Drupal - Immediate email notifications that include CCK fields for multiple content types? - drupal

I need email notifications for multiple content types, and for the content type's CCK fields to be included in the email. I also need the emails to be sent straight away, not on the next cron run.
The 2 main modules for email notifications are Notifications and Subscriptions. Subscriptions allows different messaging templates for different content types, but it cant send emails straight away. As I need emails to be sent very quickly (even 15 mins is too long), I would need to run my cron every 5 minuets or so. Even though this site is very low traffic, as im on shared hosting im guessing this isnt a good idea?
The Notifications module can send emails immediately. However you dont have different email templates for different content types. If I include the token for a CCK field not available in that content type, then the token text is sent in the email.
Any ideas on a solution?

Not a solution, just an idea for you to research.
Have you tried the Rules module?


Shopify checkout process

Shopify used to allow you to style the checkout process through a CSS file. However, they have now removed this option.
I've developed a Shopify App for a customer that requires that ALL customers digitally sign a form before payment. The form asks specific questions, and must be presented in a specific way, with a specific font. In their country it is illegal to sell online without sending your customers through this process. Everything is sent over TLS etc.
On the form, a customer is asked their name, delivery address, billing address, etc. The products are listed and followed by a ton of legal text.
The difficulty is, as soon as the customer goes to checkout - they are then able to change their delivery and billing address, thus rendering the form null and void.
My initial thought was to simply hide the customer billing and delivery information from the checkout using CSS. However, I'm unable to do this because Shopify no longer grant access to the style sheet.
Does anyone know of a way around this?

How to 'pull' content used in Marketo email marketing campaigns to a portal, what are the options?

I would like to 'pull' content used in Marketo email marketing campaigns to a portal so we can display as news / content etc.
I gather that it cannot be done with the API, what other options could be used to pull or push content to our portal?
There is a beta Asset API (REST) which allows you to retrieve the email's HTML. You can search for emails, retrieve their metadata, and download the email's HTML. Contact technical support to ask to be added to the beta program. Since it's a beta program, there is no support yet. The API will be final later this year (I don't know exact timing), so you may also want to wait for that.
As Rajesh mentioned, Marketo recently released an Asset API that would enable this use case.
First, you would use the Get Emails endpoint to get a list of emails in Marketo. Then, you would use the Get Email Content by Id endpoint to get the content associated with those emails.

Drupal 7 - Send automatically email to users who have the same interest than in new node

Okay, here's the deal. My client posts job ads to his website. Applicants can register in his page and choose what kind of jobs they're interested in. If new job ad (new node) includes same interest(s) than a user(applicant) has chosen, email should be sent automatically to the user(applicant).
I am building the site in Drupal 7 and tried to solve this with Rules. Problem is that I couldn't find a replacement pattern to scope all users, only current user was available. Email should be sent to all users who have the same interest(s) than in new job ad.
Could someone give some tips?
What about using subscription module to achieve this: http://drupal.org/project/subscriptions
You can create different type to taxonomy terms like c, c++, java, testing, iOs etc & ask user to subscribe his interest.
Then on posting a job with x term, all the related users will receive an email.
There are lot of other customization which you can achieve with this module.

detect email view counter using ASP.NET

I'm creating a newsletter dynamically in my ASP.NET web app. I've made an ASP.NET page which is sent my users via email, I need to know how many times this email is viewed, what are my options? I have another page which acts as an archive for my newsletters, so I should find a way that each time my email is viewed, "numview" column in my newsletter table is increased by one, is it possible? are there any ready made tools or I should make one using code? it is easy to make one but my page is going to be viewed as an EMAIL, so I think I cannot write SQL commands, how can I solve this problem?
It will not be very easy to add tracking to normal email. but if you are loading some external webpage(of yours), inside the email (via an iframe or as an images source or so), you may try any of the following.
You can try incorporating some analytics code inside your page. So everytime when someone visits the page,the visits will be tracked. You will get a clear picture from the dashboard of the analytics provider. There are lot of providers but i think google analytics is the winner. It is free as well.
If you want to implement your own, you can have a one table which stores the pageid/url, users' IP Address, date, browser etc.. and add a record to this table on the page load event of your page.
I've made an ASP.NET page which is sent my users via email
I had a little trouble understanding this. If it's an ASP.NET page, then how can you send it to users?
Forgetting about ASP.NET for a minute, you can just send an HTML email. One trick is to have the email reference an image on your server. You could then write ASP.NET code to intercept that server request and count the number of times that happens.
However, this is not reliable because most email readers will not display images unless the user indicates images should be loaded for an email because spammers have used this technique too many times.
So, to the extend I understand the question, I do not believe there is a reliable way to accomplish this.

Wordpress category subscription plugin sending multiple emails

I am using the Categories Subscription plugin on a Wordpress site.
Using Wordpress version 3.3.1
My client is reporting multiple emails being sent. Some users are receiving multiple emails, other are receiving the expect amount.
There is no obvious difference between the users. Some users are subscribe to more categories than others, some roles are restricted access to certain categories. However there is no consistency between the user attributes (category access / subscription) and the number of emails being sent (i.e. one administrator with the same access/subscription setup as another administrator receives only one email, the other receives multiple emails).
Has anyone come across this problem?
Thanks in advance
