Is it possible to access a shared note via the evernote SDK? - evernote

I'm wondering if its possible to access a note from the Evernote SDK that a user has shared publicly based on its URL?
Obviously you can pull the page itself down without the API, and you can't write to it either way, but I was wondering if it was possible to get a readonly copy via the API so that you could get the note data without having to attempt an unreliable screen scrape.

Yes, you can. The shared note url is of the format : hostname/shard/shardId/notGUID/noteKey .
You can parse this URL, to get all the fields separated out. Then, use authenticateToSharedNote API.
You can then use the AuthenticationResult to create a note store :
sharedNoteStoreUrl = AuthenticationResult.noteStoreURL;
TBinaryProtocol sharedNoteStoreProt = new TBinaryProtocol(new THttpClient(sharedNoteStoreUrl));
NoteStore.Client sharedNoteStore = new NoteStore.Client(sharedNoteStoreProt,sharedNoteStoreProt);
You can then access the note with the getNote API, using the auth token from step 2.


Firebase Realtime Database - how to manage database rules using REST API

I would like to get/set realtime database rules using Rest API however no tutorial is working for me. I try to do it like that:
I copied the url to my realtime database which is in Europe
I copied the java code from this tutorial: which was supposed to give me the access token
val googleCred = GoogleCredential.fromStream(File("/path/to/my/key.json").inputStream())
val scoped = googleCred.createScoped(
Arrays.asList( // or use firebase.database.readonly for read-only access
val token = scoped.accessToken
However the token looks very strange with a long string of dots at the end like (it's related to: Why am I getting a JWT with a bunch of periods/dots back from Google OAuth?)
ya29.c.Kp8BCgi0lxWtUt-_[Normal JWT stuff, redacted for
I did HTTP GET to address like$token and I got 401 UNAUTHORIZED
I assume it's due to the fact that I use the whole of this strange token full of dots as the access_token variable. So now I have questions how to transform it and use as the access_token to make it work
I created this gist although it's in python it has exactly the same problem. How to make it work ?
It works I used wrong database key

Сhanging users ' email addresses with GitLab API

I need to write a python script for GitLab that allows me to change the email addresses of users
The problem is that I manage to change various user attributes, such as "bio" and etc
But I can't change the "email".
The script reports a successful change of these attributes, but in fact they do not change.
I am working as the root user, using his token
To change the user attributes, I use this construction
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(arg.url, private_token=arg.token)
user = gl.users.list(username = 'name')[0] = f"{user.username}#EXAMPLE.COM"
I also tried working with classic requests, instead of the gitlab library, but the result was the same

Send firebase storage authorization as url parameter from a flutter web app

I would like to know how to make an authorized request to firebase storage using the user Id Token as a parameter in the url. Right now with a firebase rule of 'request.auth != null' I receive a 403 network error (Failed to load video: You do not have permission to access the requested resource). Here is my GET request url:<bucket>/o/<folder_name>%2F<video_name>.mp4?alt=media&auth=eyJh...<ID TOKEN>...Ll2un8ng
-WITHOUT the firebase rule in place I'm able to successfully get the asset with this request url<bucket>/o/<folder_name>%2F<video_name>.mp4?alt=media
-also tried token=, token_id=, tokenId=
-the reason for not using the firebase SDK to fetch the file is so that I can use the flutter video_player ( package and use this with files in firebase, I mention this in case theres a better way to use the video_player library in flutter web right now:
_controller =
closedCaptionFile: _loadCaptions(),
[EDIT] It appears that it's not possible to pass the auth in as a query parameter. After some exploring, I found an acceptable way to still use the video_player with your firebase assets that are protected (If you're not using rules to protect them, you can directly use the firebase url). I will post some general steps here and some sample code:
Use the Storage Firebase SDK package to get the Uint8List, the uri given by getDownloadURL has the correct header auth, for example
import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart';
final url = await storagePath.getDownloadURL();
final response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return response.bodyBytes;
use the Uint8List buffer to init a Blob object which you'll use to then create an ObjectURL which basically gives you the same interface as a file url to use as the network url for your video player
final blob = html.Blob([data.buffer], 'video/mp4');
final videoUrl = html.Url.createObjectUrl(blob);
videoPlayerController =
..initialize().then((_) {...
That's it.
Firebase Storage REST does not (rightly) support authorization from GET query string as you are trying to do. Instead, it uses the standard Authorization header (see here).
Firebase cloud storage internally uses Google Cloud Storage. Mentioned here
If the library you use doesn't support HTTP headers yet, you must consider an alternative. The issue you mentioned in the comment shows that the feature is still under development, so you can also wait for the library to come out with the support for headers.
Internally all this package does for flutter-web is create an HtmlElementView widget here for which it passes a VideoElement (ref here) from the package dart:html with the provided URL which translates to a <Video> tag inside a shadow dom element in your web page. The error 403 could also mean you are trying to access it from a different origin.
I would suggest following approach.
Check your console for any CORS related errors. If yes, then you will have to whitelist your ip/domain in the firebase storage. Check this post for possible approach and more details here.
Check if you are able to access the URL directly with the authorization token as a query parameter as you suggested. If not then, it is not the correct way to access the object and should be corrected. You could update the question with the exact error details.

Updating Evernote note with Evernote php sdk

I can get notes(real contents, not just metadata) from the evernote API. However, calling notestore->update() always gives me a EDAMUserException.
My php code is below, the arguments are self-explanatory:
//add text to note
//if append=true then the text will be appended to the end, else it will be appended to the start
public function addToNote($new_content, $access_token, $note_store, $note_guid, $append = true){
$note = $note_store->getNote($access_token, $note_guid, true, false, false, false);
$note->content +="<en-note>Note updated</en-note>";
$note_store->updateNote($access_token, $note);
I've already did a lot of searching before I asked here, and here are the things I know:
According to: it says that there are two types of api keys, one is the basic access and one is for full access, I have full access, this is proved by no exception was thrown during $note_store->getNote() call, and I did output the data from that call, I can actually get the contents of the note.
In the same page as 1: "Certain API functions are only available to official Evernote applications and services. These functions are described as such in the API Reference and will throw an EDAMUserException with the error code PERMISSION_DENIED if called by a third-party application." I read the API documentation here:
It does not mention that it is blocked by default.
I think I figured out what was wrong. Evernote actually has its own DTD document format, if the "content" section of the note is not a valid document, then the request is denied. In my case it was not denied because my API key's access level, but because the "content" I gave was not a proper evernote format.
if I set:
$note->content='<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM ""><en-note><div>testing complete!!!</div></en-note>';
Then the note will be successfully updated.
However, for other users that are getting this exception and using the right format, it is most likely:
1.your api key does not have full access, choose the full access option while you request an api key.
2.usually you would start testing on the "sandboxed"( version of their site, you need to register another account on the sandboxed site(you real evernote account doesn't carry over) and test with that account. If you do not do this, your account will not exist on the sandboxed account and anything you do will not work.

Are there new facebook restriction for Rfacebook package?

I want to get some data from Facebook, so I wanted to create application to get token for 60 days like I did few months ago. Then everything worked well, I just followed steps from the tutorial like this:
So It was enough to create "empty" application, write in R with proper id and secret
fb_oauth <- fbOAuth(app_id="123456789", app_secret="1A2B3C4D",extended_permissions = TRUE)
fill website page as http://localhost:1410/ and autenthication was complete and I was able to make get some data from facebook. It seems that it is not so easy anymore.
When I try to follow exactly the same steps it seems that now I have to fill in my application (with some description, photos...) and "send" it to submission.
Do you have similar problem or I just miss something? I just want to use information from facebook for my own use, not for business or something. Is there any (other) way to get a token for R which allows me to get some information from Facebook without filling application. I don't think that filling it with some fake data will pass facebook verification.
I just want to use information from facebook for my own use
Then you don’t need to submit it for review.
See – it explains that you can ask any user that has a “role” in the app (meaning admin, developer or tester) for any permission without prior review.
For one, this is of course implemented this way, so that people can actually test the functionality they are developing properly. And it is also an “official loophole” for apps such as yours, that are for “private use” only, and not meant to be used by the general public in the first place.
(And this has nothing whatsoever with the Rfacebook package – it is the same for all apps, no matter what framework/SDK they might be using.)
As #CBroe said earlier, you do not need an approved app, you just need to add the users of the app as admin in the app's role menu in Facebook Developers.
Follow these steps and you will get your permanent FB token:
Create new application at with basic setup
Fill in the app name in lower case and without the words Facebook or FB for display name and namespace, category set to Business
In "Settings/Basic" I added a new "Website" platform with the URL of http://localhost:1410/ and localhost as the "App Domain"
In the "Settings/Advanced" tab I added http://localhost:1410/ as the Valid OAuth redirect URIs
Then, run this code:
app <- oauth_app('facebook', appid, appsecret)
Sys.setenv("HTTR_SERVER_PORT" = "1410/")
tkn <- oauth2.0_token(
oauth_endpoints('facebook'), app, scope = c('ads_management', 'read_insights'),
type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', cache = FALSE)
save(tkn, file = "~/Documents/RFiles/fb_token") # save the token for future use
Make sure you put 'read_insights' in scope, otherwise you are not telling Facebook what kind of permissions you want the app to take.
Finally you can use the token:
