admin menu missing when upgrading from drupal 6 to drupal 7 - drupal

I just upgraded my website from Drupal 6 to drupal 7. For some reason the new administration menu that is suppose to go across the top of the page is not showing up at all. I have followed the upgrade path directions without success.
I have also tried re uploading the sites / all and themes directories but that did not change anything. I have ran update.php as well.

Do you have the core module, Toolbar, enabled? If not, go to your site/?q=admin/modules and enable it. Also, if you're not using Garland or some other generic theme, enable one for administrative use. It's possible your theme is overwriting the region where the toolbar is supposed to dispaly

I just ran into the same problem, and it was not just the top menu not showing up, the appearance and module link were not accessible at all.
turns out it was because the user account I used to login was not the FIRST user aka the SUPER user. Since I don't have the password of the "first" admin user, I had to change the UID of my user account to 1.
You can create a new user with UID = 1
INSERT INTO users (uid, name, pass) VALUES ('1', 'yourname', md5('yourpassword'));


appearance and plugin not available in wordpress admin panel

I have created online store in word press. I logged in to admin panel with my admin login and i have verified that login is having admin rights also. Now,I want to change banner image and some font color but I can't see plugin and appearance tab in sidebar.please help. screenshot of the admin panel
User admin
An issue that some users have mentioned is that when they have entered their WordPress admin panel that they have been unable to locate their plugins menu from within the dashboard. This should appear about half way down the menu on the left of the screen below appearance and should have an icon that looks a little like a domestic plug. However for multisite users you may have to login as network admin to view this tab.
If however this tab is still missing you may wish to try the following:
See if the following exists: (where you should
replace with the name of your site. If this does not
exist then it is missing from your theme and needs to be replaced or
you should swap your theme.
Also check in your FTP for a folder called wp-plugins where your plugins should reside, if this does not exist then you should create
If you do have a wp-plugins folder deactivate it by changing its name and then check your WordPress admin panel as your problem could
be caused by a faulty plugin.
Are you sure that you are the admin and you have all rights to access?
Try checking with default admin login while you installed the wordpress, it seems you don't have complete permissions.
In your attached screenshot notification showing "Wordpress update available. Please notify administrator" clearly showing that you are not having the complete admin rights

Registration page is missing in a BuddyPress website

I am a newbie to word press and buddy press.For learning purpose I have created an account in a free word press hosting site and installed buddy press manually.But in my buddy press website when I am clicking on register new user link its showing a "Page not found" error message.
I have checked the buddy press folder and found a registration folder inside it.Can anyone please suggest a solution for this problem. Sorry for my bad English.
a free word press hosting site....
That's the problem. Free hosting sites are crippled and typically don't allow mod_rewrite and have other reduced functions that will impact anything more than a bare-bones WP install. Get a real hosting account: Recommended WordPress Web Hosting
This may not apply to you if the free host problem was actually the problem but the way to create a custom registration page is as follows..
In wordpress create a new page. Name it anything you like, let's say 'Register' and then click Publish Don't alter it in any other way.
A. In the wordpress admin panel go to settings -> buddypress -> pages.
B. Under Registration -> Register choose 'Register' (this is the blank page you created of the same name.)
Get a copy of register.php from bp-legacy (the default BP templates location)
Rename it to index-register.php and copy it to this location..
Your registration page will be at Check that it is working (and of course change to your actual domain name)
If you've followed these steps properly you will know wether your host is the problem.
You can customize index-register.php to suit your needs.

DotNetNuke 6.2.3 Unintended Windows Authentication Login Box

My problem is quite easy to be replicated. First, I did a clean installation of DotNetNuke 6.2.3
Selected a Blank Website as template (English)
After done with the installation, I'm now at my Home page which is blank.
Added a new page after "Home"
When I try to access the Page Settings of the newly added page (Admin menu bar -> Pages -> Page Settings), I'll get a DNN Modal PopUp trying to load the Page Settings.
Right after that I get a Windows Authentication Login Box (you know, the small window that reads "Windows Security" if you're using Internet Explorer). I don't remember I enable such feature. I don't know the username and password. I tried entering my windows credential but it's incorrect. After 3 failed attempts, the DNN Modal PopUp stayed there but it's empty.
I've done clean installations on two different machines and ran into the same problem. I don't want this windows authentication login box to appear. I never encounter such problem in previous versions.
Please help. Thanks
After 6 painstaking hours, I finally managed to pinpoint the problem. The problem will happen if you name the newly added page as "Reports". Any pages created as children of "Reports" can't be accessed too and will be presented with the Windows Authentication Login Box. I however don't know why we can't name our pages with "Reports"

Drupal 7 user registration: creating mandatory gender/city fields

I'm a Drupal newbie, but have successfully installed it at a CentOS 5.5 Linux, PostgreSQL 8.4.7, PHP 5.3 machine.
I've chosen minimal installation and then enabled following modules: Block, Image, Locale, OpenID (hope to add Google accounts later...) and Search. The User module etc. are enabled by default anyway.
My problem is:
I don't know how to add Gender/City fields and make them mandatory.
As a SPAM-fighting measure at my old phpBB 3 site I have a mandatory question for new users about their gender: Robot/Male/Female and the first answer is default and prevents the new user from registering.
Is it possible to do the same in Drupal 7?
And I hope it is doable without installing any additional modules as the stock install is easier to update. (That is what I was doing with my old phpBB site - with no mods installed).
Thank you for your answers! Alex
Here is my Field module screenshot, does it look ok?
Maybe my problem is that List is shown as disabled?
First, note that there is a huge difference between Drupal modules and phpBB mods. Drupal provides API's which allows modules to integrate with Drupal without changing any code. You can just download them into a folder, enable and they are running.
And yes, what you are trying to do is possible without any additional modules. Just go to admin/config/people/accounts/fields, add a Gender field of Type "List (text)" (If that is not available, you might need to enable it, but it part of Drupal core), then, enter the allowed values and on the second page, check the "required" and "shown on registration form" checkboxes and you are good to go.

Drupal: How to remove login to make site passwordless for users?

I want to remove the login page from a Drupal site so that the site is open and public-facing. Only the admin would need to login. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished?
You can't remove the login page, because the administrators will need one to login.
You could, however, give anonymous users access to whatever you like. So that you don't have to be logged in the use any feature of the site. If users are to create content or do other stuff, you will need for them to login, so that you can tell them apart.
To configure the access control, you'll have to go to admin/user/permissions, where you can select which permissions anonymous users (and other user roles) should have.
Drupal 7
You do not need to remove the login page to make the site open and public facing. Any browser to your site would be given an anonymous user role by default. So any content that is visible to the anonymous role (which can be altered by going to admin/user/permissions) and published can be seen. As long as your website is not in maintenance mode.
If your looking to move the login block that is on the front page of most new Drupal installations you'll have to go to admin/structure/blocks and change the setting there.
I looked through permissions, but nothing helped me to make the main site page available instead of the login page.
Open Features (, change Site settings -> Site work mode from Only private access to Open access (moderated registration) (sorry, the names were translated back from Russian).
This has solved my problem. I made private access to the site before and forgot about that. I wanted to disable new users registration (because of mass spam). This can be done through admin/user/settings -> Only site administrators can create new user accounts. [I use Drupal 6, but Drupal 7 works same with this setting]. [UPDATE: it seems, at least for my somewhat outdated setup, that these two Drupal options contradict each other, when I allow only administrators to add users, the private mode turns on automatically :( ]
