icon.png is inside myapp.jar
DANIELs-MacBook-Air-2:jrubyScreenshot dani [master] $ jar -tf myapp.jar | tail
How can I load it?
This returns nil
f = java.lang.Object.new
image = java.awt.Toolkit::default_toolkit.get_image(f.java_class.resource("icon.png"))
Solution was:
f = java.lang.Object.new
url = f.java_class.resource("/icon.png")
> jruby -J-classpath myapp.jar test.rb
include Java
f = java.lang.Object.new
url = f.java_class.resource("/icon.png")
image = java.awt.Toolkit::default_toolkit.get_image(url)
puts image
I'm building a Docker image with a fat jar. I use the sbt-assembly plugin to build the jar, and the sbt-native-packager to build the Docker image. I'm not very familiar with SBT and am running into the following issues.
I'd like to declare a dependency on the assembly task from the docker:publish task, such that the fat jar is created before it's added to the image. I did as instructed in the doc, but it's not working. assembly doesn't run until I invoke it.
publish := (publish dependsOn assembly).value
One of the steps in building the image is copying the fat jar. Since assembly plugin creates the jar in target/scala_whatever/projectname-assembly-X.X.X.jar, I need to know the exact scala_whatever and the jar name. assembly seems to have a key assemblyJarName but I'm not sure how to access it. I tried the following which fails.
Cmd("COPY", "target/scala*/*.jar /app.jar")
Answering my own questions, the following works:
enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging, DockerPlugin)
assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := {
case x => {
val oldStrategy = (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value
val strategy = oldStrategy(x)
if (strategy == MergeStrategy.deduplicate)
else strategy
// Remove all jar mappings in universal and append the fat jar
mappings in Universal := {
val universalMappings = (mappings in Universal).value
val fatJar = (assembly in Compile).value
val filtered = universalMappings.filter {
case (file, name) => !name.endsWith(".jar")
filtered :+ (fatJar -> ("lib/" + fatJar.getName))
dockerRepository := Some("username")
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.{Cmd, ExecCmd}
dockerCommands := Seq(
Cmd("FROM", "username/spark:2.1.0"),
Cmd("WORKDIR", "/"),
Cmd("COPY", "opt/docker/lib/*.jar", "/app.jar"),
ExecCmd("ENTRYPOINT", "/opt/spark/bin/spark-submit", "/app.jar")
I completely overwrite the docker commands because the defaults add couple of scripts that I don't need because I overwrite the entrypoint as well. Also, the default workdir is /opt/docker which is not where I want to put the fat jar.
Note that the default commands are shown by show dockerCommands in sbt console.
I'm using a qtcreator 4.0.3 and I try to create a directory struct to
all builds, like this:
I'm using this .pro file:
:><------- Cutting ------------
# BUILDDIR Where the executable file was create
# All Directory of temporary files
# If the dirs not exists, I'll create it
THis instructions are ignored
Any directory was created.
!exists( $$DESTDIR ) {
message("Creating $$DESTDIR struct")
mkpath( $$DESTDIR )
!exists( $$OBJECTS_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$OBJECTS_DIR")
mkpath( $$OBJECTS_DIR )
!exists( $$MOC_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$MOC_DIR")
mkpath( $$MOC_DIR )
!exists( $$RCC_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$RCC_DIR")
mkpath( $$RCC_DIR )
!exists( $$UI_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$UI_DIR")
mkpath( $$UI_DIR )
:><------- Cutting ------------
But this not work. Always qtcreator use a default directory struct
configured in Tools->Options->Build and Run->Default build Directory.
Simple it's ignore this instructions ...
Am I doing something wrong??
This is an anti-pattern, and it generally won't work because no one using qmake projects expects them to behave that way: Qt Creator doesn't, other people don't, etc.
For any given project, you set the build directory by executing qmake in the build directory. E.g., supposed you have ~/src/myproject/myproject.pro that you wish to build:
mkdir -p ~/build/myproject
cd ~/build/myproject
qmake ~/src/myproject
gmake -j8
To build multiple projects in subfolders, you should have a top-level subdirs project that refers to them. E.g.
+--- myproject
+--- myproject.pro
+--- lib1
| +--- lib1.pro
| ...
+--- lib2
| +--- lib2.pro
| ...
+--- app1
. +--- app1.pro
. ...
The source directory structure will be replicated in the build folder. You generally shouldn't otherwise care what goes where in the build folder, except when referencing to targets built by subprojects, e.g. if app1 depends on lib2 you will need to add the build product as a dependency. This answer shows exactly how to do that.
Recently I've changed from CMake to Premake (v5.0.0-alpha8) and I'm not quite sure how to achieve the the following in Premake.
I want to include some dependencies so in CMake I can do something like this:
The above will add the paths of these libraries (dir) to "Additional Include Directories" in the compiler and it will also add an entry (lib) to "Additional Dependencies" in the linker so I don't need to do anything special beyond calling target_link_libraries.
So I expected that when I'm doing something like this in Premake:
links {
I'd get the same result but I don't.
I also tried to use the libdirs but it doesn't really work, I mean I can't see the library directory and its subdirectories passed to the compiler as "Additional Include Directories" (/I) or Yalla.Library.lib passed to the the linker as "Additional Dependencies".
Here is the directory structure I use:
|-- src
| |-- launcher
| |-- library
| | `-- utils
| `-- platform
| |-- abstract
| `-- win32
`-- tests
`-- platform
`-- win32
The library dir is defined in Premake as follow:
kind "SharedLib"
files {
The platform dir is defined in Premake as follow:
kind "SharedLib"
includedirs "abstract"
links {
if os.get() == "windows" then
include "win32"
The win32 dir is defined in Premake as follow:
files {
And finally at the root dir I have the following Premake file:
-- Sets global constants that represents the projects' names
configurations { "Release", "Debug" }
flags { "Unicode" }
startproject ( YALLA_LAUNCHER )
location ( "../lua_build" )
include "src/launcher"
include "src/library"
include "src/platform"
I'm probably misunderstanding how Premake works due to lack of experience with it.
I solved it by creating a new global function and named it includedeps.
function includedeps(workspace, ...)
local workspace = premake.global.getWorkspace(workspace)
local args = { ... }
local args_count = select("#", ...)
local func = select(args_count, ...)
if type(func) == "function" then
args_count = args_count - 1
args = table.remove(args, args_count)
func = nil
for i = 1, args_count do
local projectName = select(i, ...)
local project = premake.workspace.findproject(workspace, projectName)
if project then
local topIncludeDir, dirs = path.getdirectory(project.script)
if func then
dirs = func(topIncludeDir)
dirs = os.matchdirs(topIncludeDir .. "/**")
table.insert(dirs, topIncludeDir)
if premake.project.iscpp(project) then
error(string.format("project '%s' does not exist.", projectName), 3)
includedeps(PROJECT_NAME, YALLA_PLATFORM, function(topIncludeDir)
return { path.join(topIncludeDir, "win32") }
For this to work properly you need to make sure that when you include the dependencies they are included by their dependency order and not by the order of the directory structure.
So for example if I have the following dependency graph launcher --> platform --> library then I'll have to include them in the following order.
include "src/library"
include "src/platform"
include "src/launcher"
As opposed to the directory structure that in my case is as follow:
If you will include them by their directory structure it will fail and tell you that "The project 'Yalla.Platform' does not exist."
I'm using gruntjs to building my project. I want to utilize js module for multi-projects i.e. multi-gruntfile.
I see the API and search grunt plugins but not find what I want. It seems the only way is taking advantage of grunt.config and load-grunt-tasks plugin.
So I created js module file in the tasks folder and set configuration data in it like the following(by coffeescript):
module.exports = (grunt) ->
test: "test"
verify: "beta"
formal: "release"
grunt.config.set('executeCustomTasks', (arg, arg1, arr) ->
str = constructPromptStr();
_ret = getVerInfo(arg1, arg)
setArg = ->
if _ret.verName is 'formal'
_ret.verName = ''
and call it like this:
grunt.task.registerTask('default', 'execute tasks by param by grunt cli', (arg, arg1) ->
grunt.config.get('executeCustomTasks')(arg, arg1,getTasksArr(arg))
Is what I do correct? Is it the best practice?
Best Regards
I understand now. grunt.task.loadTasks(path) can Load task-related files so I can create and reference the files in the path.
reference links:
Would someone explain how to enable Amazon S3 server-side encryption in a PowerShell script? I'm using the sample code below but when I check encryption in the AWS Console or Cloudberry S3 Explorer Pro the encryption type is still set to 'none'. Using AWS / Cloudberry to do this manually after files are uploaded isn't feasible because the script is to be deployed to 200+ servers, each with it's own bucket in S3. Here's a snippet of code from the script:
$S3ObjectKey = "mytestfile.7z"
#Create Amazon PutObjectRequest.
$AmazonS3 = [Amazon.AWSClientFactory]::CreateAmazonS3Client($S3AccessKeyID,$S3SecretKeyID)
$S3PutRequest = New-Object Amazon.S3.Model.PutObjectRequest
$S3PutRequest.BucketName = $S3BucketName
$S3PutRequest.Key = $S3ObjectKey
$S3PutRequest.FilePath = $TestFile
$S3Response = $AmazonS3.PutObject($S3PutRequest)
I've tried inserting the following without success (before the $S3Response line):
When the above is added I get this message in the output but the file is still not tagged as encrypted on S3:
MemberType : Method
OverloadDefinitions : {Amazon.S3.Model.PutObjectRequest WithServerSideEncryptionMethod(Amazon.S3.Model.ServerSideEncryptionMethod encryption)}
TypeNameOfValue : System.Management.Automation.PSMethod
Value : Amazon.S3.Model.PutObjectRequest WithServerSideEncryptionMethod(Amazon.S3.Model.ServerSideEncryptionMethod encryption)
Name : WithServerSideEncryptionMethod
IsInstance : True
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks in advance.
You should add:
$S3PutRequest.ServerSideEncryptionMethod = [Amazon.S3.Model.ServerSideEncryptionMethod]::AES256
If you are using CloudBerry, it has its own PowerShell snapin
Add-PSSnapin CloudBerryLab.Explorer.PSSnapin
$s3 = Get-CloudS3Connection -Key XXXXXXX -Secret YYYYYYY
$destFolder = $s3 | Select-CloudFolder -path "mybucket"
$local = Get-CloudFilesystemConnection
$srcFolder = $local | Select-CloudFolder -path "c:\myzips"
$srcFolder | Copy-CloudItem $destFolder -filter "testfile.7z" -SSE
Notice -SSE parameter in the Copy-CloudItem command.
Some helpful examples can be found on their blog: http://blog.cloudberrylab.com/search?q=powershell