reCaptcha pushing down CSS elements - css

My page is
I'm using reCaptcha with Contact Form 7 under a Wordpress install. Without reCaptcha, my form looks fine and doesn't interfere with the look of the page. As soon as I pop in the reCaptcha, I new have a gap under the main content area, between it and my footer.
It seems like reCaptcha is pushing the footer div down by about the same height as the reCaptcha table itself. I tried wrapping it in a div of my own (#my_captcha) and setting a height, but that didn't work either.
I also thought it might be because of the way I style the labels and/or fields in my form, so I removed all the styling to see what would happen. No deal, even without styling reCaptcha still insists on introducing that gap.
Any help would be appreciated.

margin-top: -30px;
This is one way you could do it.
EDIT: Based on your comment...
Well you could just be more specific with your CSS for example like this
.some_specific_container footer{
margin-top: -30px
Assuming that form class only appears on the page I don't see a problem with that.
Just took another look, the problem is caused by the iframe, you currently have visibility:hidden if you add display:none you will fix it. No hacks required. The reason that is happening is because visibility:hidden hides an element, but it will still take up the same space as before. The element will be hidden, but still affect the layout. display:none hides an element, and it will not take up any space. The element will be hidden, and the page will be displayed as if the element is not there. source.


Page content extending beyond that of the window width

So I've been tinkering with this site, and I've got my work cut out, but right now I cannot for the life of me workout why content is displaying beyond the width of the window.
I believe it's something to do with bootstraps row/col guttering but have been unable to fix it, even with dreaded '!important' use.
Furthermore i note that a carousel button is extending beyond the width of the screen.
This basically just makes the site flimsy and seem broken.
Any css whizz out there able to give me some tips of this shit?
If the problem is with one specific tag (e.g. a <div>), add a class/id to that div with the following CSS: .classname { overflow-x: hidden; If it's the whole page, you might want to do that for the body and HTML tag. Note: When you do this last thing, people aren't able at all to scroll horizontally. This is a but user unfriendly, so you want to use that only if it's the only way out in my opinion.

How to remove double scroll bar?

I have a double scroll bar on my website in Chrome and Firefox (both browsers are up to date). I have been researching the web and stackoverflow and have tried following suggested options on the html element:
html { overflow: hidden; } - afterwards -
html { overflow: auto; } - and - html { overflow: scroll; }
None of them got rid of the double bar, even worse some blocked me from scrolling at all.
I'm not sure which other element to target or what might be causing this. Does anyone have a suggestion?
The website is
I had the same problem with one of my wordpress websites. I added the following CSS which fixed the problem for me :
It seems like you are trying to add the css from within the html tag. For this you will need to add style tags within the body of the html. If this is the case use the following code:
Hope this helped :)
You have overflow:auto on your HTML element, which will add a scrollbar if the element exceeds the screen size on some browsers.
Depends on the user agent. If the content fits inside, looks identical to overflow: visible, but still establishes a new block-formatting context. Desktop browsers like Firefox provide scrollbars if content overflows.
Alternatively, if you cant locate the source of the bug as explained by Gant, you can Use Browser developer tools to isolate the offending tag. What i do is
Inspect the malformed page elements using your browser developer tools
Hover on suspicious elements and Delete them while keeping an eye on the inner scrollbar. if it disappears then the element you've just deleted is the offender undo deletion (Ctrl+Z) and inspect it. Otherwise if the scrollbar persist even after deleting the element, then the element you just removed isn't the offender. therefore, undo deletion and move to another element
if the offending element is huge/broad perform step 2 on its sub elements and iterate till offending sub element is found. then check the css associated with the sub element causing the issue for overflow:auto
This approach may be better if you have tons of stylesheets and dont know how to go about it
*Adapted from Chris Coyier Fixing Unintended Body Overflow

Fb like button z-index issue

I have a fb like button on my website but when a user clicks on the button the the pop up comments box is hidden behind the two elements (#centre and footer) and the user can do nothing with it.
My question is, How do I change the z-index of the flyout so when a user clicks the like button it appears in front of other elements?
I have looked at these questions and implemented their answers with no luck in fixing the issue:-
facebook iframe App: Send/Like button z-index issue
Other fixes I have found that did not work were:-
Elements that appear in front of/around the flyout should have overflow: visible; set. (From fb developers FaQ page.)
Changing the z-index of the classes that are listed in the answer from the link above.
Changing the width and z-index of a class generated by the iframe, and located in a script tag, called _56z-
All I would like is the flyout to appear on top of all elements on the page without having to change the layout.
Here is the link to my site
Thank you for your time and help.
Change the z-index for your #centre and #footer div's to negative values. This should fix the problem.
Don't forget to change all of the other elements in relation to your site. You will be moving the #centre div to at least to z-index: -2 (to allow room for the #footer div to fit in at -1).
The following code fixes the problem entirely, without having to change the overflow or z-index of anything. You simply add the code below, and voila. HOWEVER, it will throw off your site's layout a little (it will flow over .. ha). Amazing fix, small catch. Borderline acceptable but the best solution I found. (Found it on the WP forums).
.fb-like span {
overflow: visible !important;
width: 450px !important;
margin-right: -375px;
I added
.fb-like span {
z-index: 999999999999999;
to my css and that fixed it. It isn't even marked as active, and deactivating it in developer tools doesn't change anything either. If I take it out of my CSS things go all stupid again though.

ExtJS: Removing unnecessary form item scrollbars in Firefox

I am seeking some advice regarding unnecessary scrollbars appearing on certain form items. A screenshot of the issue appears below. Note it is the right-most scrollbar that is unnecessary.
The culprit appears to be the following css, adding overflow: auto; to form items within windows in gecko-based browsers (the problem appears on Firefox):
.ext-gecko .x-window-body .x-form-item {
outline: medium none;
overflow: auto;
Removing this style solves the problem, but I am wary of possible side effects - though I haven't noticed any as yet, this style was obviously included for a reason.
Does anyone who knows more about Ext styling know if overriding this css to remove the overflow: auto; style will cause other problems?
As an aside, this is only an issue (so far) with a certain component - a custom extension of the Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect component - even though other components use more vertical space. Does anyone know of a possible reason for this?
Thanks for any help.
overflow: auto tells the browser to add a scrollbar to the element if the content of the element is larger than the elements client area minus any padding. Getting rid of the scrollbars in CSS does exactly that. It makes the scrollbars go away, no matter what.
The side effect of your work around is if there is content outside of the client, the use will not be able to see it. Additionally, this will not only happen with this form but every form in your application unless you apply your workaround in a custom class.
The right fix is to figure out why your content area is larger than the form's client area. Firebug can be a big help with this as you can inspect the DOM and see the size of the container as well as the size of all the child items.
I suspect that your clear selections control (is this a custom control?) is not properly sizing itself (i.e in your form layout you're telling it to be x pixels high but it's actually sizing itself x+1 (remember margins and padding). The form layout is doing all the work to decide how big to make the wrapper area (the area with the scroll bar) and the control must fit within that area.

css layout for footer at bottom with dynamic ajax content changing height of page

I actually compromised on this problem for now by foregoing the fixed footer design.
It seems that there is no problem with dynamic content moving the footer and resizing containers appropriately unless the footer is fixed to the browser bottom initially.
I hope others will eventually provide a great solution that encompasses the best of both worlds.
I spent all day trying to get the footer to move down the page to accommodate dynamically added (via ajax) content. I really need some pointers or links because I haven't found anything that helps.
My site has some pages that begin with only a text box and a button so that the total height of the content area is only a few inches beneath the header area.
I don't have any problem getting the sticky footer working so that the footer appears at the bottom of the browser window even when there is very little content on screen.
That same css layout works fine for other pages that have content that extends beneath the browser window.
The catch:
The content has to be rendered and passed to the browser with the initial load.
The Problem:
Any content that is added to the page via AJAX after the initial load paints down the page correctly -- but the footer remains in its initial location.
Please tell me there is a fix for this.
I can't post the css until checking with my boss first - if possible - and if needed, I will later - but it's just a very basic version of the many sticky footer css solutions floating around the web.
Currently fixed similar situation with small jQuery and CSS, where parameter is footer div object (i.e. $("#mainfooter")):
function positionFooter(obj){
if ($("body").outerHeight(true) > $(window).height()) {
} else {
Bound this function to $(document).ready and $(window).resize.
If ajax call resizes body, this should be called also after content load.
It sounds like your footer is using display: fixed or similar. Try changing the container of your footer to:
bottom: 0;
display: block;
position: absolute;
That will ensure it appears right at the bottom of whatever container it sits within (I'm assuming the <body> tag). Your problem now becomes ensuring that it appears at the bottom of the screen rather than the bottom of your document, which starts of being much shorter. You could accomplish this in a couple of ways, but perhaps the easiest would be to set a minimum height on your AJAX content container:
min-height: 600px;
height: auto !important /* This is a hack to make IE6 fix itself to a set height */
height: 600px; /* IE6 will always follow whatever instruction appears last, even if !important is specified */
The other approach is since you're using a JavaScript library (I assume?) to grab the required content, perhaps you could also adjust the height of the AJAX content container or change the footer's CSS once that content has loaded?
Without any code it´s hard to tell what the problem might be.
However, I´m using a sticky footer as described here that works very well although I haven´t added ajax content in it. Browser resizing works just fine though.
Use include in PHP and call the footer after the dynamic content appears.
I'm not sure you are looking for this, but I am also facing the same problem before and same CSS, where my content overlaps on the footer when i call the ajax through jQuery method.
Now I found the solution: Just get the div height through jQuery and apply the height to the div where you are returning your results from ajax.
var obj = $("#viewcomm").height();
if($.browser.msie) {
where here viewcomm is div ID.
I solved same kind of problem with following code, where content is the id of div where php pages load and footer is the footer tag.
var footerAdjustId = setInterval(adjustFooter, 2000);
function adjustFooter(){
$("footer").css("marginTop", $("#content").height() - $(window).height());
