Mediawiki's Image Gallery CSS - css

Does anyone know where to find the CSS for Mediawiki's image gallery? (Its gallery, the thumbnails, the borders around the thumbnails, etc.) I've looked through a fresh installation and keep finding duplicate copies of it spread throughout the different CSS files. When I try to edit each of them, it doesn't change the pages at all. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you!

You will find them in the /common/shared.css and /common/commonContent.css files. However, I'd recommend not to edit them there but to overwrite them from the skin files.


Finding source of logo slider

I seen this logo slider on a lot of websites and i need help to either locate where to get it or any ideas to make it.
I tried to look through the sourcecode and can't how it is made.
I guess it is some sort of plugin or theme but not sure?
Example of one of the websites:

Wordpress website uploads texts before images

My website uploads texts some fraction of a second before the images or graphic appears.
I use elementor pro as my website builder and hello theme. Please wish to know how to tackle this issue. Thanks for helping.
The simple answer is: your browser prioritizes smaller file sizes. Use properly optimized images and make sure to use the webm format for optimal user experience.
That's it. There's nothing more to it than that. Use smaller images. You can look through google's do's and don'ts here.

Needing guidance on image preview for wordpress

Hey guys I am needing some guidance on what this kind of image feature is called. I tried googling around but cant seem to find the correct name of the image feature. Its where there a bunch of small images surround a bigger image and when a smaller image is selected or hovered over then it will be shown on the bigger image place as seen here.
I am trying to add this feature into a clients website in wordpress but dont know the correct term to look for or if a plugin exists that allows me to do this sort of thing in wordpress.
Thank you all for your time!

Removing image size assignments - wordpress

I noticed that my images weren't crisp, and in the inspector found the piece of code that is making them blurry. But, now I don't know where to look within the actual code to remove this. It's not assigned in CSS. This is a portfolio page. I am using the Avada theme. Any ideas?
enter image description here
Looking at your theme's demo I see sharp images and the image code is different. So, the problem is not caused by your theme.
My guess is that you use Jetpack's Photon on your site. Try to deactivate the module and see if this changes anything.
However, image compression is a good thing, especially when using lots of images. Perhaps, if deactivating the Photon module solves the issue, compare the speed of your website with and without Photon. If it makes a notable difference, look in the Photon settings, to see what you could change to solve the issue.
Also, JPEG files (.jpg) may not be the best choice for your thumbnails, because you lose a lot of quality when the image isn't shown at its original size. If changing the settings doesn't help, you could try to use PNG files instead.
If Photon causes the issue and you don't find a way to solve it, while still compressing your images, I would suggest to contact Jetpack support. Alternatively you could try to use a different WordPress plugin for image compression.
I hope that helps. GL!

Images appear like they are CMYK when uploaded to web. However, they are RGB

I have worked with images/Photoshop for a long time and have never had this problem. Basically, I tried uploading a few images to WordPress and they appear like this:
As you can see, the one highlighted in green turns out fine. However, the other two for some reason come out looking like they are in CMYK mode. The images are RGB and saved for web so I'm not sure what the problem might be. Can anyone help me make sense of this?
Here is the file for one of the images that come out wrong (which is strange because it comes out fine here, maybe it's a strictly WordPress issue?):
I think your comment about CMYK is a red herring. Looking at your screen shot, it appears you may have inadvertently selected the images in the window; your browser has highlighted them to show this, which gives them a slight blue overlay. Try simply reloading the page and opening that window again and see if the issue goes away.
Ive had strange things happen from images that appeared ok in windows photo viewer but when loaded into adobe fireworks the colours go wrong in a similar way.
Im assuming that the pictures display incorrectly on the 'front end' of Wordpress too, therefore i think its some weird .jpg format issue.
If you have just a few images maybe worth manually screen grab and edit screen grab if you have a viewer that works, then save out and try to re-upload to wordpress.
Or batch process the files into a different format, say bump and use a wordpress plugin like insanity that has the option to automatically convert to .jpg, to in effect clean or at least change the image format on upload.
I had the same issue- If you delete the image from wordpress, change the size of the image file to something closer to the size of the page width, that might work. It worked for me. I can't explain why that happens, but it does!
