time:
// send data
if (serverQ.size() > 0) {
However, for some reason, messages still got compounded, so I speculated that it may be due to the closeness (frequency) of the sent messages (each frame); so I set a boolean serverSent to alternate the messages sent to every other frame. The new code looks like this:
// send data
if (serverQ.size() > 0) {
if (!serverSent) {
serverSent = true;
} else
serverSent = false;
This worked perfectly and the messages were interpreted individually by clients. I added that exact same support code to the clients (changing everything from server to client when needed) and after a good amount of testing, can confirm that this new support works properly both ways.
Is it possible to have somewhat like this in iCal?
The iCal spec does not seem to provide any means for tracking attendee response's datetime. However, when syncing with MS Outlook, it becomes a problem because Outlook will display you "Please respond" until you set its AppointmentItem.ReplyTime properly (in case if you're an attendee to event). Of course, I can set this to some arbitrary value (like the moment of creating the event), but it won't be too friendly to end users when they see this in user interface of Outlook.
Currently I'm trying to add RESPONDED-AT manually but I'm not sure other CalDAV/iCal clients won't clear it as it's non-standard.
I'm generally a fan of RESTful API design, but I'm unsure of how to apply REST principles for a validation API.
Suppose we have an API for querying and updating a user's profile info (name, email, username, password). We've deemed that a useful piece of functionality to expose would be validation, e.g. query whether a given username is valid and available.
What are the resource(s) in this case? What HTTP status codes and/or headers should be used?
As a start, I have GET /profile/validate which takes query string params and returns 204 or 400 if valid or invalid. But validate is clearly a verb and not a noun.
The type of thing you've described is certainly more RPC-style in its' semantics, but that doesn't mean you can't reach your goals in a RESTful manner.
There's no VALIDATE HTTP verb, so how much value can you get from structuring an entire API around that? Your story centers around providing users with the ability to determine whether a given user name is available - that sounds to me like a simple resource retrieval check - GET: /profile/username/... - if the result is a 404, the name is available.
What this highlights is that that client-side validation is just that - client side. It's a UI concern to ensure that data is validated on the client before being sent to the server. A RESTful service doesn't give a whit whether or not a client has performed validation; it will simply accept or reject a request based on its' own validation logic.
REST isn't an all-encompassing paradigm, it only describes a way of structuring client-server communications.
We have also encountered the same problem. Our reasoning for having the client defer to the server for validation was to prevent having mismatched rules. The server is required to validate everything prior to acting on the resources. It didn't make sense to code these rules twice and have this potential for them to get out of sync. Therefore, we have come up with a strategy that seems to keep with the idea of REST and at the same time allows us to ask the server to perform the validation.
Our first step was to implement a metadata object that can be requested from a metadata service (GET /metadata/user). This metadata object is then used to tell the client how to do basic client side validations (requiredness, type, length, etc). We generate most of these from our database.
The second part consist of adding a new resource called an analysis. So for instance, if we have a service:
GET /users/100
We will create a new resource called:
POST /users/100/analysis
The analysis resource contains not only any validation errors that occurred, but also statistical information that might be relevant if needed. One of the issues we have debated was which verb to use for the analysis resource. We have concluded that it should be a POST as the analysis is being created at the time of the request. However, there have been strong arguments for GET as well.
I hope this is helpful to others trying to solve this same issue. Any feedback on this design is appreciated.
You are confusing REST with resource orientation, there's nothing in REST that says you cannot use verbs in URLs. When it comes to URL design I usually choose whatever is most self-descriptive, wheather is noun or verb.
About your service, what I would do is use the same resource you use to update, but with a test querystring parameter, so when test=1 the operation is not done, but you can use it to return validation errors.
PATCH /profile?test=1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
... and the response:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/html
<ul class="errors">
<li data-name="dob">foo is not a valid date.</li>
A very common scenario is having a user or profile signup form with a username and email that should be unique. An error message would be displayed usually on blur of the textbox to let the user know that the username already exists or the email they entered is already associated with another account. There's a lot of options mentioned in other answers, but I don't like the idea of needing to look for 404s meaning the username doesn't exist, therefore it's valid, waiting for submit to validate the entire object, and returning metadata for validation doesn't help with checking for uniqueness.
Imo, there should be a GET route that returns true or false per field that needs validated.
You can add any other routes with this pattern for any other fields that need server side validation. Of course, you would still want to validate the whole object in your POST.
This pattern also allows for validation when updating a user. If the user focused on the email textbox, then clicked out for the blur validation to fire, slightly different validation would be necessary as it's ok if the email already exists as long as it's associated with the current user. You can utilize these GET routes that also return true or false.
Again, the entire object would need validated in your PUT.
It is great to have the validation in the REST API. You need a validation anyway and wy not to use it on the client side. In my case I just have a convention in the API that a special error_id is representing validation errors and in error_details there is an array of error messages for each field that has errors in this PUT or POST call. For example:
"error": true,
"error_id": 20301,
"error_message": "Validation failed!",
"error_details": {
"number": [
"Number must not be empty"
"ean": [
"Ean must not be empty",
"Ean is not a valid EAN"
If you use the same REST API for web and mobile application you will like the ability to change validation in both only by updating the API. Especialy mobile updates would take more than 24h to get published on the stores.
And this is how it looks like in the Mobile application:
The response of the PUT or POST is used to display the error messages for each field. This is the same call from a web application using React:
This way all REST API response codes like 200 , 404 have their meaning like they should. A PUT call responses with 200 even if the validation fails. If the call passes validation the response would look like this:
"error": false,
"item": {
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2016-08-03 13:58:11",
"updated_at": "2016-11-30 08:55:58",
"deleted_at": null,
"name": "Artikel 1",
"number": "1273673813",
"ean": "12345678912222"
There are possible modifications you could make. Maby use it without an error_id. If there are error_details just loop them and if you find a key that has the same name as a field put his value as error text to the same field.