Build error - variable environment not set correctly - qt

I'm trying to build an opensource code on windows.
I get the error:
Warning: QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE reported QT_INSTALL_LIBS as D;/Qt/4.8.4/lib
Warning: D**;**/Qt/4.8.4/lib does NOT exist, Qt must NOT be installed correctly.
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.6.4/Modules/FindQt4.cmake:640 (MESSAGE):
Could NOT find QtCore header
(this is only a part of the error message)
I tried to re-install Qt, didn't work.
I tried to change QT_INSTALL_LIBS to be D:/Qt/4.8.4/lib (and not D:/Qt/4.8.4/lib) in my computer -> properties -> advanced - > environment variables but that didn't seem to change a thing.
I have no idea what to do next. Does anyone know what I should do fix it?


Deploy Qt Design Studio Project for Webassembly

I am using Qt 6.3.2 and im on a M1 Mac.
I am trying to build a Qt Design Studio Project for webassembly but I have trouble to install the Designer Components for Webassembly.
To use a Design Studio Project, you have to install the Designer Components to your Installation, which I did like stated in the documentation:Adding Qt Quick Designer Components to Qt Installations.
This works fine when I build it for Mac but I cant get it to work with WASM. Do I need to build the components in a specific way for em++?
When I use the components like stated in the docs I get the following error message:
em++: warning: unrecognized file type: `/Users/marius/Qt/6.3.2/wasm_32/./qml/QtQuick/Studio/Effects/libquickstudioeffectsplugin.dylib`. Mapping to `-lquickstudioeffectsplugin` and hoping for the best [-Wmap-unrecognized-libraries]
em++: warning: unrecognized file type: `/Users/marius/Qt/6.3.2/wasm_32/./qml/QtQuick/Studio/Application/libquickstudioapplicationplugin.dylib`. Mapping to `-lquickstudioapplicationplugin` and hoping for the best [-Wmap-unrecognized-libraries]
em++: warning: unrecognized file type: `/Users/marius/Qt/6.3.2/wasm_32/./qml/QtQuick/Studio/EventSimulator/libquickstudioeventsimulatorplugin.dylib`. Mapping to `-lquickstudioeventsimulatorplugin` and hoping for the best [-Wmap-unrecognized-libraries]
em++: warning: unrecognized file type: `/Users/marius/Qt/6.3.2/wasm_32/./qml/QtQuick/Studio/EventSystem/libquickstudioeventsystemplugin.dylib`. Mapping to `-lquickstudioeventsystemplugin` and hoping for the best [-Wmap-unrecognized-libraries]
wasm-ld: error: unable to find library -lquickstudioeffectsplugin
wasm-ld: error: unable to find library -lquickstudioapplicationplugin
wasm-ld: error: unable to find library -lquickstudioeventsimulatorplugin
wasm-ld: error: unable to find library -lquickstudioeventsystemplugin
em++: error: '/Users/marius/Documents/Git/emsdk/upstream/bin/wasm-ld #/var/folders/k3/prb53mjs50sf220pb_trz4fc0000gn/T/emscripten_7udnbcap.rsp.utf-8' failed (returned 1)
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
I tried to build the components for other architectures or as a static library.

Warning: Package xxxxx does not have POMDPSimulators in its dependencies in Julia if usual recommendations don't work.

I have seen this issue commonly since I started the transition to Julia v0.7 from v0.6. I am getting the following warning:
Warning: Package xxxxx does not have POMDPSimulators in its dependencies:
│ - If you have xxxxx checked out for development and have
│ added POMDPSimulators as a dependency but haven't updated your primary
│ environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.
│ - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with xxxxx
└ Loading POMDPSimulators into xxxxx from project dependency, future warnings for xxxxx are suppressed.
I do not understand why I get this warning. In one of my files, I do: using POMDPSimulators. Since I typed in that, I have done a resolve in the Pkg manager, and done a build POMDPSimulators in the package manager. This doesn't change the warning. How can I get rid of this warning?
Note: xxxxx is just the name of a file/project that is removed to make this post general.
Note: I asked a similar question here: [Julia ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package xxxx does not have ExcelReaders in its dependencies:
I already checked out the Julia documentation and did what it says. I added the package to the project by using the package manager and typing add POMDPSimulators.
Any suggestions to resolve this issue?
Note: If possible, I am looking for a general answer since I think I am going to have this issue with other packages as well. If there is any other documentation out there besides what was provided by JuliaLang I could appreciate that since I didn't find it helpful.
Link to the Julia Article about dependencies
I tried a pkg> update, build, and resolve. The issue isn't resolved. I see the file in my Manifest and Project file.
Here is what got the Warning to no longer show for me.
Go to your require file and type "NameOfPackageGivingWarning" on a new line.
Click "]" in Julia to open the package manager in Julia command line version:
up NameOfPackageGivingWarning
build NameOfPackageGivingWarning
activate NameOfPackageGivingWarning
This should resolve the issue for you. I am honestly unsure why this works and I may be taking more steps than necessary, but it resolved the issue for all of my package dependency warnings!

qt5 and usblib in win7 (mingw32) linker produces undefined references to `_imp__SetupDiGetClassDevsA#16'

I'm using qt5.5 in linux and win7 (mingw32) ... in linux it works (i had to build new usblibs for compatibility reasons)
in windows using this library
i get the following errors and a few more, all with some
"_imp__SetupDixxxxxxx" being undefined
since the libusb build in windows seems quite more complicated, i was unable to figure out how to do it
at this point i have no clue what is wrong and any help is highly appreciated
i have no problems rebuilding the lib with ming32w inside or outside of qt5 creator or any other way, but i would need to have a few steps described on how to proceed.
cheers EinHexenMeister
E:\code-qt\qtHidTest\HidTest\windows\hid.c:289: error: undefined reference to `_imp__SetupDiGetClassDevsA#16'
E:\code-qt\qtHidTest\HidTest\windows\hid.c:298: error: undefined reference to `_imp__SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces#20'
E:\code-qt\qtHidTest\HidTest\windows\hid.c:491: error: undefined reference to `_imp__SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList#4'
E:\code-qt\qtHidTest\HidTest\windows\hid.c:313: error: undefined reference to `_imp__SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA#24'
E:\code-qt\qtHidTest\HidTest\windows\hid.c:347: error: undefined reference to `_imp__SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo#12'
You need to link additional libraries for windows, add in your .pro file:
win32 {
LIBS += -lhid -lsetupapi

New Static Library has build error "libtool exited with code 1"

I created a new static library in my iOS project and now I'm getting the build error
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool failed with exit code 1
How do I go about debugging this?
To see the actual output and not just the error message, try building your target or scheme with xcodebuild from command line.
I had a problem with the same error message. In my case, I couldn't build for the simulator, but it worked find when building for the device. The output from xcodebuild confirmed that Xcode could not set the proper architecture to build for the simulator.
Long story short, it turned out that one build setting was corrupted. The Mach-O Type setting in the Linking category was set to Relocatable Object File for some reason. I switched it back to Static Library and the error disappeared.

Qmake build and gcc includes

I am working with Qt and kinda new to it. I want to build a Qt application and created file. However, after executing qmake and make I get the error
: fatal error C10 83: Cannot open
include file: 'stddef.h': No such file
or directory
So I specified the gcc 4.4.1 include location and the error messages (amongst others) I get is:
: error C2371: ' size_t' :
redefinition; different basic types
predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(19) : see declaration of
'size_ t'
: error C2143: syntax error : missing
';' before '*'
: error C4430: missing type specifier
- int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
My question is:
1. How can resolve such error problems as I've scratched my hair off trying to solve this.
2. Is there a way to make automatically let qmake detect your main gcc mingw location without having to set it for each project during qmake execution?
