white space across webpage only in mozilla - css

I've just started a new project for my clan. First i worked in chrome, but one of my friends told me there was a strange problem with the site. At the top of the page there is a white space, but this happens only in Mozilla. When i inspect it, it says it's apart html. I've triple checked the css for margins and paddings, but i couldn't find the problem.
Here is the CSS:

This is quite a strange issue. I see it in chrome also. It seems to go away if I add display:inline-block to .content
I'm looking through it atm but i am unable to find why it requires this. will edit if I find
its the span inside .content it has a lot of margins / padding on top of it, it is shoving everything else down. You need to modify this


Firefox not getting FullScreen using userChrome.css file

1) Above attached is my Firefox screenshot. I have modified my userchrome.css file to get rid of the tabs but now Firefox has a big empty gap at the bottom. I am unable to get rid of it. I tried everything.
2) Also, how do I shrink my navigation bar to the right so that my tree Style tab occupies the whole left side.
Here is what I have tried so far:
#main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar {margin-bottom: -34px !important; }
#main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #nav-bar {margin-right: 138px; }
The -34px worked in expanding my main window but without the outside frame so it ended up hiding the bottom part of the window. I think there should be another "Frame-window" or something?
I am really surprised that no one has asked a question like this; I mean almost anyone who uses Tree Style Tabs add-on is bound to face this issue and that addon has like more than a million users.
OK, thanks to Micha, I was able to partially solve the first problem.
here is the link with screenshots and an explaination:
Still, if someone knows how to do it without using my stupid trick then please let me know as my trick is partially broken.

CSS resets aren't removing default browser margin/whitespace around divs

Okay, I have used reset CSS files for quite a while and they have usually worked, but since I have started using CodeIgniter (I don't think that has anything to do with it) there has been whitespace around div's that are unaccounted for and persistent across Firefox, Safari and Chrome. I took a screenshot of what I am talking about (the orange arrow is pointing to it):
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, CSS reset's don't appear to be working.
add display: block; to the img it will remove the extra white space check the result
and i also try the firebug and mozilla webdeveloper tool that they are great tool

Chrome CSS background image appears with white area

I have a mysterious (at least for me) css background image problem, that I run into only with Google Chrome. I have found similar topics, but unlike those, here no Javascript, JQuery or anything else is involved, it is pure CSS. It's just not working as it should.
If you open up the page www.bodrogietterem.hu, the background image should be below the entire content area (as it is in other browsers). In Chrome a horizontal and vertical white area is appearing.
Once you start scrolling, the background image appears all okay, and it stays there from then on. Similarly, when you open the dev tool with inspect element, the background image is immediately there, and stays there, too.
this is the pertaining css:
body.page-node-1 div#main{
background:#FFFFFF url('/sites/all/themes/bodrogietterem/images/bodrogi_bodrogi.jpg') bottom;
background-position:50% 135px;
and attaching two screengrabs on how it looks like, and how it should look like (well, I'm not allowed to attach these, as a new user, but have a look here:
and here
It happens on sub-pages, too, but I think the root of the problem must be the same.
I'm using Vista, with up to date Chrome (20.0.1132.57), and up to date other browsers. btw, the second screenshot was taken in Chrome, too, but after opening the dev tool
many thanks for your kind help,
The latest version of Chrome is 21.0... so try updating chrome browser and see if it appears ok in the latest version. The screenshots lead to a 404 error page, so try uploading the screenshots again.
I also checked the page in IE7, IE8, IE9 the page looks good in all 3, IE7 however shows a horizontal scrollbar at bottom but the background image looks ok.
Your page looks fine in Chrome in windows 7 (Chrome 20.0.1132.57)
I have had problems in the past where various toolbars / addons that have been installed interfere with the CSS on a page quite significantly rendering Chrome to appear to bug out in isolated incidents. Try running chrome with no addons / plgins installed and see if it fixes your problem.
One observation on your CSS: #content contains floated elements that aren't cleared. I dont think that's the problem here but could be mixed with the above possibly.
Let me know if that helps at all.
Thanks for your helpful thoughts, I finally managed to resolve the problem.
While fiddling around, I measured the height of the white area, and it turned out to be 135px (which is exactly the top position of the background in the CSS above). So I decided that for whatever reason, that attribute was causing the problem, and I was right.
as a quick and dirty solution, I added 135px of white area to the top of the background image, and set the background-position property's top to 0px - which immediately fixed the issue.
as for the vertical white area, it was resolved by binding the background image to the #main-wrapper div instead of the #main div (it is a Drupal 7 build). Again, I don't exactly know why, but it fixed the problem instantly.
I love, how the web should be precise and logical, and it still stays random and ad hoc at times
thanks again for your time and effort, bests,
Had the same problem with two pages of http://www.stoerbeton.nl but I think I solved it after reading your above posts and some thinking.
The problem was probably in the general background: url; attribute and loading of the website css. I replaced all general background: #222222 url repeat etc.; for background-image:; , background-repeat:; and background-color:; etc.
Please let me know if your website works after editing your css. I'm still testing.
Greets, aquaster.nl

Fixed positioning bug in Firefox 7.0.1, some overflow seems to cause 1px margin on fixed div

This seems to be a bug specific to firefox (version 7.0.1), I have copied the offending code into jsFiddle.
but jsFiddle DOES NOT REPRODUCE THE BUG. copy the code from jsFiddle into a blank html document and test it locally to see the issue.
This is the normal state of the menu items before you over over any of them:
This is the first sub_item when hovered over wiht the mouse:
And the third sub_item:
And now the last:
Where did that white margin come from around the #global_nav_box div? it only shows up on the hover state of the last sub item.
That is the bug I cant (conveniently) fix.
Fixes I've found are:
Setting the body tag 'margin-top:0px' - but that leave an unsightly margin on the left and right of the page.
Removing the 'z-index' property from the CSS for #global_nav_box - I thought i'd fixed it, until all the content on the page below scrolled over the div when you scroll on the page.
So why does it do this? Can you replicate this on Firefox? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Update: Ive had some of my friends test it and it (the bug) shows up for some and not for others, I have also tested in in Windows XP mode and it (the bug) still doesn't show up. All my testers were running Windows 7 and Firefox 7.0.1.
I've disabled all plugins and extensions on my install of Firefox and its still there. Insane.
Although I do not know what caused this issue I have found a clean solution for it :)
Could you not wrap the absolute positioned div in a fixed div like this: http://jsfiddle.net/HelloJoe/JXWNj
Source: HelloJoe
His solution from the previous thread that was the cause for this one fixed everything. :)

Why is Chrome breaking this layout?

See http://www.arthwine.co.uk.
This used to work fine in Chrome and works fine in all other browsers (afaik). Now, for some reason, Chrome is hiding most of the left column (apart from the bear). If you look on a different browser, there is a panel with the branding and a menu in it under the bear.
I can't figure out at all why it's doing this. Any ideas?
The reason it breaks is because of the bear. Or rather, it is because of the way you relatively positions the image of the bear outside the bounds of every single one of it's parent elements except the body.
This makes chromes rendering engine choke on your layout somehow.
You can test this very easily by just deleting the image of the bear from the source code, and see how everything else suddenly pops into place.
I checked it in Chrome 9.0.597.98 and I had the same problem. The solution that I found, is to add position:absolute; for the #header.
I don't see anything wrong in Chrome. I see the menu and the branding.
