Switching font-face Between Languages - css

I have a #font-face in use. It's a Hebrew font by definition. When I switch to English in mid sentence (which is sometimes necessary) I get something which is entirely unconnected to the original font I'm using.
It seems, as the browser recognizes the font, the rule stops there, i.e.
#font-face {
font-family: MySans, sans-serif;
It recognizes MySans, which is sans-serif, but for latin letters it would use a default, Times New Roman or something, which is serif, and not fall back to the sans-serif I gave him.
Is there a way to define this to work conveniently? <span>-ing every English insert is not convenient, by the way.

Would defining multiple fonts in the font-family property help at all? When the first font isn't available, it falls back on the next font, and so on until it either finds one that works or goes to the default.
Try something like:
font-family: MySans, Arial, Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;
and let me know if that works!


Is require use Generic font families name with each google font names

As we know when register any google font url in your website and then can use it during font-family css property, after each google font name we see the Generic font families name like sans-serif, serif, cursive and monospace like these exapmles below
font-family: 'Tulpen One', cursive;
font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif;
font-family: 'Trykker', serif;
font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace;
Is google fonts work with font-family property without using Generic font families name? and only using google font name? like this examples below
font-family: 'Tulpen One';
font-family: 'Ubuntu';
font-family: 'Trykker';
font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono';
This question highlights a misunderstanding of CSS - the font-face rules you get from google tell the CSS engine which bytecode to use as font-resource for specific font families (and at which style/weight). That's all it does, and can do. Whether you use external fonts from Typekit or Google or github.io or even your own locally hosted ones.
In contrast to this, your page CSS is responsible for saying which font-families the browser should used for specific content: if you list one or more font-families then the browser will try each of those until it finds one that supports the text it needs to style, and it checks that for every letter. If there's a single letter that isn't supported by one font-family, it'll check a next font. And if it runs out of fonts to check (for instance, you only lists a single font-family value) then the browser will just guess, and pick whatever it feels like, which you don't want it to do.
So you (and only you) get to make sure your page CSS has a correct font-stack. Especially when you rely on external font resources, it's entirely realistic that some of the time those will not be available and your font-family instruction for that font will fail: what then? So at the very least always add the generic font family, but also add one or more of the "websafe" fonts in between. Will it look perfect? No, of course not, but it will look better than a complete guess by the browser.
Keep your generic category keywords, and add some more:
font-family: Ubuntu, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
Use full font-stacks, because you don't control the internet. Plan for when it doesn't do what you want.

all css font-family definitions in firefox inspector striked through

I'm using the Inspect Element function of Firefox to determine which font-family is used on a certain element.
In my actual case I can only find font-family definitions which are stroked through in the rules pane. I thought they have been overwritten in a higher position from another CSS rule. But there is no definition for font-family which is not stroked through all over the rules pane.
The up-most one shows like:
.helvetica-neue-websave {
font-family: "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
On the other hand when I look at the font pane of the inspector I see that the font-family for my element is Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold but I can not find out, where it was defined.
edit: the computed pane states it uses HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif but it is definitely the condensed version.
So, may anyone can guide me how I can find out where this font-family definition is placed???
It is not in the HTML itself and in none of the CSS files which I see in the rules pane.
Hope my question was clear and sorry for my english
Do you see that the font-family is "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold" or do you see that the font resource used for the font-family is "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"? Because those are two completely different things. It sounds like the latter, in which case: CSS asks the browser for "a font" based on the names provided.
The browser checks if it has any explicit resources bound (using #font-face) and if not, it asks the OS for a font that matches the name CSS specified.
If the OS can't find them, CSS falls back to the next font and tries again. Steps 1 and 2 repeat until we run out of resources.
At any point, the browser or OS are allowed to go "yeah I found something" provided the name a resource they know of matches "well enough", so if you ask for Helvetica Neue, and the OS ends up being asked for that, then it can go "oh yeah I have a Helvetica Neue here" and then give the browser Helvetica Neue Condensed. That is 100% acceptable: it's one of the many legal matches for "Helvetica Neue" because that's the actual family name, and "Regular", "Condensed", "Thin", "Oblique", etc. are not.
If that isn't acceptable to you as develop, then your CSS needs to become more precise: either start only accepting 'Helvetica Neue Regular', which is a bad plan, or load an actual font so that you properly control which font will get used, without the OS getting consulted. Especially for a font that only Mac users will have installed (unix, linux, and windows users all do not: and would need to buy it first), and so is a guaranteed breaking on other platforms.
Create an #font-face rule with the font you want, with a font-family like ContentFont (so that if you want a different font later, all you have to do is replace the src binding, without changing any content CSS) and then point that to a true .woff font resource (without using local() because again, no guarantee you'll get what you ask for, it might resolve "good enough" while to human eyes being absolutely wrong)

Same font renders differently across FF7 and Chrome

Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/QVBGx.png
It is pretty evident that my site renders different on Chrome and FF7 on my Win7 machine
I am using this:
h1, h2 {font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Helvetica Neue", Arial; }
Does anybody can point me how can I even these diffs? I don't want fonts with different 'feelings' on each browser.
The font, Lucida Grande is installed in my Windows machine
font-weight: normal !important
doesn't work either
It looks like the two browsers are rendering it with a different weight.
I can think of two possibilities, though I don't know if either are correct.
You requested a bold font, but that font is not available in bold. One browser is just showing the regular, non-bold variant unchanged, whereas the other has processed it to look bold.
You requested a particular weight of font, say "bold" or "600" but the installed fonts do not precisely match that weighting. One browser is substituting an "extra-bold" variant of font, and the other a "regular-bold", or something of this nature.
If either of these is correct you could play around with the font-weight CSS property to try and alter it. But then that may affect substitution of whichever font is chosen in the case that it is viewed on a system with no Lucida Grande font at all.
Fonts will always render slightly different from one browser to another, but that was a bit more difference than usual. Probably because the headers have font-weight: bold; as default, and the font doesn't have a bold variation so the browsers create the bold style from the regular weight in different ways.
Anyway, you might want to use more common fonts. On my Windows 7 machine there is neither Lucida Grande nor Helvetica Neue, so it would render using Arial. Still, I have the additional fonts that come with both MS Office and Photoshop, so I have a lot more fonts installed than you can expect from a standard system.
Also, you should always specify a generic font as the last resort, in this case sans serif, otherwise it would render using the default font if none of the fonts are installed, which is something like Times Roman which has a completely different look. Perhaps also adding Helvetica, which is the closest equivalent of Arial on non-Windows systems.

CSS: Fallback fonts

My website uses a rather obscure font that about half the computers can properly read. The font is "Lucida Console".
On the computers that can't read this font, they get displayed ugly Times New Roman, is there a way to set the font of my website to Lucida Console but on computers that can't read it, view Arial instead? Using CSS.
you can specify multiple fonts:
p {
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
The browser will try the first one, if that one isn't available the second, and so forth. In the end it uses the family serif, so the browser chooses any serif font. You should use the monospace family.
So in your case, something like this is what you want:
p {
font-family: "Lucida Console", "Courier New", monospace;
Further tips:
Google css font stack for suggested lists of fonts aimed at certain styles of fonts. 'font stack' is the colloquial name for these font lists.
Think cross-platform. Consider adding fonts commonly found on Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows, and other platforms your readers may be using.
Always include a generic-family name at the end of your font stack in case the user has none of your desired fonts:
Include quotes around fonts named with multiple words, or simply quote all font names.
You can also serve that obscure font with your website (if you are legally able to) using #font-face. It's easy and works even in IE6 :).
Read about it here: http://www.miltonbayer.com/font-face/

Is it possible to force "font priority" in style sheets?

In various browsers, when a specific font is used (e.g. - Helvetica Neue), if that font is not found, the first font in the immediate family is used. So if I were to specify that Arial Narrow was the base font style for an element and my reader did not have this font, it would travel to the first available Arial font the system could find.
As an exercise, many sites like the Helvetica fonts (particularly the 'Neue' and 'Condensed' versions). They typically specify font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; believing that the browser will travel along this particular path and each font should be yummy with the first listed being the yummiest. However, Firefox/IE/Chrome (so I assume webkit browsers) all will fail to the find the specific Helvetica font required and move directly to the first font they encounter in the Helvetica family. One would think this would be Helvetica, but on my system it was defaulting to Helvetica 95 Black. I even tried renaming the font file to see if that was the cause, and no matter the filename, the result was that the page would default to Helvetica Black. I've found this to be the case with Arial as well.
So other than attempting to account for every single flavor of Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, ad infinitum, is there a way to force the browser to stop "guessing" at the family and accept only the exact font in question?
For starters, here's a description of the font matching algorithm as outlined in the CSS 2.1 specification (or CSS 3, if you prefer). This is a tricky issue though, as is evidenced by the disclaimer before the algorithm's details are outlined:
Because there is no accepted, universal taxonomy of font properties, matching of properties to font faces must be done carefully. The properties are matched in a well-defined order to insure that the results of this matching process are as consistent as possible across UAs (assuming that the same library of font faces is presented to each of them).
Also, note that you must enclose any font name containing whitespace with either single or double quotes, as per section 15.3.
