Is it multilanguage site made using WordPress ? Can I deduct it from the URL? - wordpress

I have this web site URL: that is a multilanguage website, infact opening this URL I obtain the following address:
Looking at the source code of the page it's not clear what CMS is used to build this website.
I need to know this information and I think that I can infer it from the previous address that is in the form: sitename/language/page.html
Could they have used WordPress? Looking in this tutorial seems that the previous address form is a multilanguage WordPress site that use a rewrite rule but I am not sure
What do you think? Can I deduct from the address, what CMS is used? Or it could be in Joomla? To what extent would my deduction be precise?

I'm not sure how it works with multilanguage plugin, but the easiest way to check if site is based on Wordpress is to add /wp-admin to site's URL.
you want to check if is WP. Add /wp-admin, so the URL is:
AFAIR to check if site is based on Joomla add /administrator
Your site uses neither WP nor Joomla, or this multilanguage plugin changes default login URL.


magento fishpig wordpress integration - block view of non-magento blog site

I've gotten the 4.3.08 fishpig extension working with my 1.7 Magento site (yes, I know it's a very old magento version). The integrated blog looks great and has the magento theme when I access it via the Site Address URL. However, I can still access the non-integrated blog when I type the Wordpress URL into a browser. That url doesn't have the integrated theme - it's just the plain posts. I don't want google to index that wordpress url or for users to find that url. I want them to only see the Site Address URL. I have done a ton of searches but can't seem to find how to do this. Looking for help!
You haven't included your URL so I can't provide accurate feedback. That being said, if configured correctly, the WordPress URL should give a 404 error page. This won't be seen by anyone and won't be indexed by search engines.
If the WordPress URL is visible and everything is configured correctly, you may be using the default permalinks (eg. /blog/?p=123). Change the Permalink structure at Settings > Permalinks and the WordPress URL should generate a 404 page.

How to secure a Wordpress installation?

I have installed the following WP plugins at my site:
Hide My WP
Wordfence free
All In One WP Security & Firewall (with 410 points)
DNS from CloudFlare (medium settings)
Good global hosting, not cheap.
My Admin name is like "gfutiewf" and login link like:
That´s all okay, today I see again in log:
Anybody at login page try the "gfutiewf" username with bad password...
How? From where he see the login url and admin name?
I'm guessing they were guessing your author ID like so:
Once found, the WordPress would redirect to:
which by default would be your admin name.
One way to solve that would be to change the value of user_nicename column in users table in the database to something else, like 'admin'. That way, the redirect will change to:
First off make sure you have the latest version of Hide My WordPress – Security Plugin - currently v1.1.028
Make sure you are not redirecting the old login (ex. wp-login.php to the new login page)
Also are you using Hide My Wp PRO? The current free version only hides the admin and login paths to see if the product is compatible with your WordPress.
To hide all the URLs you need to activate the Ninja mode and the plugin will hide all the paths from your website.
For further help please share your site's name so we can take a look at it.
Hope that helps.

mapping cname to my custom domain name results in posts with cname only

I have a custom domain hosted with openshift. I have mapped Cname to and it seems to work. But, When I click on posts, It leads to url with . I want it to be How do I fix this?
My permalink shows option only. Is it possible to fix this with wordpress url and site url thing?
Also, I would like to know in detail the difference between wordpress url and site url.
I somewhere read this is where I need to change, if yes, which amongst these needs to be changed to from
and In case I mess up these settings, which file will I need to reupload through ftp client in wordpress directory?
You need to log into your wordpress admin, and change the home and siteurl options to be your custom domain, instead of the that you originally set it up with. Here is some official wordpress documentation for reference:

Can a NonWordpress Page on a Wordpress Based Site Cause Issues with Permalinks

I have a website built with Wordpress that has been having permalink issues. A few days ago, I had added a simple file, named qr.php, that I dropped in at the root level (where the wp-content and wp-upload folders reside). It has a script that redirect to pages outside of my website depending on what type of device the user is using. Basically, some one on a Apple device gets redirected to an itunes page, and droid user to the droid app store, etc.
Could this non Wordpress page be causing issues? I have had static or html pages in amonst my root level files before, and never had an issue. I feel like the redirects may change this.
Rather than using the qr.php(cutom redirect file) in your wordpress site. You can use a plugin which will help to redirect the external links.
Some of the plugins which might help you to achieve your purpose are Device Redirect - WordPress Phone &Tablet Redirect , RedirectPlus - Wordpress Mobile Redirect Plugin.
See the screenshots, try demo and check whether it fits your requirement.
No, it dont cause any issue with permalink..
I am also using a wordpress website : and a php based software integrated to admin folder on root.. And I can access easily and

Wordpress Setting Custom URLs for login. Not Possible?

I am not an expert for mod_rewrite, so I need a big time help. Here is the scenario:
Domain Name:
Points To: /www/public_html/
I have a wordpress installation at:
Now I have two htaccess files, lets call them .h1 and .h2 . I have managed upto now to do this:
When user types they are taken to the wordpress homepage in the subdirectory (sweet). In fact everything is hunky-dory besides:
I want to create a custom login URL, say :
I am able to do the following by setting the following in my .h2
RewriteRule ^mylogin$ wp-login.php
But when I use this URL, it taken me to the login screen but the url in the browser changes to
I want the URL that is displayed when the login screen is presented to stay the same as before i.e.
More precisely, no subfolder name and no wp-login should be displayed. How do I achieve this? Any help would be appreciated.
Your solution doesn’t hide the default login url. It only adds an easier to remember url which redirects to the default url /wp-login.
Without the need for coding you can easily install the plugin Custom Login and Admin URL’s that fixes this weakness.
Caution: This plugin have been tested on a new installation of WordPress and it worked fine. However, most free plugins are unsupported which means they sometimes conflict with other plugins depending on what you have installed. If you have any issues, login to cPanel or FTP and delete the plugin or contact your web hosting provider.
Another Security plugin for WordPress which you may want to take a look at is named Better WP Security. This WordPress plugin offers security settings for WordPress login, registration and admin pages as well as many other anti hacking features to protect your site.
