Moodle/Drupal single sign on using OAuth or ldap - drupal

I want to create a way for Moodle users to automatically login to a Drupal site using OAuth or ldap.
How can this be done..
Is there any well written modules or api around there?
Any help will be thankful and grateful?
Thanks in advance...

Have you already had a look to this integration mechanism?

You can configure your Drupal site with Moodle using any of the 2 protocols (OAuth or LDAP). If you are looking for some plugins or module to do so, you can check out the Drupal OAuth Login module for OAuth and also the Drupal LDAP module (if you are looking for LDAP)


How do i achieve Wordpress to moodle SSO

I would like to achieve wordpress to moodle sso. If a user logs into wordpress i want the user to also be automatically logged into moodle.
I have already intergrated the courses from moodle into wordpress.
Any ideas on how to achieve this, i would rather not use plugins. Any leads will be appreciated.
I think you're going to be better off using a plugin. As you will need to use wordpress Oauth to authenticate a moodle user againist your wordpress database.
So in short If a user logs into moodle their password will be stored and authenticated in wordpress.
This tutorial on moodle explains how best to handle it in the most efficient way.

Wordpress Single Sign On

Iam having 4 Wordpress sites, 2 MediaWiki sites and one Drupal site.
I want to create a Single centralized login system so that users can access all these sites with Single account. I want to host it. I don't want SSO like FB Login, G Login, etc.
Is there any wordpress plugin or CMS or Script available for this?
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
What you want is implementing your own Identity Provider (IdP). Today the two most used standards are OAuth 2.0 and SAML.
For SAML - you can use for example simpleSAMLphp project. It will allow you to have SSO with your own user repository and there are some nice plugins for common CMS systems (Drupal, Wordpress) to integrate with any SAML IdP.
If you're new in this field it may take you some time to fully understand and debug the SAML authentication, but it is commonly used, secure (if you do it right) and works.

Spring Security / Wordpress integration

I have a technical challenge that i need some help with. We're building a technical service for the web and Java and Spring are the tools we use. We also use Wordpress with a web store plugin (WooCommerce).
We need to find a way to integrate our Java web application and the Wordpress site. The major issue being user authentication. We use Spring security for the Java application and Wordpress has its own user management. The preferrable solution would be to have Wordpress be the master for user registration, maintenance and authentication.
Does anyone out there have experiences and/or ideas about how to solve this? Could you please share them here. Any help will be highly appreciated.
check CAS or JOSSO as your Single Sign On System.

Drupal 6: Allow external site to authenticate via Drupal

How would I allow a simple PHP site, which already has a user db, to let Drupal handle the logging in of users? I guess I could use services (but I would need help on this) or alternatively is there some way that users are passed to the Drupal login form to log in, but the simple external PHP site knows, through some kind of cookie arrangement, that the user is logged in?
The main priorities are that the user should only have to log in once for both sites, and the existing users on the external site can be maintained and transitioned smoothly. I want Drupal as the main user db because it's more secure and I think it's easier to have the external authenticate off Drupal rather than the other way around.
Any thoughts?
Bootstrapping Drupal is one way to do this. See :
It does have the overhead of loading other Drupal processes that you may not need, but at least it will give you the ability to add drupal's permissions system into your own app. I found that having the talker .PHP file in the druapl root to be the easiest way of working things; as you see from the above link, the working directories can be problematic.
There are few ways you can do that
Use drupal as OpenId Provider
User services module to expose the login service and call it in your php application. This module has good documentation.
I hope this helps.

Authentication with Google or Facebook

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and I want to authenticate users with their Google or Facebook account
Check the Url
The post is in spanish
I believe both of those providers support OpenID. While some people out there bash it, I know other sites that have used it with great success.
I would start by finding a good OpenID provider for .NET and go from there.
I would recommend your first step would be to look into authenticating using OpenID (and integrating with WIF) as both Google and Facebook provide OpenID
