My Google Analytics account is not working past one week more, I am trying to enter the Analytics area I dont get any message or nothing.
Just only one warning sign on top. I am put that screen shoot, please anyone tell what is the problem..? How may I recover that..?!
Google Analytics Screen Shoot
Turn off AdBlock - this help to me :)
I'm asking if anyone is having the same problem as I currently am and if they can help. Currently, for the past 5 days or so, The Google Analytics E-commerce section has not been recoding any payments or revenue when in the back end we know it is happening.
This started when the client added Facebook pixel to the website but was reassured that their IT team did not touch any of the tracking codes for the rest of the website.
Below is the graph of when E-commerce stopped tracking.
I have double-checked the entire flow and double-check the tracking codes to the entire website. But this still hasn't shown what the problem could be.
Any help would be appreciated and has this ever happened to any of you guys as well? This has only happened once about 2 years ago (same client) when E-Commcerce tracking just stopped without a reason and came back about a month after.
Is the tracking hardcoded on the site or are you using Tag Manager?
My guess is the pixel broke some code, I don't know if the GA hardcoded or the dataLayer.
Do a test transaction, on the confirmation page do the following: Right Click on the site > Inspect > Console
Check if you get error, could you paste them here?
Also if you're using GTM, can you type 'dataLayer' on the confirmation page. It should return something.
This is just to understand the problem. I need more info to give you a solution.
I need to get the total number of users that've visited my website vs users visited only last week.
The way you've worded the question sounds like you need to know it before Google Analytics is set up? If it is already set up, there's an easy way to compare in Analytics if you go Audience > Overview and change the date in the right corner.
image showing the date range tool in Google Analytics
If it's before you're setting up Google Analytics, unless your website's CMS has a reporting section there's no way to check.
So since a few days my bounce rate dropped massively in Analytics. I found out the Google Tag Assistant records 3 Analytics Tags on the website, which apparently is a big reason why GA suddenly drops the bounce rate, but I can't figure out why. The URL is:
Since I tried about everything, went back to the version where it still worked, still no luck. I also can't seem to find any weird things in the website code itself.
I hope the question is clear, if I need to provide any more information please let me know.
In your website it's firing Universal Analytics 3 times because you are using If you will delete it, it will fix problem
Google analytics is not longer showing my conversation rates for all my sources except for direct. Anyone know how to fix this.
There are some weird numbers showing up next to the search keywords in my Google Analytics account. Please see the attached for reference. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks so much.
Screenshot 1 link
Screenshot 2 link