I want to add a column to a MongoDB collection via R. The collection has tabular format and is already relatively big (14000000 entries, 140 columns).
The function I am currently using is
function (collection, name, value)
mongolite::mongo(collection)$update("{}", paste0("{\"$set\":{\"",
name, "\": ", value, "}}"), multiple = TRUE)
It does work so far. (It takes about 5-10 Minutes, which is ok. Although, it would be nice if the speed could be improved somehow).
However, it also gives me persistently the following error that interrupts the execution of the rest of the script.
The error message reads:
Error: Failed to send "update" command with database "test": Failed to read 4 bytes: socket error or timeout
Any help on resolving this error would be appreciated. (If there are ways to improve the performance of the update itself I'd also be more than happy for any advices.)
the default socket timeout is 5 minutes.
You can override the default by setting sockettimeoutms directly in your connection URI:
mongoURI <- paste0("mongodb://", user,":",pass, "#", mongoHost, ":", mongoPort,"/",db,"?sockettimeoutms=<something large enough in milliseconds>")
mcon <- mongo(mongoCollection, url=mongoURI)
I have 200,000 links that I am trying to download, I have tried downloading it all in one go but I ran into memory issues.
I am trying to create a function which will download 1000 links at a time and save them in a folder.
A small sample of the data is as follows:
Data 1:
urls_to_parse <- c("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1750/000104746918004978/a2236183z10-k.htm",
I then apply the following function to download these 10 links
parsed_files <- map(urls_to_parse, possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
Which stores it as a nice list, I can then apply names(parsed_files) <- urls_to_parse to name the lists as the links from where they were downloading them from. I can also use output <- plyr::ldply(parsed_files, data.frame) to store everything in a nice data frame.
Using the below data, how could I create batches to download the data in say batches of 10?
What I have currently:
start = 1
end = 100
output <- NULL
output_fin <- NULL
for(i in start:end){
output[[i]] <- map(urls_to_parse[[i]], possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
names(output) <- urls_to_parse[start:end]
save(output_fin, file = paste0("C:/Users/Downloads/data/",i, "output.RData"))
I am sure there is a better way using a function, since this code breaks for some of the results.
More data: - 100 links
urls_to_parse <- c("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1750/000104746918004978/a2236183z10-k.htm",
Looping over to do batch job as you showed is a bad idea. If you have a 1000s of files to be downloaded, how do you recover from errors?
The performance is not solely depend on your computer's configuration, but the network performance is crucial.
Here are couple of suggestions.
Option 1
partition all URLs in to batches to be able to download them parallelly. The number of files to be downloaded could be equal to number of cores in your computer. Look at this question; reading multiple files quickly in R
store these batches in a queue objects - For ex: using a package like https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dequer/dequer.pdf
pop the queue and use the batch of URLs in your parallel file download function.
Use a retryable file download function like in -- HTTP error 400 in R, error handling, How to retry instead of forcing to stop?
Once the queue is completed, move to the next partition.
wrap the whole operation in a retryable loop. For example; How to retry a statement on error?
Why do I use a queue? Because you could retry on error easily.
A pseudo code
file_url_partitions <- partion_as_batches(all_urls, batch_size)
attempts = 3
while( file_url_partitions is not empty && attempt <= 3 ) {
batch = file_url_partitions.pop()
}, some_exception = function(se) {
attemp = attempt+1
Note: I don't have access to R studio/environment now hence no way to try.
Option 2
Download files separately using a download manager/similar and use downloaded files.
Some useful resources:
Due to I constantly reach memory size limit in my R Session (8GB Windows PC) I start to remove big objects loaded in. However once I reach this limit, removing objects seems not to work.
So, I was wondering if there's a way to get the R Session size. I know that it's possible to retrieve objects' size (saw in this thread).I want to know if there's a way to count the complete R Session size though (loaded packages, objects, etc).
Thank you!
I personally use this function to get the available memory:
getAvailMem <- function(format = TRUE) {
if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
memfree <- 1024^2 * (utils::memory.limit() - utils::memory.size())
} else {
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/6457769/6103040
memfree <- 1024 * as.numeric(
system("awk '/MemFree/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo", intern = TRUE))
`if`(format, format(structure(memfree, class = "object_size"),
units = "auto"), memfree)
To get the total memory used by R, you may try mem_used() from pryr package. Unlike memory.size, this one is not OS dependent, because it uses the R function gc() underneath it. Try to look in the function body and also this pryr:::node_size and pryr:::show_bytes
The help file ?pryr::mem_used describes
R breaks down memory usage into Vcells (memory used by vectors) and
Ncells (memory used by everything else). However, neither this
distinction nor the "gc trigger" and "max used" columns are typically
important. What we're usually most interested in is the the first
column: the total memory used. This function wraps around gc() to
return the total amount of memory (in megabytes) currently used by R.
You can also use pryr::mem_change to track the size of the memory used by the R code. Try the example in its documentation page.
The numbers such as 28L and 56L used to refer node size with pryr:::node_size comes from the help file of ?gc, which describes
gc returns a matrix with rows "Ncells" (cons cells), usually 28 bytes
each on 32-bit systems and 56 bytes on 64-bit systems, and "Vcells"
(vector cells, 8 bytes each),
After removing a large object run gc() to free memory
I am using the package mongolite to connect from R to MongoDB database. I want to see whether it is possible to do multiple insert in parallel into the database? While mcmapply in the parallel package works in other cases, it doesn't seem to work for multiple insertion into MongoDB.
Example codes
I have a data frame grid.df containing grid IDs and geographical locations for the grid points. I want to insert the id_grid, lon and lat columns to the database.
insert.grid <- function(i){
# check which data to insert
criteria <- sprintf('{"id_grid" : %s}', id_grid[i])
# values to be inserted
newdoc <- sprintf('{"$set" : {"id_grid" : %s, "loc" : {"type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [%s, %s] } } }',
round(grid.df$lon[i], digits = 4),
round(grid.df$lat[i], digits = 4)
inserted <- F
while (!inserted) {
inserted <- gcon$update(query = criteria, update = newdoc, upsert = T)
1) Using mcmapply
mcmapply works fine with 1 core. However, as soon as I try to use multiple cores, it fails.
results <- mcmapply(insert.grid, 1:nrow(grid.df), mc.cores = 4)
Setting mc.preschedule parameter to FALSE didn't help neither.
results <- mcmapply(insert.grid, 1:nrow(grid.df), mc.cores = 4, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
Both are giving the following error:
Warning message: In mclapply(seq_len(n), do_one, mc.preschedule =
mc.preschedule, : all scheduled cores encountered errors in user
2) Using file locks
I also followed the approach introduced here: http://www.quintuitive.com/2014/11/20/synchronization-for-r-with-the-flock-package/ and while it works with multiple cores, I do not really gain much in the performance since making the locks for every insert completely slows down the process and it similar to use 1 core.
This was solved by moving the gcon connection inside the function definition. The problem was simply that only one connection was defined and could not work for parallel insert.
I am collecting data via SQL query though R. I have a loop to pull small chunks of a large table, save the chunk and drop the chunk, on repeat for an hour or so till the whole table is in flat files in my RSQL directory.
However, R shoots a Cputime limit exceeded: 24 error every so often.
I am running Mountain Lion.
I have tried
nice -19n R CMD BATCH myscript.R
and the OS continues to kill the process at odd intervals. I do not believe the script to be getting stuck on a particular operation, it just takes a while to plough through the loop.
The loop looks like so..
for (i in 1:64){
foobyte <- NULL
for (j in 0:7){
max id = 1000000
rows = 1e5
to = max_id * (rows * j) - (i * 7 * rows)
from = max_id * (rows * (j-1)) - (1 * 7 * rows)
foobit <- queryDB(paste("SELECT * FROM foobar where id <= ', to,' and id > ',from,';")
foobyte <- rbind(foobit, foobyte)
filename <- paste("/my/data/dir/foobyte", j, ".csv", sep="")
write.table(foobyte, filename)
It runs for 30-90 minutes before crashing. I will try firing up R from a shell script calling ulimit in only that terminal session, and see how this works.
Tried ulimit... Appears I do not have access, even via sudo. I get the same output from
ulimit -a -H
before and after giving
ulimit -t 12000 # sets cputime limit to 12000 seconds from 600 seconds
SOLVED via Debian Virtual Machine. If someone has a Mountain Lionic solution, please let us know.
A cursory google search for "Cputime limit exceeded: 24" shows me that this is not an R specific error.
Based on the loop you've posted, I'm guessing its exceeding the cpu time limit on the queryDB call, due to the size of the chunks you're retrieving from the database.
I'm not sure if your from and to math checks out: At rows = 1e5, you're loading 1e11 ids, if you reduce it so rows = 1, you're loading 1e6 ids from the table.
Either way, try reducing size of the chunks you're loading from the database, and see if that helps