Drupal 7 - Send automatically email to users who have the same interest than in new node - drupal

Okay, here's the deal. My client posts job ads to his website. Applicants can register in his page and choose what kind of jobs they're interested in. If new job ad (new node) includes same interest(s) than a user(applicant) has chosen, email should be sent automatically to the user(applicant).
I am building the site in Drupal 7 and tried to solve this with Rules. Problem is that I couldn't find a replacement pattern to scope all users, only current user was available. Email should be sent to all users who have the same interest(s) than in new job ad.
Could someone give some tips?

What about using subscription module to achieve this: http://drupal.org/project/subscriptions
You can create different type to taxonomy terms like c, c++, java, testing, iOs etc & ask user to subscribe his interest.
Then on posting a job with x term, all the related users will receive an email.
There are lot of other customization which you can achieve with this module.


How to create a membership channel?

It's the first time that I used Telegram Bot and I'm looking for a way to create a membership channel, in particular:
I have a website where the users can subscribe a specific mebership level and this give access to a specific feature of the site. Actually I was able to create a bot and establish a communication with the site through the channel (where the bot is linked). In this way, each time that I publish an article on my Wordpress site the users of the Telegram Channel can see the article.
The problem
In this way, all the users of the cannel can see the article, I want show the message that contains the article only to the users which have subscribed a membership on my WordPress site. Is there a way to achieve this?
Adding a channel to your solution adds extra complexity. Suggested solution as your requirement:
Add telegram web login to your website. After that you will have access to those users to send them a message via your bot.
Send your messages only to whom have an active subscription.
This way you can also remind individual users in case of expiration of their subscription

New user registration spam

My website uses Wordpress and we use a plugin called profile builder for registering new users who can access some more pages than non-registered ones. We have e-mail confirmation feature and do not auto-generate passwords. Lately we are seeing a lot of spam user ids being created. They never access the site. I wanted to know what possible benefit they might be getting by registering on our site and if we should delete off such ids. Is there any way to prevent it from happening.
In my experience, comment spammers generally sign up for the sole purpose of posting comments that ostensibly contain generic comments about the post (such mundane remarks as "wow this is really interesting"), but the real purpose is for them to post links to their websites in the hope of boosting their search engine ranking. If they're registering but not returning it could be some bot that's trying to perform automatic registrations in the hope that it can go on to automatically post comment spam.
To prevent it from happening, you could try adding a Captcha to your registration process, if that plugin will allow it.
If you find yourself getting comment spam then there's always the askismet plugin.
You have to install stop spammers plugin. If you didn't like it then you can choose one of these, Sabre, Growmap, wangguard. :)

Verfiy user is who they say they are on an external website

I am developing a website for our GTA Online Crew, basically a gaming community, my issue lies in verifying that they are the user they say they are when they register (For example if there username on social club is GTOFAN01, we want to ensure that person uses the same username on our site when they register).
As we want all website users to have the same names from social club (owned by Rockstar and I have no way to change anything on there end...) to our website to avoid confusion / posers / trolls etc.
I've had a few ideas but they all create a lot of manual work or I am not sure how to implement, but I have narrowed it down...
Let anyone register and then manually send them a confirmation code through social club to the account name they have said they are.
somehow find out who they are currently logged in as on social club, if this matches the name they supplied then let them in.
find someway to send a message to there social club message box
2 is by far the best, but I can figure out a way to achieve it... I cannot read cookies or session variables from another domain.
Any ideas?
There are several different ways of achieving "federated identity". I would recommend taking a look at OAuth and OpenId. Asp.net Identity has OAuth integration.
See also:
OpenID vs. OAuth
What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?
The way I ended up going was generating a random qoute for the user to post on the social club (checking it didn't exist first), as the social club feed is public I can then check to see if the qoute was posted and by whom, if this matches who they told us they were then there registration is accepted.
Obviously this is not the greatest solution, but it works and as I've stated I have no control over the social club nor do they offer any way to authenticate a user.
The other befit to this method is it encourages use of the feed which we also wanted to do.

Tridion profiling/tracking

We're looking at a requirement to track a users journey through a Tridion-managed website, then be able identify this user as a "prospect" based on this behaviour and then trigger an email to this user if they dont return after X number of days.
Can SmartTarget "track" a user journey between pages out-the-box or would it require some sort of custom Ambient Data Framework cartridge?
The older P&P module did this kind of tracking but I don't recall there being away to use that data in an Outbound Email triggered mail - so send an email when a tracking count for user got above a certain figure?
SmartTarget nor P&P is not going to help you here.
Because your requirement is sending an email you need you user to be an audience manager user,
you could do the tracking in ADF and then have that update an extended detail for the user when the threshold is reached,
Create a Dynamic Distribution list on the ext. detail en create a triggered mailing on that list
To do this "out of the box" is a long standing wish of mine, might be possible in the future :)

Wordpress category subscription plugin sending multiple emails

I am using the Categories Subscription plugin on a Wordpress site.
Using Wordpress version 3.3.1
My client is reporting multiple emails being sent. Some users are receiving multiple emails, other are receiving the expect amount.
There is no obvious difference between the users. Some users are subscribe to more categories than others, some roles are restricted access to certain categories. However there is no consistency between the user attributes (category access / subscription) and the number of emails being sent (i.e. one administrator with the same access/subscription setup as another administrator receives only one email, the other receives multiple emails).
Has anyone come across this problem?
Thanks in advance
