How to handle enum while transferring service layer to business layer? -

I am using enum in my service layer. All doing good if i set value of enum vice versa i am not going to set its value than it gives me an error
Error :
The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
I have used enum in DataContract Class which will be used while database operation.
I am using WCF Services to connect with DB with the use of Data Model. In some of the method i am using enum but in some methods i am not.
DataContract Class :
public Enums.SearchType SearchType { get; set; }
Enum Declaration:
public enum SearchType
Search = 'S',
Export = 'E',
Undefined = 0
So what should i do in this case?? If anyone have any idea about this than please help me in this...
Thanx in Advance............

Ensure your enum type has a default value (0)
public SearchType
Undefined = 0,
Enums are Int32 (unless specified otherwise). default(Int32) is 0. default(Enums.SearchType) will also be 0. If 0 is not defined in the enum, data contract deserialisation will fail.


Failure to discover property with reflection

Taking the following minimal example:
type IMyInterface =
abstract member Name: string with get
let testInstance =
{ new IMyInterface with
member _.Name = "Hello Word" }
I would have naively expected a call to testInstance.GetType().GetProperties() to contain a PropertyInfo element corresponding to Name.
However, only an empty array is returned.
Using testInstance.GetType().GetProperty("Name") yields no better as it simply returns a <null> object.
More confusing still, Visual Studio 2022 IntelliSense lists Name as a valid property (as I'd expect).
How can I get a PropertyInfo corresponding to the Name property?
In F# all interface implementations are private. This means that interface methods and properties do not appear as methods and properties of the implementing class.
In C# this works a bit differently: if you define a public member that happens to match an interface member, you don't have to explicitly tell the compiler that it's meant to be the interface implementation, the compiler will map it to the interface automatically for you.
So, for example, if you write this:
class MyClass : IMyInterface {
public string Name { get; }
The C# compiler will actually compile it as this:
class MyClass : IMyInterface {
public string Name { get; }
string IMyInterface.Name { get { return this.Name; } }
(well, it's not exactly like that, but you get the idea)
But the F# compiler doesn't do that. If you want a class property in addition to the interface property, you have to roll one yourself:
type MyClass() =
member __.Name = "Hello Word"
interface IMyInterface with
member this.Name = this.Name
But if you just want the interface property, you can get it off of the interface type:
let nameProp = typeof<IMyInterface>.GetProperty("Name")
let helloWorld = nameProp.GetValue testInstance
Or, if you don't know the interface type in advance, you can get it from the object type as well:
let intf = testInstance.GetType().GetInterfaces().[0]
let nameProp = intf.GetProperty("Name")
let helloWorld = nameProp.GetValue testInstance

FromUri binding when querystring is empty

If we have the following controller action in Web API
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetRoutes(
[FromUri] MapExtentQuery extent,
[FromUri] PagingQuery paging)
class MapExtentQuery {
public int X { get;set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
class PagingQuery {
public int Skip { get; set; }
public int Top { get; set; }
and we make a GET request to /routes both parameters (extent and paging) will be null.
If the request contains at least one querystring parameter, for instance
then both complex parameters will get initialized, so in the case of the 2nd route
extent.X = 45
extent.Y = 0
paging != null (but Skip and Top will be 0 of course).
Why does the [FromUri] binder work this way? It makes little or no sense.
I would understand if it initialized only the parameter that contains a property that matched at least one of the querystring values.
The problem is, this behaviour requires us to check when parameters are null (which happens only in the case that no querystring parameter was provided) and then initiliaze them ourselves.
Because obviously those complex params might have constructors which would set some property values to default.
It is because when you do not have query string and the parameters have FromUri attribute, the parser for the query string does not run and all values are not binded - you receive null.
If you have query string, the binder runs and instantiates all FromUri parameters and primitive types with their default values and then tries to fill in the properties from the query string values. This leaves you with two instantiated parameters but only one having the populated value because that is all the query string has.
As for why it works this way - most likely performance - this way they will not need to find which parameters they need to instantiate - they instantiate all of them and then find the properties. It is faster and performance is critical in the action and model binding.

How to handle exceptions in a multi-layered ASP.NET Web Application

I have an ASP.NET Web Forms application with UI, Service layer and Repository layer.
Some of the methods in my Service Layer communicates with a Web Service, therefore I would like to wrap all the calls to the Web Methods in a Try-Catch-Finally construct.
Suppose I have the following methods in my Service Layer:
public RegistrationDetails GetRegistrationDetails(int userId)
public bool RegisterUser(UserData myUserData)
Where RegistrationDetails and myUserData are object types (classes).
My concern is the following: if I create a Try-Catch-Finally to wrap the call to the Web Service within the implementation of the methods listed above, in case there is an exception how can I return the message string if the return types are RegistrationDetails and bool?
I was thinking about adding a property to every return object but I do not know if that is a good solution. For instance instead of using bool:
public class RegisterResponse
public bool isRegistered { get; set; }
public string ExceptionMessage { get; set; }
public RegisterResponse RegisterUser(UserData myUserData)
And then check if ExceptionMessage is null or String.Empty. Is it a good approach? Thanks
1) As mentioned by IrishChieftain, bubbling the exception down to the forms is good, you will be able to respond to the exception better
2) You can also have a reference parameter as array which stores exception messages generated from the method
public bool RegisterUser(UserData myUserData, optional ref ArrayList<string> errors)
errors.Add("This error occured")
3) For Instance Object, you could have an Instance variable of ArrayList for errors and have that returned in a property
public class MyClass
private ArrayList<string> errors = new ArrayList<string>
public ArrayList<string> ExceptionMessages()
return errors;
public RegistrationDetails GetRegistrationDetails(int userId) { }
//Used like this:
MyClass c = new MyClass();
if(c.ExceptionMessages > 0)
//output errors
But I would prefer the first approach - for flexibility like output formatting
Passing raw exceptions on to your client (web forms layer) from a service could be risky. If it's a database exception, it might expose details of your database. A malicious user might call your service layer methods from their own application.
You can expect two types of exceptions on the client level:
Communication Exception (problems connecting to the service)
Server-side error (database problem, username not unique, password invalid... other business rule exceptions)
The first type should be caught in try-catch-finally in your web forms layer, but the second kind should be caught in the service layer, logged, then wrapped up in the RegisterResponse object, as you suggest. But, instead of sending Exception.Message, you might consider using an enum of expected errors (with a ServerError member to cover anything else.) You could also add an EventId to the response and log entry so that you can investigate errors.
public enum RegisterResponseError { NoError = 0, SystemError = 1,
UserNameNotUnique, PasswordInvalid, etc. }
public class RegisterResponse
public bool isRegistered { get; set; }
public RegisterResponseError ErrorCode { get; set; }
Then in your client code,
if(myRegisterResponse.ErrorCode == RegisterResponseError.NoError)
// everything was fine
// show a suitable error message for ErrorCode and display EventId (if logging)
You could return an error string from your service, but it's probably better to manage any content in your web forms layer, in case you need to localize the content or use a CMS later on.

Entity to Model and foreign key objects

I have an EF object called SportDivision. For simplicity's sake, I won't include every field, just the ones that are relevant:
[Table("SportDivision", Schema = "dbo")]
public class SportDivision: BaseReferenceEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int SportId { get; set; }
public virtual Sport Sport { get; set; }
So it has a SportId and it's a foreign key that points to the table Sport.
Now, I can't just use an EF object in my views, so I have a model class that's mapped to SportDivision called SportDivisionModel:
public class SportDivisionModel: BaseReferenceModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int SportId { get; set; }
//Read only fields
public string Sport { get; set; }
I use automapper to transfer data from SportDivision to SportDivisionModel and vice versa. The mapping looks like this:
Mapper.CreateMap<SportDivision, SportDivisionModel>()
.ForMember(x => x.Sport, c => c.MapFrom(e => e.Sport.Name));
Mapper.CreateMap<SportDivisionModel, SportDivision>();
And I have a genericized service that CRUDs and translates data from entity to model or model to entity. Everything works fine except on Create, of which the function is shown below:
public TModel Create<TModel, TEntity>(TModel entry)
where TModel : BaseReferenceModel
where TEntity : BaseReferenceEntity
var dm = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ICrudService<TEntity>>();
var raw = Mapper.Map<TModel, TEntity>(entry);
var created = dm.CreateOrUpdate(raw);
return Mapper.Map<TEntity, TModel>(dm.FindById(created.Id));
In the very last line, where you see dm.FindById(created.Id), it returns a SportDivisionModel object with no Sport name. A null reference exception is found in .ForMember(x => x.Sport, c => c.MapFrom(e => e.Sport.Name));. It didn't load Sport after the entry was just created in the database.
I've debugged the code, and I see that the entry with a valid SportId is entered into the SportDivision table of my database, but when I try and bring it over to my MVC application, it doesn't get all the information.
This only is an issue on create. If I simply get data from the database without creating it beforehand, or if I edit the information, then the Sport field in my model object does get populated. I don't know why this is happening, and I can't use the .Include in my generic service call (because not all BaseReferenceEntity classes have a foreign key pointing to Sport).
Please advise. Thanks in advance.
I must play Sherlock Holmes and try to derive what could be the content of CreateOrUpdate and FindById from the indications in your question:
You say that you don't use Include because of the generic service. I assume that you also don't use explicit loading (Load) because you would face the same problem that you cannot really make it generic.
Conclusion: Because the Sport navigation property in the SportDivision gets loaded in certain scenarios (Edit) this can only happen due to lazy loading. The conclusion is backed by the fact that the Sport property is marked as virtual.
Lazy loading relies on proxies. If your SportDivision entity is a proxy then
either loading the Sport entity works
or you get an exception telling you that the context is already disposed (if you have disposed the context)
Number 2 is not the case -> Conclusion: Number 1 must be the case if the pre-condition is fulfilled
But Number 1 also isn't the case (loading Sport does not work)
Conclusion: The pre-condition that your SportDivision entity is a proxy is not true.
So: SportDivision is not a proxy. Could this mean that you have lazy loading in the context disabled? No: Because you are saying that editing works it means that when you load entities from the database they are loaded as proxies and support lazy loading.
Editing works, lazy loading isn't disabled but creating a new entity does not work in the way that the Sport entity is loaded when you proceed to use the newly created entity.
Conclusion: Your newly created entity (returned from CreateOrUpdate) is not a proxy and CreateOrUpdate looks similar to this:
public TEntity CreateOrUpdate(TEntity raw) where TEntity : class
if (blabla)
; //update
return raw;
and FindById is just:
public TEntity FindById(int id)
return context.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
Since you are passing raw directly into the Add method of the DbSet<T> the question raises where does raw come from and how is it created.
Obviously AutoMapper creates the entity after this line: var raw = Mapper.Map<TModel, TEntity>(entry);
How does Automapper create an entity? Probably by calling new TEntity or by using some reflection code like Activator.CreateInstance or...
It doesn't really matter how, but for sure AutoMapper doesn't instantiate an Entity Framework proxy which had to be created by:
var entity = context.Set<TEntity>().Create();
If all this is true, I feel totally screwed by AutoMapper and generic excesses. If all this wouldn't be generic we could solve the problem by:
context.Entry(raw).Reference(r => r.Sport).Load();
Instead we must try some ugly tricks now:
context.Entry(raw).State = EntityState.Detached;
// We hope that raw is now really out of the context
raw = context.Set<TEntity>().Find(raw.Id);
// raw must be materialized as a new object -> Hurray! We have a proxy!
return raw;
(I'm really not sure if the Detached trick above does work. Aside from that you are forced to reload an entity from the database you just have created and saved which is stupid somehow.)
Potential trick number 2 (without reloading from DB but for the price of being a further step more ugly):
context.Entry(raw).State = EntityState.Detached;
// We hope that raw is now really out of the context
var anotherRaw = context.Set<TEntity>().Create(); // Proxy!
anotherRaw.Id = raw.Id;
context.Entry(anotherRaw).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
return anotherRaw; // Proxy! Lazy loading will work!
Does AutoMapper have a feature of a "custom allocator or instantiator" and can custom user data (a context) be supplied? Then there would be a chance to let AutoMapper call context.Set<TEntity>().Create();. Or is it possible to instantiate the object by hand, pass it to AutoMapper and AutoMapper just updates the object's properties?
BTW: The line...
context.Entry(anotherRaw).CurrentValues.SetValues(raw); kind of EF's built-in "AutoMapper". The parameter of SetValues is a general System.Object (could be your ...Model object) and the method maps property values from the supplied object to properties of attached entities by identical property names. Maybe you can leverage this feature somehow instead of using the mapping from model to entity done by AutoMapper.

ASP.Net ModelState Automatic Error for Enum List

I have a class like this
public class MyClass
public MyClass()
Enumlist = new List<MyEnum>();
public virtual List<MyEnum> Enumlist { get; set; }
and the enum is
public enum MyEnum
but in my view i keep having this eror
"The value 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyEnum]' is not valid for Enumlist"
I did not specify any validation attribute for the property EnumList, so i don't why the automatic error.
Please, can someone help with this?
In Asp.Net MVC 2 it is a default behaviour of DataBinding. If you have a Date field in your model it will automatically add validation error when the binding fails for the date. Same is true for enum.
I do not know if a list of an enum type is illegal in ASP.Net MVC but i solved this problem by using enum flag attribute and bit operations on the enum to combine the enum values.
This article ( on codeproject could help anyone having this same problem.
Happy coding.
