Google analytics test for the In-Page Analytics error - google-analytics

I am getting following error whenever i test the In-Pageanalytics form my google analytic account.
I have added the new version of google analytics js, provided by google.
Please let me know anybody faced the same problem

I have the same problem. When I looked closer at that, debug told told me that there is an error in inpage.js file


google tag manager x google search console vs next.js

I'm in a pickle and not too sure what I'm doing. I'm still working on a client's site. its searchable on google and I'm getting information about clicks on google search console but I'm struggling with Google tag manager and Google analytics. I tried installing the tag manager code snippet I think the issus is that I#m running a next.js project and the code snippet is inside the next/ head componant has anyone else seen this before? tia x

Script error and uncaught type error in google analytics and tag manager

I'm using google analytics and tag manager so many years, I've never had these issues, but now don't know why these appears and did not find exactly where.
In this picture You can see there appears some errors, as I saw in tag manager and google analytics were happen, and only on mobiles.
errors caught by analytics
Could You help me please how can I resolve these problems? Didn't find any other good answers which resolve this to me.
I'm also using on site jQuery 3.6.0, jQuery UI 1.12.1, fancybox 3, flatpickr.
An other problem is I can't reproduce these errors, can't figure out what happens and why, I know only the page where it happened and on mobile or desktop.
If You need other informations I can get from Analytics, just ask it.
Thank You.

Facing error when trying to link firebase analytics to microsoft clarity

Hi I am trying to link google analytics with Microsoft clarity but I use firebase to add google analytics
when I pressed the get started button I authenticated and gave it all the permissions it needed
But it shows
I have my site on google anaylitics can anyone please help me
Your first screenshot says:
Google Analytics 4 support coming soon.
Firebase works with Google Analytics 4. So the integration is not yet available.

Why is Google Analytics In-Page Analytics telling me that the tracking code isn't installed when it clearly is?

I see this problem pop up in a lot of places and asking on Google's product support forums was no help at all, so I turn to you guys. My client has asked me to look into this problem with their In-Page Analytics reporting which turns up the errors:
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google. If you host the Google
tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and
can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics
cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly.
If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll
have to manually check it is being loaded correctly.
Both of these statements are false. To ensure that it wasn't my original setup that was the problem I installed Yoast's GA plugin (it's a wordpress site) and I still get this error. I've also confirmed that the tracking ID is correct. All other metrics are being reported in GA. This in-page section, however, is the problem.
This is the website, by the way. Any help you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.
How long has it been since the first hit to the property/view? In my experience it takes anywhere from several hours to up to 2 days for that message to go away.

Error on Google Analytics tracking code for a Google Site

When i run the tracking code on my google site, it gives the following error :
Error on line 8
Should I ignore it? Or is it really an error? in which case what do i do?
If you are using Google Sites, you will first need to enable Analytics
and then add your Analytics Web Property ID (UA-xxxxx-xx) in the General settings under Statistics at site name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings or in Google Apps at domain name)/system/app/pages/admin/settings
