Title + inline image upload (BLOB) portlet for Plone - plone

Are there any existing add-ons which would provide the functionality
Upload image from local computer (blob)
Add some title
Add some link
This functionality can be achieved via Static Text portlet and separate image uploads, but this causes great headache usability wise. We want inline uploads.

The addon collective.quickupload do the job to let you upload multiple files and images and set title of each one of them.
But I guess I miss understood the question because you already know this addon right ?

Sounds like a great opportunity to extend the static text portlet!

There is now add-on on its way:


Where to change css code to adapt font-size and button sizes in buildfire app to customize styling as desired?

I have a query concerning changing css for buidfire app.
In specific to adapt the css for the buildfire feature "free text questionnaire" in the marketplace.
Need to adapt font size (to be smaller), the col of the query text and the buttons for answering and next or previous to be smaller.
Can someone pls kindly help where to find the relevant CSS document?
I have already downloaded the sdk on GitHub.
But we don't need to develop a new plugin, only need the relevant CSS for the free text questionnaire feature to adapt those 3 things.
In one video "how to use custom widget" there you have directly the view to see those 3 possibilities for HTML view, CSS view and JavaScript in the control panel and next to it directly the results in the widget.
Where can get this custom widget?
If it´s not possible with this custom widget which css file is the relevant one in the sdk buildfire js plugin?? There are several css documents shown.
Which is relevant for customize font-size, button size??
Thank you very much for your kind help!
Kind regards,
I believe this the custom plugin you are looking for
However, not sure how would that help you since the free text questionnaire plugin is not an open source plugin so you cannot make changes to it and the custom plugin is just another plugin

What will happen to my content if i switch from elementor to simple editor?

Want to switch my elementor builder interface in simple editor like old Html one on my website tellthebell* as my site load's slowly due to this builder. want to know if my content will be loss or just the design will change?
Or suggest something that might help my loading time of site.
Yes agreed with the #cengiz sevimli Not only design will be lost also the content can be deleted. However if you have added any posts it will be saved at backend and you can add it up again from there in the new design.
well, a simple and easiest trick to do is save your content (Manually save in word doc) by pressing ctrl+A then switch to the old mode of HTML, if you lose your design/ interface..try editing or adding content that you already saved...Also, you can change your theme and again use the same content, etc.. it works very well you just need to be little tricky :P
Frist, you need to perform speed optimization for your website. It will help to load your website as soon as possible.
You can use Autoptimize and WP Rocket Plugin to boost the speed of your website.
Second, if you will switch your website from elementor to another builder you will lose complete design. After that, you need to redesign your website.
For check the speed of your website use : https://gtmetrix.com
If you change your builder, you may end up losing your designs. However you can try backing up your builder's raw code by pressing "Use Default Editor" like:

How to add insert tab to the insert/edit image plugin in the tinyMCE to insert image from the desktop?

I am using TinyMCE plugin, but for the insert/edit image plugin, it doesn't allow me to add an image from the desktop.
I don't want image to upload on the server but want to display in the editor, so i want to add an image insert in the insert/image plugin.
How can i achive this.
While this thing can be done in the on line tinyMCE editor's demo.
please help me with this, please gimme some guide lines or credible links to achieve this.
If you're looking for a cost-free way to upload files from your own computer (which I assume is what you mean by desktop) you can use http://www.phpletter.com/Demo/Tinymce-Ajax-File-Manager/ to achieve this. I have successfully integrated this in my own envirnonment almost hassle-free (which any other free plugin couldn't achieve ;)). Their own solution is propietary (I think), but Ajax File Manager works just as good.
I use it for PHP but I think supports ASP also.
EDIT: Looks like it doesn't support ASP after all :|

Multiple file upload with preview

Is there any good control or plug-in for uploading multiple photos with preview? As far as I understand it is impossible to preview photo on local computer using just JavaScript. So it has to use Flash or Java.
Thanks, also, I use ASP.NET.
Wait, do you mean show it in a browser window before starting the upload? So does the file have a URI? (Hint: file:///c/users/public/somefile.png is a URI) You can always just link it into an image tag on their browser session.
Now, will a browser let you link a file:/// for image? That I've not tried, but you should; at least you'll learn something from it when you do try.
But using this, there's no reason you can't use a lightbox style image viewer with the local URI.
You could also make use of silverlight 4. If you're looking for something already written you might try using the upload control from gallery which much require some hackery or if you have money to burn then telerik have an upload control but I don't believe it supports previews. This http://www.aurigma.com/Products/ImageUploader/ also looks nifty.

asp.net image upload control (bonus - allows users to crop image before saving)

We have a scenario where we would like to allow our users to upload images to the site. We are running on ASP.Net.
A quick search did not result in anything good. It would be great if the control is free/open source but we do not mind paying a little bit.
I highly reccomend Jcrop.
I've posted an article on how to use JCrop and image resizing to let users crop and resize dynamically. The example uses about 11 lines of javascript, and you can add 2 or 3 lines of C# to save the dynamically generated image to disk.
If you download the imageresizing.net module, you can take a look at a sample project that uploads and resizes/crops. (Located in Samples\ComplexWebApplication)
File uploading is the easy part - there are lots of options if you want to upload multiple files... This SO article lists several.
The following links give the idea for this:
Now, You can customize fileupload control.
