Use variable defined in config.rb in scss files - css

Is it possible to use a variable defined in the config.rb file of a compass project, throughout the SCSS files?

In your config.rb file add a custom module:
module Sass::Script::Functions
def custom_color(value)
rgb = options[:custom][:custom_colors][value.to_s].scan(/^#?(..?)(..?)(..?)$/) {|a| a.ljust(2, a).to_i(16)}
And then set up your variables (again, in the config.rb file):
sass_options = {:custom => { :custom_colors => {"main" => "#ff1122"} } }
Then in your scss file, you can use the custom_color() function:
body {
background-color: custom_color(main);
You could also write another custom function which returns other types such as font sizes, measurements, etc. by passing in strings, and then returning the appropriate class instance.
Interestingly, this would allow you to pass in environment variables into the compass command line, and that would generate different results.
So if you sass_options are:
sass_options = {:custom => { :custom_colors => {"main" => ENV["MAIN_COLOR"]} } }
And you run compass:
MAIN_COLOR=#dd1122 bundle exec compass compile
Then whatever color you pass in on the command line will appear in the resultant css. If you're using Heroku, you could heroku config:set MAIN_COLOR=#224411 and be able to set template colors on a per-app basis, using the same scss files.


Symfony Encore multiple asset manifests

I have a question regarding Encore in Symfony 3.4 and asset versioning.
In my webpack.config.jsI have two configurations.
First is for JS files, the other one for compiling .less.
Each configuration is reset by Encore.reset()
Output bundles are generating manifest with versioning via .enableVersioning, so I have two manifest.json in
According to docs, to have my assets loaded via manifest I need to declare it in config.yml
base_path: "%myapp.http.site_assets_suffix%"
json_manifest_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/web/assets/stylesheets/manifest.json"
If I want to link to style.css generated by webpack, I use
But in my application I have two manifests and I think this can't be changed due to two Encore configurations.
I've tried adding something in likes of
json_manifest_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/web/assets/stylesheets/manifest.json"
json_manifest_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/web/assets/js/manifest.json"
because I saw that somewhere, but unfortunately this won't work at all.
I've thought about combining two manifests into one in last webpack entry point, but this can be time consuming.
Is there any other solution than combining manfiests or combining js + less compilation into one big Encore task?
I've found a solution
base_path: 'path%'
version: false
version_format: "%%1$s"
base_path: "path%"
json_manifest_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/web/assets/stylesheets/manifest.json"
json_manifest_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/web/assets/js/manifest.json"
json_manifest_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/web/assets/js/admin/manifest.json"
And then in .twig files, you need to call it as
<script src="{{ asset('assets/DIRNAME/WEBPACK_ENTRY_NAME_HERE', ASSET_PACKAGE_NAME_HERE) }}"></script>
In my case
<script src="{{ asset('assets/js/backend.js', 'js') }}"></script>
Where WEBPACK_ENTRY_NAME is the name of the Webpack/Encore bundle from webpack.config.js, in my case
Sorry for delayed answer, but I forgot about it.
Webpack Encore use webpack-manifest-plugin to generate manifest.json file.
According to the doc, you can specify an options.seed when you setup your config.
A cache of key/value pairs to used to seed the manifest. This may include a set of custom key/value pairs to include in your manifest, or may be used to combine manifests across compilations in multi-compiler mode. To combine manifests, pass a shared seed object to each compiler's ManifestPlugin instance.
Encore.configureManifestPlugin(options => {
let seed;
try {
// require your existing manifest content if exists
seed = require(path.join(outputPath, 'manifest.json'));
catch (e) {
// fallback if manifest.json is missing
seed = {};
// inject your latest config as seed.
// The plugin will update it and rewrite manifest.json with correct values (overwrite existing keys, append news)
options.seed = seed;
// Also i add a trick to avoid "License.txt" entries
options.generate = function(seed, files, entrypoints) {
// trick to avoid generate useless versionned entries like License
const filesWithoutLicense = files.filter(file => {
return file.path.match(/.*LICENSE.*/) === null;
const newManifestContent = filesWithoutLicense.reduce(
(newManifestContent, file) => {
newManifestContent[] = file.path;
return newManifestContent;
return newManifestContent;

Stylelint - Ensure class name prefix matches folder name

I am using the "selector-class-pattern" stylelint rule. The pattern I am using is to enforce the ECSS naming standard. The rule looks like this:
"selector-class-pattern": ["^[a-z]([a-z0-9]){1,3}-[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+(_[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(-([a-z0-9-]+)?[a-z0-9])?$", { "resolveNestedSelectors": true }]
An ECSS class name uses 3 parts (module name, component name, element name) and looks something like .mod-Component_Element {} where mod is an abbreviation of the module name.
My SCSS files are kept in component folders, so the folder structure looks like the below, where app is the name of the module.
-- component-name
-- component-name.component.js
-- component-name.component.scss
I would like a stylelint rule to ensure that the module and the component part of class names match the folder they are in. So the class names kept in the example component-name.component.scss file would be restricted to .app-ComponentName_ElementName {} where ElementName is optional and can be anything.
I am using Gulp to run stylelint:
gulp.task('css', () => {
let processors = [
// add postcss processors here
return gulp.src([
path.join(gconfig.rootDir, ''),
path.join(gconfig.rootDir, 'style.scss'),
path.join(gconfig.rootDir, gconfig.rootModule, '**/*.scss'),
failAfterError: false,
reporters: [ {formatter: 'string', console: true} ]
.pipe(gif( debug, sourcemaps.init() ))
.pipe(scss().on('error', scss.logError))
.pipe(gif( debug, sourcemaps.write() ))
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(gconfig.outDir, 'css')))
I understand I will probably need to write a plugin for this, but wondered if there is already a plugin for something like this out there, or if there are any ways to do it maybe by passing the file name/folder to stylelint from Gulp?
I've not seen anything that does what you're asking out of the box
The closest similar plugins I've seen would be the BEM plugins:
These might work as a base guide on writing some plugins for your ECSS use case

Grunt relative file path globbing

Is it possible to use Globbing partially on a directory in a file path?
I have a grunt-contrib-less task set up, the file path for my task looks something like this:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-": "less/base.less",
However the version number in the relative path may sometime change, such as:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-": "less/base.less",
Ideally I'd like to something like this:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-*/css/main.css": "less/base.less",
Is there a way of doing this? With the above syntax it stops searching after the asterisk.
One potential solution to achieve this is to utilize grunts --options feature.
When running a grunt task via the command line it is possible to specify an additional options value.
In your scenario you could pass in the version number of the folder name that is going to change. (I.e. In your case the part that you tried to specify using the asterisk character (*) E.g. ''
Caveat: For this solution to be of any use it does require knowing what that value, (the version number), of the destination folder is upfront prior to running the task via the command line.
Example Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
themesFolder: {
namePart: '' // <-- If no option is passed via the CLI this name will be used.
less: {
production: {
options: {
// ...
files: {
// The destination path below utilizes a grunt template for the part
// of the folder name that will change. E.g. ''
'../../application/user/themes/some-theme-<%= %>/css/main.css': 'less/base.less'
grunt.registerTask('saveFolderNameFromOption', 'Uses the option provided to configure name part.', function(n) {
var themesFolder = grunt.option('themesFolder');
if (themesFolder) {
// Store the option value so it can be referenced in the less task.
grunt.config('themesFolder.namePart', themesFolder);
grunt.registerTask('processLess', ['saveFolderNameFromOption', 'less:production']);
Running the ProcessLess task
Run the task via the command line as follows:
$ grunt processLess --themesFolder=
Note: The additional option that is specified. Namely: --themesFolder=
When using the above command the .css output will be directed to the following path:
'../../application/user/themes/some-theme-': 'less/base.less'
Now, each time you run the task you modify the options accordingly.
Benefits: By providing the version number as an option via the CLI will avoid having to reconfigure your Gruntfile.js each time it is run.

Grunt specify order of injected files in index.html

I am using a angular-fullstack yeoman generator for one of my projects and if I run grunt build my index.html is overwritten with the injected dependencies that grunt-injector finds. The problem is that I want to specify the loading of some of the modules in a certain order or I just want to ignore a specific folder. How can I do that? Currently some javaScript files are loaded in a wrong order and every time I run grunt build I get an error.
you can use arrays to specify the order, for instance
// Inject application script files into index.html
scriptsVendor: {
options: {
transform: function(filePath) {
filePath = filePath.replace('/app/', '');
return '<script src="' + filePath + '"></script>';
starttag: '<!-- injector:js -->',
endtag: '<!-- endinjector -->'
files: {
'app/index.html': [
So I load before jquery then bootstrap, angular. In the next block all the angular modules starting with angular- and ui-.
To ignore certain files or folder
Even if a bit late I hope it helps :-)
in my case I have several angular modules, with config and run functions, seperated over three files called xyz.module.js, xyz.config.js,
Gulp searches for all .js files : "**/*.js" and alphabetical order is used when injecting, hence *.module.js is loaded after *.config.js, which delivers errors about lacking xyz module definition.
So the order should be switched. I don't want to use hardcoded arrays, I want to keep using wildcards.
Solution which does it in my case :
usage (in gulpfile) :
var angularFilesort = require('gulp-angular-filesort');
Just to tag on to #felix-at-housecat's answer, I needed to ensure that angular-translate-handler-log.js was rendered after angular-translate.js, but due to alphabetical sorting, it would show up before. To achieve this, I set up the injector as follows:
injector: {
dev: {
files: {
'dist/static/index.html': [
. . .
. . .
Now, /angular-translate-handler-log.js will be rendered in the file after all of the files in the first array (which includes angular-translate.js).

Gruntjs: Loading config files based on target

I'd like to be able to run the same builds for different targets by passing in config information from a build file, e.g. grunt build:target1 and grunt build:target2...
I figured I could access the target within the grunt file
module.exports = function ( grunt ) {
var userConfig = require( **'./''build.config.js'** );
var taskConfig...
grunt.initConfig( grunt.util._.extend( userConfig, taskConfig ) );
But the target is only available within a task.
Is there another way of accomplishing something like this?
You can pass command line arguments to Grunt by passing them using two dashes, like
grunt --target=debug
Then retrieve this value in your Grunt config file by calling
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var target = grunt.option('target'),
userConfig = require('./' + target + "build.config.js");
You can choose whichever name you like, I chose target in my examples above.
