image upload control (bonus - allows users to crop image before saving) -

We have a scenario where we would like to allow our users to upload images to the site. We are running on ASP.Net.
A quick search did not result in anything good. It would be great if the control is free/open source but we do not mind paying a little bit.

I highly reccomend Jcrop.
I've posted an article on how to use JCrop and image resizing to let users crop and resize dynamically. The example uses about 11 lines of javascript, and you can add 2 or 3 lines of C# to save the dynamically generated image to disk.
If you download the module, you can take a look at a sample project that uploads and resizes/crops. (Located in Samples\ComplexWebApplication)
File uploading is the easy part - there are lots of options if you want to upload multiple files... This SO article lists several.

The following links give the idea for this:
Now, You can customize fileupload control.


Title + inline image upload (BLOB) portlet for Plone

Are there any existing add-ons which would provide the functionality
Upload image from local computer (blob)
Add some title
Add some link
This functionality can be achieved via Static Text portlet and separate image uploads, but this causes great headache usability wise. We want inline uploads.
The addon collective.quickupload do the job to let you upload multiple files and images and set title of each one of them.
But I guess I miss understood the question because you already know this addon right ?
Sounds like a great opportunity to extend the static text portlet!
There is now add-on on its way:

How to browse image make it appear in Image control

My Scenario,
I'm using Visual Studio 2005. In my website Page I'm trying to browse a image and display in image control and then i need to insert to Database, But I'm Unable to bring the image to control.
1.Browse image
2.View in the control and then insert in Database.
This What I want and I'm searching for code.
This is difficult to do on the client side without sending the image to the server at all without using a technology like Flash to display the preview of the image before uploading it.
If you wish to use Flash, then there is a donationware component called Agile Uploader that even has a jQuery plugin available that allows you to display a preview of the image wherever you like before uploading, as well as being able to resize the image on the client side first, so you don't have users uploading massive files. It's well worth a look.

How to edit images using javascript in real time and save the edited image on the server?

Is it possible to edit images using a javascript library and then send the edited image to the server for saving.
Edits will be in real time, means the user can see the edit result in the same time he is editing without the need to refresh the page.
I want a javascript library to do some edits on an image on a webpage 'such as crop, resize, rotate,...' and send send the edited result to the server.
How this can be done or if there any smart work around to something like this.
The libraries mentioned don't seem to be fully cross browser. As far as I know there is no fully cross browser compliant way to edit pixel data on the client.
The current best approach would be to do these manipulations on the server. You can still do this real time using a web service.
As an example see the image editor in TinyMCE which supports crop, rotate, resize, flip, all from the client without a page refresh.
Pixastic is an image manipulation library; once you've modified the image, some sort of post back / upload call from the script will be able to upload the image provided you've implemented the needed functionality to do so.
An incomplete list to be sure, but these are two that come to mind which allow you do a wide variety of editing on the client side and push back to the server.
And there are numerous less complete image editing tools for simply cropping or adjusting contrast as well.
jcrop is what you are looking for .

Multiple file upload with preview

Is there any good control or plug-in for uploading multiple photos with preview? As far as I understand it is impossible to preview photo on local computer using just JavaScript. So it has to use Flash or Java.
Thanks, also, I use ASP.NET.
Wait, do you mean show it in a browser window before starting the upload? So does the file have a URI? (Hint: file:///c/users/public/somefile.png is a URI) You can always just link it into an image tag on their browser session.
Now, will a browser let you link a file:/// for image? That I've not tried, but you should; at least you'll learn something from it when you do try.
But using this, there's no reason you can't use a lightbox style image viewer with the local URI.
You could also make use of silverlight 4. If you're looking for something already written you might try using the upload control from gallery which much require some hackery or if you have money to burn then telerik have an upload control but I don't believe it supports previews. This also looks nifty.

How to create Multiple images with hyperlinks

I have a psd image with me. This image has been created combining multiple images. I want that each of this multiple images must have a seperate alt tag and a hyperlink. When the user clicks on it, he/she should be taken to the that url.
How can I do it. Please suggest me all options like open source or online tools etc.
Take a look here: Medialab's SiteGrinder. This is a PS plugin which transforms your PSD into a working webpage, I use it for prototyping and to figure out px distances and such, there are services out there too, but have a look at this tutorial too.
Hope they help.
