The new 2.0 mobile API no longer supports custom variables, and states that you need to use custom dimensions.
That is all fine and good, but there is no obvious or documented way to get those custom dimensions out of the core reporting API 3.0.
We have users that are mobile and web and we need to get all of our data out no matter what device. How can we get CUSTOM DIMENSIONS out through there?
just request "dimension1" or similar name. You can get it in code examples in admin section / custom defenitions.
Google has added support for this.
Can anybody help me to find a solution how to make this code work on my Wix-Site:
Click here to opt-out of Google Analytics
I have this code from Google itself (At the bottom of the page see "example"):
Here is a Screenshot of this code from the google website:
Google Analytics Opt Out Code
I tried this:
$w("#text1").html = "<a href='javascript:gaOptout()'>Click here to opt-out of Google Analytics</a>";
But I was told that in Wix it is not possible to add events to a-tag elements in text element. Here you will find the little discussion that I had on Wix Forum:
I also asked on Reddit, Facebook and WixSupport. But nobody could help me with that issue.
You might want to take a look at the new wix feature called "tracking and analytics". It lets you embed custom scripts in your html's body, header, or footer.
You cannot access the HTML directly via Wix Code. Wix Code exposes a dedicated API for you to manipulate their controllers and elements on screen but not further under the hood.
You can use wix-fetch to call external API calls to google analytics (if they have an API to opt-out, not familiar enough to say here is the post)
anyway, your code in Wix should be something like this:
(as example API taken from their docs)
import {fetch} from 'wix-data'
fetch('', options) // returns a Promise
I have several Custom Dimensions setup in both admin and in the code on my site.
I have verified that the data is being sent correctly to Google Analytics (I used the Chrome GA debugger), but can't seem to find any reports that show these new dimensions.
Since their changing things all the time, it's probably hidden somewhere, but I've gone through every standard report and haven't seen anything.
So, where do you go to view this information?
Found it! Well sort of. Right now, Google doesn't have a standard report that includes Custom Dimenstions. You have to go in Customization to build a custom report and include any of the custom metrics or dimensions you've created.
If you're new to GA, custom reports can probably be a little confusing so wrote up a quick blog post that walks through setting up, implementing and building reports with custom dimensions:
I'm creating web site on zend framework and want to place statistic into my admin panel. Is there any js plugin (something like GA api) for getting styled graphs?
You may take a look at this:
and that:
it depends on what you want to display a line graph, a map ...
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics. (Disclosure - I work with them) EmbeddedAnalytics is based on the GA API. To do what you are asking is simple:
Create Account and grant embeddedanalytics access to your GA data.
Define your charts/reports.
Get embedding iframe code.
Embed this code into your site where you want them to show.
Additionally, we are working on creating pre-defined dashboard pages which will allow end-user to embed entire dashboards into a page.
I normally use twitter both as a communication chat and as a short blog service. On my wordpress blog, I import the twitter messages timeline from one twitter account (specific for the blog-visible messages). For communication and chatting, I use another twitter account.
Having two account is a solution, but my geeky nature would prefer to have only one account, with the following magic: every message containing a special tag (e.g. "#blog") will appear on my wordpress blog page. Everything else will not appear on the blog.
Is it achievable with the standard twitter API? does something like this already exist for wordpress? The technical solution would be equivalent to a search for a tag only on a specific user's messages, something that, as far as I see, is currently not possible.
You'll want to use the twitter search API. Use this url to pull the data that you want to display:
You can change the .xml to .json if you want the query to return in json. Remove the ".xml" to get the normal search page to test out the query. Obviously you'll want to change "mikeluby" (my twitter username) to your username.
Update: There may be an issue with the xml return currently on twitter. I would check to see if it works for you. If it doesn't I would suggest switching to the json return or waiting until the problem is fixed.
I'm trying to build a Google Calendar compatible feed (atom), that users can subscribe to and use to receive updates, but everything I've read so far involves communicating with Google using the GData APIs. I just want to provide a feed url that can be added to Google Calendar if the user chooses to do so.
When I tried adding the <gd:where> and <gd:who> elements to a 'normal' atom feed, it broke in my feed reader.
Am I going about this the wrong way? Is there some other way to do this?
I may be being dense, but if you are trying to provide users with calendar info, would it not be a better idea to use the ICS format?
not really an answer but the Rome API may be useful
If you use Firefox and view the source of a Google Calendar feed and then as it to a server it will not work. Why not?
Try it your self.