DotNetNuke 6.2.3 Unintended Windows Authentication Login Box - dotnetnuke-6

My problem is quite easy to be replicated. First, I did a clean installation of DotNetNuke 6.2.3
Selected a Blank Website as template (English)
After done with the installation, I'm now at my Home page which is blank.
Added a new page after "Home"
When I try to access the Page Settings of the newly added page (Admin menu bar -> Pages -> Page Settings), I'll get a DNN Modal PopUp trying to load the Page Settings.
Right after that I get a Windows Authentication Login Box (you know, the small window that reads "Windows Security" if you're using Internet Explorer). I don't remember I enable such feature. I don't know the username and password. I tried entering my windows credential but it's incorrect. After 3 failed attempts, the DNN Modal PopUp stayed there but it's empty.
I've done clean installations on two different machines and ran into the same problem. I don't want this windows authentication login box to appear. I never encounter such problem in previous versions.
Please help. Thanks

After 6 painstaking hours, I finally managed to pinpoint the problem. The problem will happen if you name the newly added page as "Reports". Any pages created as children of "Reports" can't be accessed too and will be presented with the Windows Authentication Login Box. I however don't know why we can't name our pages with "Reports"


Unwanted login popup when I access my website

So I got a login popup when I try to access my website. I may have done a mistake configuring my WP, but I don't know what could have been wrong here. Additionally, I'm using Divi as visual page builder.
I would like to remove it since everyone gets it when they try to access the website.
I'm using the latest version of WordPress, which is 5.7.2
Does any of you know how to remove this popup ?
Our customer had the same problem and it turned out that the popup was inserted via hosting provider because there was a maintenance on the page before which wasn't switched off. Maybe you could to ask your hoster if there is anything active.

Always showing cookies error for a first time visitor trying to login

I am using WPBrigade plugin "LoginPress" and has a login page which is created from file: wp-login.php.
If a new visitor is logging into the site, it displays an login_error with the following warning:
quote Error: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies in order to use WordPress.
If the user tries to login again without clicking on the link provided by the error message and do not adjust browser settings regarding cookies the login works fine and the user is logged into the site. If they click on the link they are redirected to wordpress official site regarding cookies. If they then return to the site it works fine (since it's a second attempt like in the first case).
My problem is that I want the user to be able to login without having this warning that disturbs the user experience. The login process is now 2 steps with a mandatory second try that works. I want it to work the first time. I can't seem to find the solution plugin documentation, and niether on wordpress site.
Check the issue by enabling the debugging in WordPress

Admin cannot add page, article, product

I currently run a WordPress website which recently started to bug me. I am the only admin on the page and I suddenly cannot add a product, page or anything for that matter. Instead of the publish button there is a "send for review" or something button. Even if I hit that button it says I do not have the rights to do it.
I have tried:
- adding a new administrator but it has the same effect
- disabled ALL plugins and tried again = nothing
- changed privileges in the database (table wp_usermeta)
Help would be extremely welcomed!
One very possible cause: You ran out of space to append to your database, with your provider.
Hence no saving, your provider does not allow any new posts to be published due to not enough space, so the Publish button is invisible, and instead you have Send for review

Website Likebutton admin page not accessible

First, i've read all other related topics but did not found a solution for my problem.
I've many normal Websites with Like buttons integrated but i can't get access to the Adminpage to publish Messages to the Newsfeed of Users who liked the page (i can't see the "Admin Page" Link anywhere).
I have done the this instructions but i does not work for me.
For only a few page i can find the admin link under , there i can see the request (red box) to migrate my page and everything works fine.
So my question is how to obtain the Admin-Link for my page to get these migrated to normal FB-Pages?

admin menu missing when upgrading from drupal 6 to drupal 7

I just upgraded my website from Drupal 6 to drupal 7. For some reason the new administration menu that is suppose to go across the top of the page is not showing up at all. I have followed the upgrade path directions without success.
I have also tried re uploading the sites / all and themes directories but that did not change anything. I have ran update.php as well.
Do you have the core module, Toolbar, enabled? If not, go to your site/?q=admin/modules and enable it. Also, if you're not using Garland or some other generic theme, enable one for administrative use. It's possible your theme is overwriting the region where the toolbar is supposed to dispaly
I just ran into the same problem, and it was not just the top menu not showing up, the appearance and module link were not accessible at all.
turns out it was because the user account I used to login was not the FIRST user aka the SUPER user. Since I don't have the password of the "first" admin user, I had to change the UID of my user account to 1.
You can create a new user with UID = 1
INSERT INTO users (uid, name, pass) VALUES ('1', 'yourname', md5('yourpassword'));
