Background video appears half way in the page (HTML5 video element) - css

my website is a single page site, divided into two seperate pages ( I'm trying a HTML5 video fill up the 1st half of the site, but somehow when it's loaded in Chrome and Safari, the video appears half way in the page. When you inspect element, the video will be pushed up. Does anyone know a solution to make the video load correctly?

Margins are being added inline - by some javascript I assume. Stop whatever is doing that...


Forcing elements in iframe to display over rest of page

I created a content script Chrome extension toolbar by following #RobW's answer to this question.
I'm now trying to get certain elements to overlay on the rest of the page, but currently they are only showing within the iframe.
For instance, an icon is clicked and shows a notification panel/tooltip. As you can see, it is cut off by the edge of the iframe:
Is there a way to change the CSS of the panel to hover on top of the rest of the page despite being in a separate iframe?
BTW, I made the height of the toolbar 143px, instead of the 43px you might expect of a toolbar, just so the issue would be more apparent.
No, I'm fairly sure you can't do that with an iframe-based approach. That beats the purpose of iframe content isolation - imagine the clickjacking possibilites!
You will need to inject your UI into the document itself.
You probably went with an iframe-based approach because of possible clashes with the page's own CSS, for example. Thankfully, there's a modern tool to help with this - Shadow DOM.

Fixing buggy responsive CSS Zen subtheme

I have a responsive Drupal Zen subtheme that I hacked together about a year & a half ago from some CSS & HTML that a non-Drupal designer handed off to me for my website. I've known that in certain layouts, it is buggy, and needs to be fixed, but I just haven't gotten around to it. After repeatedly reaching out to a local Drupal developer (and offering to pay him), I've gotten tired of waiting, and just need to fix this thing.
My bounce rate for folks on mobile devices is awful.
The URL is The homepage looks decent on any device. Internal pages need a lot of help, though, when viewed in certain screen sizes (including mobile devices). Let's use as an example.
In the below scenario, my question is not how to find the CSS files themselves. Rather, my question is, how can I find the necessary CSS settings using Firebug Lite, so that I can debug the CSS through my browser, instead of having to manually update each CSS file every time I want to test a change?
I can't find the actual CSS-styled divs, blocks, etc... causing the layout to break under certain dimensions. I know how to find, and edit, the CSS within the CSS panel, but I can't track down the specific CSS in this instance.
Additionally, as a secondary question, if you want to provide pointers on what I actually need to change, then please be my guest! But if you point me in the right direction on how I can go figure it out myself, that's fine too. :)
Let's get on to the scenario (which you can easily see by testing it yourself):
When I resize my browser window down to a certain size, the links & tweets section in the left sidebar move over to the right, so that the left side of the navbar aligns with the right side of the header area, while the content spans the full width of the page, except for the left margin, which stays in place but gets wider. Basically everything below the header gets screwed up, and it's easier to see the problems than explain them (so go test it).
Using Firebug Lite in Chrome, I can't seem to find the left margin for the "main" content area (see this screenshot clearly indicating the yellow margin), nor can I find the CSS for the navbar / tweets block (which I presume is some sort of float).
To modify the CSS within Firebug or Firebug Lite just select an element inside the HTML panel or inspect it via its inspector. Inside the Style side panel you'll see all CSS rules applying to the element.
Clicking the name or the value of a CSS property opens an inline editor to allow editing it.
On the right side of each rule you'll see the name of the style sheet, which contains the rule. Hovering it displays you the full URL and clicking it allows you to inspect it within the CSS panel.
You can also edit the styles directly within the CSS panel, which lists all style sheets available on the page.
Note: The changes you do there are not permament, i.e. on the next page reload they are gone! To make permanent changes you need to edit the files on the server.
Also note that I'm referring to the panels within Firebug. The panels within Firebug Lite basically work the same, though may look and work a little bit different. Furthermore Firebug Lite is not maintained anymore, so there's no guarantee that everything is working as expected.

Choppy scrolling in chrome with big background images

I've created a web page, and it has 7 six sections with huge background images using background-size: cover;. It works fine in all browsers except Google Chrome (All versions/All platforms). When I try scrolling the page in google chrome or click on its links (which they also scroll the page using $.scrollTo) the page gets choppy and laggy and it scrolls slowly and uses 100% CPU.
I've uploaded the page so you can test it: (I'll remove the page later). Even IE9/10 is fine, but chrome gets choppy.
The page has several "scroll" events bound to it and I have tried disabling the javascript altogether but it doesn't get better so its not from the scroll events.
I'm using background-size: cover because it shapes the photo exactly like I want it to and I want the image to be fixed that's why I can't use other methods like using img tag instead of backgrounds.
What should I do?
A solution I found for myself for a website with similar behaviour was to add background-repeat:no-repeat css property for those divs containing huge background images.
You can also check if you have a background image for body or html that is repeated, for me the big problem was a repeated pattern image that interfered considerably with google chrome's scrolling performance.
Also if you're using CSS transitions on those "slides" you should check that those are not assigned to "all". If you're having a transition only for the "left" property there is no point assigning it for "all".
I'm not sure if this alone will help you but it is always a good practice to compress your images and your scripts.
This stuff did the trick for me. Hope it helps.

Youtube iFrame context menu oddities

I'm using youtube iframe to embed videos on a site of mine. I'm using the iframe so that visitors to the site that don't have flash installed will see a html5 capable player.
Everything plays and runs as expected until you right click on the video and select and option like "copy embed HTML" and the video jumps off to the left of the iframe.
Upon inspecting the source, it seems like there is a div with class .player-actions-container that has a css rule of left: 101% if i remove this rule the player jumps back to its starting position.
unclicked image
clicked image
Your concern over lack of Flash presence is at this time unwarranted.

emedded flash video hides the fly out of like / send button

Maybe someone is familiar with this problem?
on the website i have added the like and send button.
but, the youtube video under these buttons stays all the time on top (only not in firefox. here the flyout of the buttons go over the video, as desired). is there any solution to this?
the video is embedded through iframe, the buttons through the javascript sdk and special html code.
thanks for any suggestions..
Flash can be tricky to deal with when it comes to z-index issues. By default, a swf will appear on top of any other content that occupies the same space. One way you can fix this is by adjusting the wmode of your flash video. Try adding ?wmode=opaque to the YouTube video's URL and it should play better with z-index.
