How to search a hybrid ASP.NET Intranet site? -

How would you implement a search facility within an ASP.NET hybrid application? I'm really tempted to start rebuilding our Intranet application using ASP.NET MVC & Web Forms (mainly MVC though).
I know how to search the dynamic content from a database, but I'm struggling with the static content in the Views. Surely this should be an easy task with routing and a sitemap.

Have a look at Lucene
Once setup correctly you can crawl all your static url's and use it to create a file based index that can be searched on keywords. It is possible to generate ranked results.


Mapping web templates inside mvc Orchard CMS

I want to build a new web site for a construction company. so i find some powerful web templates that support the same business area, such as :-
now as i am a web developer i can easily update these templates to contain our content. but i need to have a CMS to allow non-IT users to edit the web site. so after doing some search i settle on using Orchard CMS ,, but i need some help in answering these questions:-
i think the main challenge in my case will be to map these web templates inside Orchard.. mainly to modify the web template layout to be Orchard my first question is if it supported to have these general web templates to work with Orchard CMS?
second question ,, will there be some limitations when mapping web templetes to be managed inside Orchard CMS.. for example will some UI components stop working?
can some one provide links on how to map web templates inside Orachrd?
since Orchard is based on mvc. now if i create a new mvc5 web application, i can easily have these web templates mapped inside my project . this includes modifying the mvc _layout view and adding the related css & JavaScript.. so is the process to map a web template inside Orcahrd similar to the process of mapping a web template inside a standard mvc web application ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Have a look to 1.9. It has this new Templates for pages. SO you could create templates with elements already placed and then users can customise them with data.
You can do it with Widgets too, but requires a bit more admin knowledge... not much.
You could also create a module to hide any functionality behind an as-simple-as-needed UI.
start here: Orchard Docs.
If you are a web developer, start looking at the code and after you get all the Orchard 'aaaahhh' moments, you'll be alright.

Is there a canonical way to create a Site Index in ASP.NET MVC?

By Site Index I don't mean SiteMap as in a way to expose a XML. But a classic A-Z book index-like to offer all of the contents(links) of your site.
Is there a best practice way to do this in ASP.NET MVC (=>4) ?
In short; No.
If your site is database driven, you might be able to query your database for a list of pages/items, but you'd still need to work out the page URLs based on your routing set-up and AFAIK there is no built-in way to do this.

ASP.NET Pages Pages With CMS System

For the last two weeks I have been searching for a subject...
I'm an ASP.NET C# developer and I want to create a website that allows the use of CMS systems + .net pages,
I have seen some CMS like dotnetnuke, kentico, wordpress, MOTO, and so on...
Now, what is the best way to incorporate these two together... ASP.NET Pages (I create those) and some pages where I want the user to be able to use a CMS system to modify them.
Some people say I can use Wordpress site on one domain, then in the same hosting I create another to host my ASP.NET application... and use links to navigate to each others...
Is this the best way?
I'm completely confused on what to decide.
In Kentico CMS you can benefit from wide range of development models. List of those you could be interested in follows:
Portal engine - pages are completely controlled by Kentico (design, content, properties, etc.)
ASPX - you develop ASPX pages in Visual Studio and use them in Kentico as they are. You can still edit their general properties (regarding urls, security, caching, etc).
Mixed - you create your pages in Visual Studio and use Kentico (server/user) controls which will allow you to edit design & content in Kentico UI.
See Orchard CMS:
Just assigning the right roles to users you get what you want. This CMS is writen in .Net and it license allows you to use it for any purpose.

Upgrade classic ASP to MVC 4.0

I'm in the process of upgrading from classic ASP to MVC 4.0. MVC projects have a unique folder structure with modules, views, and controllers. Our classic ASP website is very well indexed in search engines, and uses all friendly URLs (some mapped to existing folders and removing page extensions, and others mapped for SEO and not to the folder containing the files), using Rewrite Rules in web.config. I need to maintain all the current URLs, but they all map into different folders than the MVC project will. I'd like the MVC project to remain in the folder structure defined in the default project, but also need to continue using the existing URLs.
What is the best way to maintain the current URLs of the site when moving to MVC? Is custom routing the only/best way to handle this?
I gues there are four ways to do rewriting urls, no matter which one you use, you need to do some changes. For example you should change the way you read the url parameters.
I follow this tutorial
It helps alot

How could I use ASP.NET MVC framework in conjunction with my CMS software?

I have been reading on MVC and I created some db-driven pet projects with it and I am very pleased with the shift from WebForms.
However, I have a bit of a limitation that holds me back with WebForms and I was wondering if you could help me with it.
I work for a Web CMS company as a Consultant, therefore all websites (public sites, intranets, extranets, you name it) are based on the CMS software from my company (which should remain nameless).
One of the features that the sales guys like to pitch about our software is its "friendly" urls. Baiscally all data is stored and structured within the CMS like a file system. Then when you point your browser to the CMS will return the contents from the item stored under the root with the name "about".
Each item also has a (interchangeable) template registration which is the physical location of the file that is going to display the contents of it (an .aspx page). Just like the "Views" on MVC.
To handle the friendly URLs I have to add a HTTP Handler as follows:
<add verb="*" path="*"
type="Cms.ASPDelivery.HttpRequestHandlerFactory, CmsDelivery" />
That will take care of the friendly URLs and will do the mapping between contents and views.
In an architectural way you could see that just like MVC. The data is stored in the CMS, the presentation is independent of the data, and the handler will be the Controller.
But when it comes down to coding in itself, it is the same old Webforms spagetti.
So, my question is: Do you see any way that I could use both MVC and my CMS' Http Handler?
It depends on the concrete Implementation of the HttpHandler but in most cases it is possible. You have to add the MVC UrlRoutingModule and setup the MVC. I use MVC in a CMS environment with friendly url-s. The CMS is called EPiServer and from what you described it has pretty much the same functionality. I use ASP.NET MVC for the template pages. The path to the physical pages is actually handled by controllers' actions. It works fine and with some tweaking I can say that it is a lot better than WebFroms especially if you develop custom web applications.
