Wordpress category subscription plugin sending multiple emails - wordpress

I am using the Categories Subscription plugin on a Wordpress site.
Using Wordpress version 3.3.1
My client is reporting multiple emails being sent. Some users are receiving multiple emails, other are receiving the expect amount.
There is no obvious difference between the users. Some users are subscribe to more categories than others, some roles are restricted access to certain categories. However there is no consistency between the user attributes (category access / subscription) and the number of emails being sent (i.e. one administrator with the same access/subscription setup as another administrator receives only one email, the other receives multiple emails).
Has anyone come across this problem?
Thanks in advance


email sending limits and buddypress / notifications

We have a BuddyPress community website with about 400 members, all set to receive different emails at different frequencies.
Some get an email notice every time something is posted to a certain message board and topic authors can subscribe to get replies by email.
Some get emails when updates are posted to groups.
Site admins can send out emails to the whole members list.
And so on...
I'm concerned about email delivery and hosting sending limits. We don't have the budget for a dedicated server, and most hosts even on a VPS set daily and/or hourly limits. With each email being sent out to several hundred people at a time, those limits can get hit early in a day sometimes.
Obviously there are lots of sites like this that have thousands of members with all sorts of email notice options. What are the ways to work around the sending limits? I know it's smtp limits, does the build in wp_mail function not use smtp?
We're looking for a new host (from godaddy) and I want to make sure they can accomodate what we need.
Thanks in advance!
You can try to use free wpMandrill plugin. After setting it up, all your emails will be sent via Mandrill, and you will have ability to see open/click info as well. Free account has 12000 emails to send during the month. That's a good start to see how it is going AND actually get a real numbers of how many emails you send per month.

Woocommerce won't send notification to Gmail

I've been developing an e-commerce website and it comes to the last phase of development. However, I've found one error during my test.
When I use email that has #domainname.com, the email went through but when I tried using gmail - both admin and customer emails - the notification email didn't reach gmail inbox at all.
Do you have any idea what is wrong or there should be some additional plugin that I have to install.
Any answer is appreciated.
Thank you
WooCommerce (and many times WordPress in general) can be difficult to get working with reliable email delivery. Most of the time it's because your site is on a shared host (shared IP address) and if you're hosted with other sites that are a bit spammy it can hurt you. (WordPress will use your host's SMTP server by default and your actual email service might not be hosted with them, so your MX records probably don't match the same provider / IP block).
When you add the fact that your WooCommerce emails have content that has anything to do with money (using the words "order" "shipping" "prices" etc) it raises your chances of getting caught up in a spam filter. (And yes, Gmail will many times not even deliver your email... And it won't even go into the spam folder).
I've had great success with using a third party SMTP provider. The main benefits are
You emails are relayed through their trusted network
They verify ownership of your domain (and sending domain) so that Gmail also trusts it
They many times provide reliability reports and delivery success / failure reports
I personally use Mandrill (by MailChimp). It's completely free to send up to 12K emails per month (which is usually more than enough for most small businesses). Get their WordPress plugin wpMandrill so that you can see your delivery stats right in your dashboard and so that WordPress uses the relay automatically (including WooCommerce). Your client will probably appreciate seeing that too anyway.
I've played with Mailgun and Sendgrid a bit, but I really like Mandrill. Check the others out to see if they'll be a better fit for you too.

Sending Thousands of Email per day without being spam

I'm having a website developed with ASP.NET which is a online art competition that people can register and enroll with competition.
In my system there are lot of emails that sends on various stages of the process for a user.
As an example, one user gets:
Account confirmation email
Welcome email
Competition Instruction email
Password reset email
Payment confirmation email
Thank you email for completing the enrollment process.
Likewise I need to send various emails, so now the number of users registering per day is getting higher and higher.
So lets say there are more than 2000 - 5000. So there will be more than 10000 email sending from my noreply#mydomain.com email im using to send emails.
Anyway one email message only send for a one user. Meaning there is only one user email address in 'To:' field and no 'CC:','Bcc:' fields.
My question is is this considered as spamming ? I have a doubt that my email can be marked as spam. How i can avoid this? Is there any way to do it properly?
At least separate emails to registered users from registration/verification emails. Send them from different IP addresses.
Make sure that recipients want to receive you emails and they can easily opt-out at any moment (after initial opt-in) also WITHOUT log in to your service.
Managing your own mail server can be a pain. There's a lot to doing it right, and getting it wrong can mean landing on a blacklist. I recommend going with a service who has put in the time to ensure their e-mails get through.
You can find a rather exhaustive list of them here: Sendgrid vs Postmark vs Amazon SES and other email/SMTP API providers?
Also, if you're sending e-mails in the US, be sure to follow the guidelines of the CAN-SPAM Act.

Drupal 7 - Send automatically email to users who have the same interest than in new node

Okay, here's the deal. My client posts job ads to his website. Applicants can register in his page and choose what kind of jobs they're interested in. If new job ad (new node) includes same interest(s) than a user(applicant) has chosen, email should be sent automatically to the user(applicant).
I am building the site in Drupal 7 and tried to solve this with Rules. Problem is that I couldn't find a replacement pattern to scope all users, only current user was available. Email should be sent to all users who have the same interest(s) than in new job ad.
Could someone give some tips?
What about using subscription module to achieve this: http://drupal.org/project/subscriptions
You can create different type to taxonomy terms like c, c++, java, testing, iOs etc & ask user to subscribe his interest.
Then on posting a job with x term, all the related users will receive an email.
There are lot of other customization which you can achieve with this module.

Drupal - Immediate email notifications that include CCK fields for multiple content types?

I need email notifications for multiple content types, and for the content type's CCK fields to be included in the email. I also need the emails to be sent straight away, not on the next cron run.
The 2 main modules for email notifications are Notifications and Subscriptions. Subscriptions allows different messaging templates for different content types, but it cant send emails straight away. As I need emails to be sent very quickly (even 15 mins is too long), I would need to run my cron every 5 minuets or so. Even though this site is very low traffic, as im on shared hosting im guessing this isnt a good idea?
The Notifications module can send emails immediately. However you dont have different email templates for different content types. If I include the token for a CCK field not available in that content type, then the token text is sent in the email.
Any ideas on a solution?
Not a solution, just an idea for you to research.
Have you tried the Rules module?
