How to convert .aspx pages and master pages to html pages? -

I am doing one project in asp .net.Its completed,then the same project will be done in html5. How to convert the .aspx pages and master pages to html 5? Is it possible?If any one know please tell me.

You can technically make the page HTML5 by changing the doctype...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head runat="server">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
It is also recommended that you specify a lang attribute on the html tag and include the meta tag to define your character set.
This won't give you instant HTML5 semantics, but this is essentially step one. Using the right elements for the right kinds of content will be down to you, for example deciding when to use header, article, section, footer instead of plain div elements and so on.
You should also be able to select "DOCTYPE:HTML5" from the toolbar in Visual Studio - I don't know what version you are using, but I think in the previous version you could download a HTML5 language extension, I'm pretty sure it is included by default in Visual Studio 2012.

what you can do... if I understand your question correctly is, rightclick and say view page source and copy your html or install google chrome and the on each page you can go rightclick and inspect element. you can copy and paste the html of each page including the masterpage content. Its a sloppy way but will work if you only want the html

One of the way that i think you can do is to use kind of framework to switch between html5 and normal html easily .


Kentico CSS issue

I am using Kentico and have noticed a weird css issue. After mocking my pages up in Dreamweaver I then create the page in Kentico, however I have noticed that some elements in Kentico are slightly misaligned.
I have tried copying the source from Kentico into Dreamweaver to see if I can fix the issue but Kentico still renders the content incorrectly.
Are you using Dreamweaver in design or split mode? if yes, turn it off and use code mode only.
I guess you have to compare structure of your HTML and Kentico output HTML. Kentico add a form tag by default which may cause structural issue with css. If you can provide both html, I can help
On Kentico (up to version 11) when you use portal engine or ASPX templates you have this shortcoming. Kentico adds excessive HTML markup on the controls it creates on order to provide hooks that will help the engine to perform actions. For example, Bizforms add multiple divs/spans around normal input tags. So, you have to adapt the CSS you have created to match the tags used by Kentico.
What is your template type:
ASPX page: You can copy your entire HTML code from Dreamweaver into your aspx page template and then work on your page.
Portal Page: You need to understand the structure and cannot replace entire HTML Code from Dreamweaver. You have to seperate your HTML code to insert DropZone for web parts and widgets.
Good Luck!
You will have to make some adaptation always from raw HTML and kentico. In your case you are using aspx model which makes it more harder as server level changes are not 100% compatible with raw HTML or client side code. If possible use portal engine with transformation which will be more like to like of raw HTML.
You must create a directory in CSS/Stylesheet
If you're using the CSS section of the Admin interface, check to see if you have any & signs at the beginning of any tags. Kentico doesn't seem to support this so might be breaking any classes that appear after it.

adding website thumbnail to facebook through css (og:image)

I have standard html files with their own style, and use a common css file for different fonts only. I need to put the FB website thumbnail to all the files through that css.
Is it possible to add the following to the css or .js files? (as there are thousands of html files):
<meta property="og:image" content="http://websitename/image.jpg">
You'll need to add that snippet to the html itself, not the css. Meta tags go into the head of your webpage (between the <head></head> tags). There's no way to insert html into a page via a css file.
OpenGraph is some standard - even if you did put it inside your CSS - nobody would know it's there - so no, it can't be done with CSS.
If some website would process the javascript (but facebook hardly would) you could get lucky but the chances are really low so it is not reliable.
However I suggest you to write a little e.g. PHP skript that would run through all the .html / .htm files and would rewrite <head> with <head> <meta property="og:image" content="http://websitename/image.jpg">
But I suggest that instead of adding only html, it would be much better if you would add an include script that would contain further cross-files changes. So next time you would need to add something to <head> in all your files you would just add it inside your e.g. my_include.php
I would also recommend you to look at the facebook's developer tool that tells you exactly what it sees when it visits your site:

MS_POSITIONING Is Not a Valid Attribute of Elements BODY and DIv

We have a lot of legacy ASPX pages in our solution. Now we want to fix the code styling (bring it to the HTML5 standard) and generally clean the code on these ASPX pages. One of the issued I ran into is the ms_positioning attribute. It appears a lot in the <body> and <div> elements. Visual Studio 2010 shows this warning:
Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Attribute 'ms_positioning' is not a valid attribute of element 'div'.
Should I try to fix this warning or should I just leave
ms_positioning attribute alone?
Is there another way to achieve the same functionality without ms_positioning attribute (I use both ms_positioning="GridLayout" and ms_positioning="FlowLayout" values) and in accordance with HTML5 standard?
Thank you for your help.
It seems that ms_positioning is not longer available in newer versions of visual studio (as seen in this link).
However there are two ways to achieve the same functionality:
Go to Format menu, and then select position. And then select absolute
Go to Tools menu, and then select options. go to HTML Designer, then CSS Styling and then check Change positioning to absolute for controls using Toolbox, paste or drag and drop
I don't know where the ms_positioning comes from, but maybe you can try setting the conformance mode in web.config:
<xhtmlConformance mode="Strict"/>
Whatever does with this set should work.

Correct content type for html use?

I was using XHTML on my website but that completely destroyed jQuery and its plugins.
Therefore, I want to go back to html 4. I am defining some custom attributes for my html, like so:
"" [
<!ATTLIST mytag myattribute CDATA #IMPLIED>
This seems to be valid html for, but when I pass such a page from my server with a content type of text/html, my browser displays ']>' - it can't parse the doctype properly.
Is there a different content type I should be using?
From A List Apart
If you run such a file through the W3C validator, you find that it
validates wonderfully well. If you download the sample files for this
article and validate file internal.html, you can see this for
yourself. Unfortunately, when you display the file in a browser, the
]> shows up on the screen. There’s no way around this bug, so this
approach is right out.
So this basically isnt going to work. To get it to work you need to copy the DTD you want the server/local machine, edit it appropriately and put it in a publically accessible place. See the article for more detail.
As far as jQuery is concerned, it should work fine if you quit trying to customize the DTD in the fashion that you are. Im not sure about using a custom DTD as I have never done it, but just adding the attributes to the elements and not defining them in the DTD shouldnt cause a problem with jq. Granted the document wont validate, but validation is just a tool and not overly important in the grand scheme of things.

Blank ASPX page rendered

My web application has one page default.aspx that renders a blank html.
I have some CSS and Javascript files included into the page, but in the browser if I see view source then it shows only:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type></HEAD>
Sometimes it works...but most of the time it doesn't. Refresh doesn't help either.
Whereas there are plenty of Link references and JavaScript references, none of them are included into the page. I tried to put a debug pointer (and also logging from the page load) but it never gets a hit.
IIS - web dev server does not make any difference. I don't even think its a OS, IIS related issue. because the same code on another project working perfectly on the same machine.
By the way my JavaScript file has some un-usual characters in a string like:
Quote: '»',
Is it a problem or not? I have no idea even what's going on. Can anybody suggest something?
I have resolved this issue. The problem was the js file has wrong code page.
