how to create PPPoE connection and use it with vb2010 code - pppoe

I need to create PPPoE Connection with username and password and connect it or disconnect or delete it with VB 2010 code
thank you...

You can make use of radsial to do that.
See this command and this site may have relavent code


nsis nsODBC plugin not accepting all parameters

I am using the NSIS nsODBC plugin to create an systemdsn entry.
When I call the command as shown below it works and creates my system dsn odbc.
nsODBC::AddSysDSN "ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server" "DSN=test" "server=localhost" "DATABASE=test" "Trusted_Connection=Yes"
Pop $0
Pop $0 Returns "Successful" and in my ODBC Data Source Administrator I see my connection and it works.
But I need to create my system dsn with a username and password, on the forums and site I have seen they say it should look like the following:
nsODBC::AddSysDSN "ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server" "DSN=test" "server=test" "DATABASE=test" "UID=test" "PWD=test"
Pop $0
When I run this command Pop $0 returns the text "error" and no system dsn is created.
I have checked the SQL server instance it has the test database, a login account called test which is a system admin account, it is in mixed mode authentication.
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong as to why it will not create a system dsn with a username and password?
Thanks in advance
That plug-in is badly designed because it uses everything on the stack as its parameters. It is also a very thin wrapper around the database API so as long as your stack is empty before calling then the problem is most likely a missing/wrong parameter and not a bug in the plug-in.
Calling the plugin with parameters like "foo=1" "bar=baz" is "translated" to foo=1\0bar=baz\0\0 which is what you see on MSDN and that is the C/C++ syntax for a double null terminated key-pair string.
Why is Server set to test and not localhost?
The code listed on the MSDN page for ConfigDSN says:
For example, to configure a data source that requires a user ID, password, and database name, a setup application might pass the following keyword-value pairs:
DSN=Personnel Data\0UID=Smith\0PWD=Sesame\0DATABASE=Personnel\0\0
Maybe the pair order matters, I don't know.

Geth name instead of address

I've seen lots of pools send out transactions and it shows their pool name instead of just a long wallet address. I'm sure it's a simple geth console command but I can't seem to figure out which one it is. Probably namereg or something.
Are you referring to names on ethereum block explorers, like
If so, it is not a command in geth. The name is configured by the owners of those block explorers. So your only option would be to send them an email and ask for your address to have a "pretty name"
I hope this helps!

Databasename is current availability (code: 588)

I am currently working on application... I have restored a database and tried to establish a connection string on localhost, connection has been established, but when I run the app in a browser it does not give errors it only says,
Databasename is current availability (code: 588)
What does it mean and why i browser don't show me the application interface???
Although I have searched it a lot, I cannot find a solution for this.
Please give us some more information on this.
And the error 588 means the following:
"*You can only perform a full backup of the master database.
Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database"
got it from here

I don't know how to connect between the site and my database

I'm using SQL server and web developer(C#).
I know I should do something with my connection string, but I don't exactly what and where I should do that.
Can you write me code example
or explain me what to do?
I should connect my database with the site(the site is on the internet).
how would i know the right path for this database?
I should put his address, IP or what?
first you have to know that you cannot just add the database to the server like this !!!
you have to script the whole database, and then you have to upload it into your database server like or what ever . your hosting server should support you with these setails ,they gonna give you a user name and password and other details so you can access to the sql manger ( like my ltitladmin) online ....there you have to upload or just copy and execute your code directly so you can make all your tables and stored procedures or what ever ....
after all this all what you have to is just take the online database new connection string and then add it o your web.confg or in you pages ,this is the way how to make it work right.
It depends on your ASP.NET application.
Basically, connection strings could be stored anywere.
One of suggested connection strings' store is Web.config file. Look for "connectionStrings" configuration element and you should find there the one to change for your production server.
Look at this page:
You'll find SQL Server connection string examples.
there is a lot os ways to do that, try to take a look to this simple example:
I guess you need to read about it a little:

Error '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED') While Connecting to MQ

I am getting this error while connecting to IBM MQ. I know that this is because of privileges, but is there any way just to check the connection with IBM MQ?
Please suggest.
The 2035 suggests that your connection is getting to the QMgr. If you had the wrong channel name, host or port you would get back a 2059. The 2035 means that the connection made it to the listener, found a channel of the name that was requested and attempted a connection.
If you want to test past this point it will be necessary to either authorize the ID that you are using to connect or to put an authorized ID in the MCAUSER attribute of the channel.
For a detailed explanation of how the WMQ security works on client channels, see the WMQ Base Hardening presentation at
If you enable authorization messages then the 2035 will show up in the event queue. Then you can look at the message and see what ID was used to connect and what options were used too. The 2035 might be because you asked for set authority on the queue manager or something else you aren't supposed to have. The authorization messages wil show you that.
You can also resolve this By setting mcauser('mqm') .. i was able to overcome 2035 error.
Define channel (channel1) chltype (svrconn) trptype (tcp) mcauser(‘mqm’)
Esp thanx to my SENIOR Bilal Ahmad (PSE)
You have to check the privileges with an MQ administrator.
You can use dspmqaut to check the grant.
Below is the sample to give user poc access to Queue Manager QM1 and Queue LQ1
# check the access right of user POC to QM1
dspmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc
# if you want to give access, you should use
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc <access Types>
# eg (put everything - in the real live scenario, choose only what you want to grant) :
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc +put +get +browse +inq +set +crt +dlt +chg +dsp +passid +setid +setall +clr
Then dont forget to restart QM1 with
endmqm -i QM1
strmqm QM1
Finally, you should be able to proceed without error 2035.
I have been struggling with this for ages too. Eventually I found this solution. (If you can call turning off authentication a solution.)
I am using version
- IBM Websphere
From IBM's website they advise turning connection authentication off!!!
Resolving the problem Disable channel authentication
You will need to disable connection authentication, at least
temporarily. There are known issues in FTM for Check with regard to
using MQ connection authorization. These problems are actively being
addressed and fixes will appear in a future fix pack. The target is
Steps to disable connection authentication: Open MQ command console
and type runmqsc ALTER
CHCKCLNT(NONE) CHCKLOCL(NONE) Restart the queue manager for this
change to take effect.
On this topic if you are using MQSeries 9.1 in a test or development environment you can disable channel authentication with the following approach :
. Launch MQ command line utility with the following :
runmqsc (for example runmqsc QM1)
. Disable authentication for all channels with the following command
For a Q/Q-manager running on Windows, you may have to create the user on the Q/Q-manager machine [i.e. create a user on the Q-machine to match the user on the Q-client machine], and then add that user to the 'mqm' group on that machine.
Ensure that the domain user that is being used to create the Q CLIENT [i.e. the user that the Q-client app is running under] also exists on the box with the Q/Q-manager. You may be able to just create a local user on the Q/Q-manager box [, or you may have to do some more complicated creation of an Active Directory user - I can't help you there].
On the Q/Q-manager box, add the user you have just created [or the existing one, if it already exists] to the mqm group. [On a Windows server box you will need to use the Microsoft Management Console (1. 'mmc' from the command line, 2. File > Add/Remove SnapOn > Local Users & Groups, 3. add user to group)]. The 'mqm' group should already exist on the Q/Q-manager machine.
Error MQRC 2035 basically means that your application has been able to connect to the queue manager, however due to certain absence of permissions/authorizations, it was unable to put/get/publish/subscribe messages.
To resolve this, at first, try these steps in order to disable the authorizations from queue manager and channel. Use this only if it isn't a production queue manager.
Always check the queue manager logs. It tells you exactly where you need to look into, and resolve the issue.
In this case, generally, you can issue the following commands after doing a runmqsc on the queue manager :
Then set the chckclnt object(under authinfo) to optional
DISPLAY AUTHINFO(name-from-above) ALL //name from the first commands
This helps remove any blocks that the channel is creating against any user.
This should resolve your issue, since we have disabled every authorization that an application has to pass in order to do anything on a queue manager.
Now, in case you are using a production queue manager, NEVER remove authorizations.
Go, and right click on any QM that you have configured in your MQ explorer. Go to the QM authority, and authority records. Click on create new user, and give the same name as the username your application is using. Select all the checkboxes, then copy from the space below all the commands that are given. Namely, setmqaut. Edit with your queue manager name, and issue them!
----Never give up, the answer is where you have not looked yet--------
