Tree view mouse over shows popup pulling its contents from dataset -

I have created a ASP.NET *TreeView* and binded this TreeView from a dataset.
I want to show the content of tree view in a popup on mouseover on tree view nodes.
I have some description for each node in the dataset.
How to show them in a pop on mouse over?
The pop up has to pull its contents from the dataset.
Its not just thro node.tooltip="sometext".
Is this possible?


how to assign properties/explorer view to tree in Javafx?

I have a fall tree with output shown in picture below.In BorderPane "Center" a SplitPane is used to split the view. I want to assign the properties/explorer view to the tree branches & leafs, so that each branch and leaf should have its own properties/explorer view.
My question is this how can i assign this particular split's right side view shown in picture to branch "module" only, and what would be changes if user want this view to be assigned to any leaf. if user click on other branches or leaf this view/properties should not appear. if you need i can provide my sample code,its simple editable tree-view.
i tried but failed. Please
thank you

Display one data tree in two different views

Hello everyone.
I have a tree of items as shown on image above (Items tree).
I need to display this tree in a way that is shown on an image (Views).
It has two views, Tree View and List view. Tree view should display the whole tree of items, and list view should display properties for a selected item in a tree view. (On an image it displays properties for a cat item)
The way it is implemented right now is displayed at "Current implementation" part of an image. TreeModel contains item tree, and when you click on an item in a TreeView, current item is sent to a ListModel to display it's properties.
The issue thagt i encounter here is that in both views items are editable. In a tree view you can edit item's names, and this change should appear in a list view as well. The same goes for opposite direction. Changing name of a Cat item should reflect on a treeView cat item.
Since it is two different models, the change is made only when you hover over another view.
What i currently did is for a changed item in one of views, i search for a item in a another view via QModelIndex::match() and then just update that part of a view via emit dataChanged(). I am not sure this a good way. So if maybe you can give me some ideas on how this can be done better.
Thank you.
You should have only one model. The QAbstractItemView::setRootIndex method is all you need: you can set the current item in the tree as the root for the table view. Alternatively, you could use a proxy viewmodel to adapt the data for display in a particular form.

list window does not disapper of Obout ComboBox control

I am developing a web application. I used ajax Update panel & under update panel I used gridview for displaying data. In gridviews edit template I used three Obout ComboBox Control(third party) and bind the data from database.for moving one control to another controls I am using tab key.I used tab key from one combobox its move on second combobox when its move then it is displaying list window of combobox it wont disappear after I go to next control and also when I save the data it well display list of comboxBox.
For example of marked comboBox I attached two images
1)”” when I move one comboBox to another comboBox it is displaying list
2)”” when I save the data it is displaying list window of comboBox.
But when I remove the update panel it won't display such list after focus is moved.
Note:When I use mouse to move one comboBox to another comboBox, list window of ComboBox wont come on screen.
Obout Suite Version:3.5
using obout comboBox property openOnfoucs="false" , solved the problem. It does not display list window when focus moved to another control.

Link from wicket grid control

I am using a grid created in Apache Wicket. In the cells of one of the columns I have an icon. When that icon is clicked a pop up should be created showing data for that row. How should this be implemented so that the pop up is created and populated ONLY IF the user clicks on an icon? Can I link from the grid cell directly to java code where the pop up will be created?

PushViewController after presentModalViewController like in Apples Alarm Clock app

my Question is quite simple.
I have an add-button. When I tap on it --> presentmodelviewController presents a UIViewController, which contains a simple Table with cells.
When I tap on a Cell, i want to display a new View using pushViewController, which automatically creates a "back Button".
At the top of it in this new View i have a Textfield, where I can enter some Text.
When I tap the back-button, the view slides back to the add-View (which was presented using modalView...).
Now i want the text edited in the view before to be placed in the Label of the first row (cell) on which I tapped.
So I want to do this for 5 cells. Each of them presenting another xib.
Please, can anyone help?
Thanks for your helpful replies.
You should first present a modalviewcontroller that has a navigationcontroller within. Within this view, you can now push other view controllers.
