Spring Security / Wordpress integration - wordpress

I have a technical challenge that i need some help with. We're building a technical service for the web and Java and Spring are the tools we use. We also use Wordpress with a web store plugin (WooCommerce).
We need to find a way to integrate our Java web application and the Wordpress site. The major issue being user authentication. We use Spring security for the Java application and Wordpress has its own user management. The preferrable solution would be to have Wordpress be the master for user registration, maintenance and authentication.
Does anyone out there have experiences and/or ideas about how to solve this? Could you please share them here. Any help will be highly appreciated.

check CAS or JOSSO as your Single Sign On System.


Dynamic linking to Wordpress database

I intend to use WP to setup a freelancers website (similar to oDesk) to connect service providers with service seekers in a WEB 2.0 dynamic environment. This site requires multiple forms to enter and retrieve information using database and show them in filtered or non-filtered views in separate pages.
Please advise if there are available plugins to expedite developing this site, or otherwise any guidance would be appreciated. I specifically would like to know how to connect forms to database and then how to retrieve this information from the DB.
You are likely going to have to create your own custom WordPress theme, using various custom PHP pages to connect your web forms to your database. I think your project is well beyond the scope of a simple WP plugin.
If this was my project, I'd ditch WordPress and go for something custom built in Rails. WordPress is a good enough CMS, but it isn't really a good fit for what you are looking to accomplish.

How to allow users to Login to my web application using their google account in ASP.NET

I am developing a website, in that i want to implement this feature so when ever the user login to their google account i want to get their profile and i want to store it in my database.
i here that it could be done by OAuth. Can any one have best example of this situation please post here.
Thanks in advance
Have you looked at the DotNetOpenAuth project? The download includes sample projects for MVC and WebForms.

Interacting with the wordpress api with an asp.net application

I have built an asp.net application from which I would like to post blog entries to wordpress, using the wordpress API. Thus far I have been unable to find any good tutorials or walkthroughs to do so. How might I use the wordpress API to upload blog content via an asp.net application?
I know that you should use the xml-rpc (probably need to enable on your server under administration area). xml-rpc. However, actual implementation details I am not positive on. Hopefully this gives you a start.

Moodle/Drupal single sign on using OAuth or ldap

I want to create a way for Moodle users to automatically login to a Drupal site using OAuth or ldap.
How can this be done..
Is there any well written modules or api around there?
Any help will be thankful and grateful?
Thanks in advance...
Have you already had a look to this integration mechanism?
You can configure your Drupal site with Moodle using any of the 2 protocols (OAuth or LDAP). If you are looking for some plugins or module to do so, you can check out the Drupal OAuth Login module for OAuth and also the Drupal LDAP module (if you are looking for LDAP)

How to integrate open ID Login

I want to integrate Open ID, Google and Yahoo login in my site, So please anyone can tell me the process of integration in ASP.NET.
Google and Yahoo support OpenID, so you just need to OpenID enable your website.
This is a great article which tells you step by step of what you need to do. You will still need an OpenID library for .NET in order to do that.
I have actually written a blog post on How to add OpenID authentication to your site using Janrain Engage that might help you along.
It's written with an ASP.NET MVC 3 application in mind, but there's nothing in there you cannot use in an ASP.NET app.
