Does Objective-c require you to have different classes for every instance of UIPickerViews - xcode4.5

I have three different search pages all running off of my Search View Controller. Each one has a different search method, but the screens are basically the same. selections from the picker will fill in the text fields and the lat and long is the device's which is constantly updated and shown in those fields. My question is, to adequately add the correct data and to comply with the UIPickerViewDelegate do I need to add three more classes to run those picker views or is it allowable to do the work in the SearchViewController class to define the PickerView?

It is allowable (and probably preferable) to make the SearchViewController the delegate of each separate UIPickverView. Remember to include the <UIPickerViewDelegate> annotation on your SearchViewController's interface (like #interface SearchViewController : UIViewController <UIPickerViewDelegate>) and the compiler will helpfully remind you if you're missing any required methods; however as of 6.1 there are no required methods in the UIPickerViewDelegate protocol.
Note that every method in the UIPickerViewDelegate protocol takes a UIPickerView as its first argument. Check that argument to see if it is equal to each of your three separate UIPickerViews (and it should certainly be equal to one of them!) and modify the behavior of the delegate methods as needed for each view. You'll end up with code that like this:
- (NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component {
if (pickerView == self.myFirstPickerView) {
return self.myFirstSearchMethodResultTitles[row];
} else if (pickerView == self.mySecondPickerView) {
return self.mySecondSearchMethodResultTitles[row];
} else if (pickerView == self.myThirdPickerView) {
return self.myThirdSearchMethodResultTitles[row];
} else {
NSAssert(NO, #"Should not have reached this point!");
return nil;


How do you implement a choice in a state machine in Qt?

Imagine a part of your state machine looks like this:
How do you properly implement the choice part in Qt? I know there are guarded transitions, but that would mean that I need to:
Create a subclass of a QAbstractTransition which accepts e.g. an std::function<bool()> and a flag which determines if the transition happens when that boolean result is true, or when it is false
Create two instances of this class with the same boolean function, but opposite transition guards
Add two transitions from S1 using these two instances.
That approach seems kind of clumsy and error prone for something as simple as a choice.
Is there a more maintainable approach to implement this?
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I've created a BooleanChoiceTransition class with a constructor like this (might contain errors, the code is not on this machine, so I typed it by heart):
BooleanChoiceTransition::BooleanChoiceTransition(std::function<bool()> choiceFunc, QState* targetForTrueCase, QState* targetForFalseCase)
: QState{}
this->addTransition(this, &BooleanChoiceTransition::transitionToTrueTarget, targetForTrueCase);
this->addTransition(this, &BooleanChoiceTransition::transitionToFalseTarget, targetForFalseCase);
(void)QObject::connect(this, &QAbstractState::entered, [this]() {
emit transitionToTrueTarget();
emit transitionToFalseTarget();
with transitionToTrueTarget and transitionToFalseTarget being signals of course.
For the case of the example in the question, the class can be used like so:
auto choiceState = new BooleanChoiceTransition([this](){ return _someConditionFullfilled; }, s2, s3);
s1->addTransition(this, &MyClass::someTrigger, choiceState);
Since BooleanChoiceTransition is a QState, this can even be nested easily:
auto outerChoiceState = new BooleanChoiceTransition([this](){ return _someOtherConditionFullfilled; }, s4, choiceState);

Kotlin Reflection - Check if property has type

I want to iterate over all fields in one of my classes, filter for annotated ones and then check if the field has one specific type.
All I found was field.returnType.isSubtype(other: KType) but I don't know how to get the KType of my other class.
Here is my code so far:
target.declaredMemberProperties.forEach {
if (it.findAnnotation<FromOwner>() != null) {
if ( /* it.returnType is Component <- Here I need some working check */ ) {
// do stuff
} else {
// do ther stuff
There are at least two solutions here:
Get the KClass<*> of it.returnType using .jvmErasure, then check the subtype relationship for the KClasses:
Since Kotlin 1.1, you can construct the KType from the KClass token using .createType() (check its optional parameters: you can use them to provide nullability info, type arguments and annotations), and then check the subtype as you suggested:
Creating the type on every iteration may introduce performance issues, make sure you cache it if you need it often.

Change width of a lookup column

I've created a lookup with two columns, first one containing and integer which works just fine but the second one has a long name and this is where the problem arises. Users should horizontally scroll in order to check the entire string and even in that case, the column's width is not big enough to display the whole data.
I've found this :
Adjusting column width on form control lookup
But i don't understand exactly where and what to add.
I am not sure but maybe I have to add the fact that this lookup is used on a menu item which points to an SSRS report, in the parameters section.
Update 1:
I got it working with a lookup form called like this :
Args args;
FormRun formRun;
args = new Args();;
formRun = classfactory.formRunClass(args);
and in the init method of this form i added:
public void init()
meaning the field i really need.
I am not sure i understand the mechanism completely but it seems it knows how to return this exact field to the DialogField from where it really started.
In order to make it look like a lookup, i have kept the style of the Design as Auto but changed the WindowType to Popup, HideToolBar to Yes and Frame to Border.
Probably the best route is do a custom lookup and change the extended data type of the key field to reflect that. In this way the change is reflected in all places. See form FiscalCalendarYearLookup and EDT FiscalYearName as an example of that.
If you only need to change a single place, the easy option is to override performFormLookup on the calling form. You should also override the DisplayLength property of the extended data type of the long field.
public void performFormLookup(FormRun _form, FormStringControl _formControl)
FormGridControl grid = _form.control(_form.controlId('grid'));
This will not help you unless you have a form, which may not be the case in this report scenario.
Starting in AX 2009 the kernel by default auto-updates the control sizes based on actual record content. This was a cause of much frustration as the sizes was small when there was no records and these sizes were saved! Also the performance of the auto-update was initially bad in some situations. As an afterthought the grid control autoSizeColumns method was provided but it was unfortunately never exposed as a property.
you can extends the sysTableLookup class and override the buildFromGridDesign method to set the grid control width.
protected void buildFormGridDesign(FormBuildGridControl _formBuildGridControl)
if (gridWidth > 0)

Orchard CMS - determining if Model is valid in Content Item Driver

In my instance of Orchard, I have a custom content type which has a custom content part. In the "editor driver" for the content part, I need to check to see if the container content item is valid (i.e. passes validation).
The normal ModelState won't work here because of how Orchard works - and I can determine if the content part is valid, but I need to know about the entire content item (there are other content parts within the content item).
I know there are ways to execute code once a content part is published / created using lifecycle events (, but there's no way (that I know of) to pass those events information.
Basically, I need to execute a method if the content item is valid, and I need to pass the method information contained within the ViewModel.
There may be (and probably is) a better way to do this, but I'm struggling to find a way within Orchards framework.
sample code:
protected override DriverResult Editor(EventPart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper)
var viewModal = new EventEditViewModel();
if (updater.TryUpdateModel(viewModal, Prefix, null, null))
part.Setting = viewModal.Setting;
//here's where I need to check if the CONTENT ITEM is valid or not, for example
if (*valid*)
return Editor(part, shapeHelper);
Note: I am using Orchard version 1.6.
No easy way to do that from inside a driver, I'm afraid. Too early. You can access other parts by doing part.As<OtherPart>, but those may or may not be updated yet at this point.
You may try utilizing handlers and OnPublishing/OnPublished (and other) events like this:
OnPublishing<MyPart>((ctx, part) =>
// Do some validation checks on other parts
if (part.As<SomeOtherPart>().SomeSetting == true)
notifier.Error(T("SomeSetting cannot be true."));
where transactions is ITransactionManager instance, injected in ctor.
If you need more control, writing your own controller for handling item updates/creates is the best way to go.
In order to do that (assuming you already have your controller in place), you need to use handler OnGetContentItemMetadata method to point Orchard to use your controller instead of the default one, like this:
OnGetContentItemMetadata<MyPart>((context, part) =>
// Edit item action
context.Metadata.EditorRouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary {
{"Area", "My.Module"},
{"Controller", "Item"},
{"Action", "Edit"},
{"id", context.ContentItem.Id}};
// Create new item action
context.Metadata.CreateRouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary {
{"Area", "My.Module"},
{"Controller", "Item"},
{"Action", "Create"});

groovy swingbuilder bindable list and tables

Is there a way to bind data to a list and/or a table using the groovy swing builder bind syntax? I could only find simple examples that bind simple properties like strings and numbers to a text field, label, or button text.
Had a look round, and the best I could see was using GlazedLists rather than standard Swing lists
There is a GlazedList plugin. And this article is very helpful. The Griffon guys swear by GlazedLists.
I just did something like this--it's really not that hard to do manually. It's still a work in progress, but if it helps anyone I can give what I have. So far it binds the data in both directions (Updating the data updates the component, editing the table updates the data and sends a notification to any propertyChangeListeners of the "Row")
I used a class to define one row of a table. You create this class to define the nature of your table. It looks something like this:
class Row
// allows the table to listen for changes and user code to see when the table is edited
// The name at the top of the column
#PropName("Col 1")
String c1
// In the annotation I set the default editable to "false", here I'll make c2 editable.
// This annotation can (and should) be expanded to define more column properties.
#PropName(value="Col 2", editable=true)
String c2
Note that once the rest of the code is packaged up in a class, this "Row" class is the ONLY thing that needs to be created to create a new table. You create instances of this class for each row, add them to the table and you are completely done--no other gui work aside from getting the table into a frame.
This class could include quite a bit more code--I intend to have it contain a thread that polls a database and updates the bound properties, then the table should pick up the changes instantly.
In order to provide custom column properties I defined an annotation that looks like this (I plan to add more):
public #interface PropName {
String value();
boolean editable() default false
The rest is a class that builds the table. I keep it in a separate class so it can be reused (by instantiating it with a different "Row" class)
NOTE: I butchered this as I pasted it in so it may not run without a little work (braces probably). It used to include a frame which I removed to just include the table. You need to wrap the table returned from getTable() in a frame..
public class AutoTable<T>
SwingBuilder builder // This way external code can access the table
def values=[] // holds the "Row" objects
PropertyChangeListener listener={repaint()} as PropertyChangeListener
def AutoTable(Class<T> clazz)
builder = new SwingBuilder(){
table(id:'table') {
tableModel(id:'tableModel') {
it.declaredAnnotations*.annotationType().contains(PropName.class)}.each {
def annotation=it.declaredAnnotations.find{it.annotationType()==PropName.class
String n=annotation.value()
propertyColumn(header:n,, editable:annotation.editable())
// Use this to get the table so it can be inserted into a container
def getTable() {
return builder.table
def add(T o) {
def remove(T o) {
def repaint() {
There is probably a way to do this without the add/remove by exposing a bindable list but it seemed like more work without a lot of benifit.
At some point I'll probably put the finished class up somewhere--if you have read this far and are still interested, reply in a comment and I'll be sure to do it sooner rather than later.
