integrate WordPress blog into MVC3 website - wordpress

I have a website built in MVC3.
I want to integrate a wordpress blog so users are able to still enter blogs using this but shows on the MVC site. Is this possible?

WP should run fine and independently if you just stick it in /blog folder in your web root. Just make sure your server is configured to not-rewrite actual files and directories to your framework, which is most of the time default.


Integrate PeachPie Wordpress to existing .net core app

I have successfully integrated peachpie wordpress into an ASP.Net Core 6 Web application. But the problem now is, due to routing the current website is not accessible and instead showing the wordpress site as the entry point of the website. I want to move this entire wordpress under a subfolder, may be "content".
I have added some mapping like
app.Map(new PathString("/content"), wordpressApp => { wordpressApp.UseWordPress(); })
This help to access the main website and wordpress (under /Content) separately. But the problem is only wordpress home page is working. The links from wordpress home page and wp-admin etc, are not working due to routing issue.
Can anyone help to fix this issue. Need to access both existing core web app and wordpress simultaneously.

Web application in Wordpress URI

Is it possible a especific URI in Wordpress call an web application (Example: https://mywebsite/my-application) and the rest of the site keep working as a ordinary wordpress?
If it is possible, how can i do it?
I have found no clue in anothers forums so far.
You just need to create the folder my-application at the root of the WP install, and put your application inside this forlder.

All my Kentico live sites 404 and the previews do as well

I created a site in Kentico 12 and using the live viewer was working fine. Now its started 404ing every time I try to go to the site either by the URL: localhost:8080/Kentico12_[sitename] or by viewing the site through the live site feature. I a new site and it does the same thing. Additionally, page preview 404s as well. I have tried changing domain alias' and URL patterns but it doesn't seem to work. If anyone has a solution or some useful documentation to point mee toward that would be appreciated.
I can get into the back end of the site no problem by going to http:localhost8080:/Kentico12_Admin
I can reinstall Kentico 12 if needed but would rather avoid that.
Reinstalling is not the answer. Make sure you have the site properly setup in IIS first. A simple setup is to set the root of the site in IIS to the root of your MVC site. Then under that main site, create a virtual application and set that to the root of the CMS directory and call that virtual application "cms".
Then navigate to localhost/cms and you should be directed to the Kentico login page. Once you've logged into the Admin interface, update your site's domains. The Site domain name should be localhost/cms. The Presentation URL should be http://localhost.
If after you've made those changes and you're still getting 404's we'll have to look into other possible issues maybe in your web.config.

Wordpress site is overlapped with another site

Good day!
I have a problem with my site. I have used wordpress as my cms on plesk. Now, I have accidentally pressed 'publish site' on the prensence builder in plesk after which, my wordpress site is overlapped with the site that has been made using presence builder in plesk. I have no idea on how to get my wordpress site back. How can i disable the ones on the presence builder? Can I get my wordpress site back without installing it back? I really want my wordpress site back. Thanks in advance.
SiteBuilder's publish button copy SB's site files into web root folder of your domain, for example /httpdocs/
And sitebuilder's index.html just overlaps WordPess's index.php.
So you can just rename /httpdocs/index.html in to something like /httpdocs/index-sitebuilder.html and you should see now your WordPress site.

Map domain to a subdirectory of another domain

Our main site ( is hosted internally on IIS/ASP.NET servers but we've recently created a blog, which is hosted externally on a Linux/Apache configuration (
At the moment, we've managed to map the blog to a subdomain of our main site (, but we would prefer it to be mapped to a subdirectory ( instead.
Is this possible and, if so, how can it be done?
Well this depends, but let me consider your blog is been developed on PHP.
Mainly you need to do the following :
Install PHP on you Windows box.
Configure and active PHP in IIS.
Create a folder in you website maybe you call it blog.
From the IIS turn this folder to an App.
Well and that's it.
Note: Am not sure what platform you are running in your blog but basically the main idea is to configure the windows box to run the other site and if it is php you would find many examples about that.
If you have another web server (Apache) behind the blog site, the only way is a redirect from to the other web server. You can also use a frame containing the blog site (which is located under another address) so the user doesn't see the other address in the address bar of his/her browser.
